Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is Wentzville Leaderless?

The long awaited retreat is over and I've refrained reporting anything until I had the opportunity to review the video. Unfortunately, the portion I was most interested in seeing isn't online; Friday's meeting, May 18th. The reason I wanted to see this particular section of the meeting is because it contains the Mayor's vision and direction for the City. For the past ten months I've been trying to get a handle on what our Mayor wants to do with Wentzville but I'm beginning to believe I'm using the wrong preposition, voters and I assume it's "with Wentzville," I'm thinking now that it's actually; "to Wentzville."

According to eye witnesses, Mayor Guccione read from a written script rather than orate his goals. I've been trying to figure out why he just didn't talk about his directives rather than read them and the only thing I can come up with is that he doesn't have a direction for the City. This is consistent with his time on the Board of Aldermen, he didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say. I really wonder why he ran for Mayor?

I watched approximately four hours of Saturday's meeting and through the tedium, Mayor Guccione said nothing. Other than scratch, cough, and drink from a water bottle, he might as well not have been there. Once again, Alderman Rick Stokes led the meeting. I know that they would still be there if they'd relied on Guccione to run the meeting but it's a disappointment that Stokes and the other four Aldermen are not letting our Mayor fail at his fought-for position.

I'll be at the meeting tonight and eager to see our Mayor leading the charge, I can only hope the Aldermen let him do the job he thought he wanted. We're coming up on two months since the election and there's nothing positive to report on regarding Mayor Guccione. Sooner or later he's going to have to take the lead at City meetings, Wentzville can't be leaderless for four years.

I've heard that Mayor Guccione is focusing more on the election of 2013 than his duties as Mayor. His fan club is busy behind the scenes trying to make sure that he gets three of his zombies elected. I will do my best to expose his recruits and hope Wentzville voters are interested in preserving a competent and rational Board of Aldermen. I suggest to the Aldermen up for re-election; take Guccione's intent to replace them seriously.

Hopefully, I'll have things to report on tomorrow about tonight's meeting. Hopefully, our Mayor steps up and does the things he was elected to do. And hopefully, Wentzville won't suffer due to the lack of a leader!

1 comment:

  1. Why is Alderman Stokes so involved in running the meetings? Let Nick do his job. If he's incapable of running a simple meeting, let him make a fool of himself. Nick had months to prepare. He has no excuse.
