Thursday, August 18, 2011

Show Us You've Got A Pair!

It seems a little early but our elected officials are gearing up for the April 2012 election. "Politicizing" has become—"the word of the day"—used often in recent board meetings by Mayor Lambi and retorted by incensed Aldermen in rebuttal of his agenda seeking accusations. It is obvious that our mayor is not making any friends in city hall and the word on the streets of Wentzville is that he's not making many friends there either. Lambi is alienating more of his friends and followers everyday. I have yet to be in a small business, barbershop, or other public place where his name was spoken with affection.

The aldermen whose terms will up for reelection are: Leon Tow, Ward 1; Vann Samples Ward 2; and Rick Stokes, Ward 3. Of those, Tow has already announced his bid for Mayor, Stokes is likely to run for a second term, and Samples status is unknown at this time, it has been said that he most probably would not run again. For Mayor, the known candidates at this time are: Alderman Leon Tow,Ward 1; and Alderman Nick Guccione, Ward 3. Where incumbent Lambi is concerned; he made an anouncement at a local meeting several months ago that he was running, since that time there have been conflicting reports. It is known that his popularity is at an all-time low and many of his financial supporters have pulled their funding to give it to one of his opponents. As a personal commentary I would like to add: with the mood and unified determination of the current aldermen, if he runs and is somehow reelected, it will be the most miserable four years ever experienced in his political career. Lambi, just as his predecessor Vickie Bodecker, has lost touch with the needs and wants of the people who elected him.

The election of 2012 is going to be complicated. In the Aldermanic elections, if Vann Samples, who has a good record as alderman decides not to run, it will leave a vacancy that could create havoc on the board. "Lurch" (Bill Schuette) like a shark will smell the blood and may seek to get back involved and once again bring lunacy to the city. A definite candidate for Ward 2 will be the ever-present Donna Sherwood who doesn't know the meaning of the term: "three strikes and your out." Unfortunately, "Lurch," who doesn't know it either, does know that anyone running against her would be virtually unopposed . Hopefully, the machine will find a candidate to fill Samples vacated seat. Another potential problem is if Tow wins, or loses his bid for Mayor, his Ward 1 seat will given up to anyone wanting to seek office. I hope Brian Brinkly doesn't get wind of it because if he does, he'd jump on it like flies on a manure truck. If by some strange happenstance he should get reelected someone needs to tell him to get a new sombrero to wear at board meetings.

One thing that could be positive about the mayoral election is if Guccione should win, he would be in a position to nominate someone to finish out his vacated seat. There has been talk about Darrel Lackey being the appointee. Lackey, a two-term mayor is known for his "no nonsense" approach and would be a great addition to this board. Lackey has been asked about running for office since he left but has always declined. This time would be different, no campaigning, no hassle, just be approved by the board and serve out the last year of Guccione's term. That would be a win-win situation for him and the city. I urge anyone who knows Darrel (and that's most of the town) talk to him about filling the vacated seat. It would be an enormous advantage for the relatively inexperienced aldermen to have his expertise and knowledge of the city back on board. Especially if Tow loses and his 30 plus years is no longer serving the city. Come on Darrel, show us you've got a pair, Wentzville needs you!

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