Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Are These the Good-Old Days?

Coming back after a month-long absence has left me with more questions than answers about some of the strange things going on in city government. But, there are some extreme constants sitting on the board of aldermen, and one of them is my appointed anointed elected official; Alderman Michael Hays. Another remarkably predictable individual is Mayor Nickolas Guccione, he illustrates each day just how far under water he really is. These two gentlemen are frightening because their total lack of knowledge of government and non-engagement in governmental matters leaves Wentzville  crippled at the highest levels. Then there's Aldermen Cheryl Kross and Sonya Shryock, They are the complete opposite. Their actions and reactions are so random and unpredictable that they have become dangerous, as illustrated by their drive to remove the city attorney, audit firm, and attack aggression toward our chief of police. Their actions will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in the coming years.
Hays and Guccione are so close and so much alike they could be Siamese-twins. In five years of sitting on the board, Alderman Nickolas Guccione had absolutely no initiatives, and introduced nothing. As mayor for two years, his claim to fame is a double-fine zone experiment and getting the ethic's policy brought back to allow him to take private donations so he can bring more than one basket to the Mayor's Ball. The policy which may will be repealed is what Mayor Paul Lambi plead guilty to, and was consequently fined by the Missouri Ethics Commission.

If Guccione were to put as much effort into bringing city facilities up to code, or making this a Charter City, or fixing employee morale, Wentzville could be a model for the county, instead a lack of humility drives him to seek more stuff to bring to the Mayor's Ball. Feel-good things, these are what our mayor is all about. Budgets, personnel problems, and legal matters are boring, uninspiring, and so fraught with political pitfalls that he steers clear. So, with seven years of pseudo government under his belt, Guccione has put Wentzville on a "double-fine zone" road that leads to his idea of Candyland, where he will go skipping along with his arms full of baskets to the Mayor's Ball. He wants this blog off of his back, but as long as he ignores the business of the city and indulges himself in feel-good legislation, The Wentzvillian will be here to "rat him out."
Then there's Hays. This gentleman spent ump-teen years on the Planning and Zoning board doing exactly the same thing he has done for the past year on the board of aldermen ... sleep nothing, but stare blankly at his computer screen. He reminds me of one of those iguanas that sits so still you start wondering if he's breathing, I find myself watching to see if his tongue flicks in and out. This is precisely what his benefactor, Guccione did when he sat in that exact same seat ... sleep nothing. Anytime Hays adds anything to a discussion it's to parrot what someone else already said—don't believe me, just watch him.
Hatred and misguided revenge describe best what drives Aldermen Kross and Shryock. Rather than trying getting down to the business of the city, they have focused on upsetting the balance of power in opposing the President of the Board, Rick Stokes. Kross is especially baffling with her voting record, no one knows where she stands, but nine out of ten times when there's a 5-1 vote, she is the dissenter. Last week during the regular board of alderman meeting she was the only one to vote "Nay" to accepting our newest (full-time employee) City Administrator, Mr. Robert J. Bartolotta. Her vote came with the pregnant pause that she has been using with annoying frequently—is she truly just making up her mind at that moment? How is it that Mrs. Kross knows more than the rest of the board, consistently? Some pundits are forecasting that if she continues with her erratic method of legislating into the coming year, her base could diminish significantly making it difficult for her to be re-elected in 2015.
By the way, when our illustrious leader, Mayor Nickolas Guccione attempted to read Mr. Bartolotta's name, he stumbled over it all three times and never once got it right. His inability to read the name was nothing compared to the total embarrassment felt for our city when he floundered read a proclamation presented to our Timberland Wolves soccer team after they won second place in the state. Go Wolves! For two years the city has watched Guccione stumble, bumble, and fumble while reading out loud, in public. He should have given it to one of the teenagers being honored and asked them to read it for him. I hate to give him any good ideas, but if he were to let one of the aldermen read the proclamations, it might make Wentzville look better.

Now we come to Shryock, she is running on pure emotion due to her hatred of Stokes and Chief of Police, Lisa Harrison. Surely, she knows she made a huge mistake running for office—illuminated by her withdrawal from the election roll. It's uncertain how she is going to respond backing out of the election, some think she'll throw support via money or campaigning for the long-shot against Stokes, Linda Wright. Others say she cut a deal with Wright and Guccione—support for assistance in getting certain grace with the city. It is a known fact that Shryock and Wright are having conversations, they don't hide it very well.  For myself, I'm really not sure, but I am almost certain that from the dais she is going to publicly trash Stokes and Forrest Gossett—a classless act atributed to only the most petty and hate-driven politicians. Chris Gard may be spared, we'll see.

Shryock is may be going on a witch-hunt to find the phantom who is leaking information to the press from executive session meetings. She's alluded to the her fact that the snitch is Stokes and she may wants him to pay for perceived crimes against the city. I would state under oath that no alderman has given confidential information to The Wentzvillian, wittingly. Carefully worded questions asked of the appropriate individual and a little deductive reasoning is all you need to get the answer you seek. Most people are terrible liars. If she hunts too hard she may find that it was she who divulged the secret location of the new city hall; confidential information that was taken from executive session to The Wentzvillian. The only thing I can say is; when you're in the public eye, quit doing things you shouldn't be doing and maybe no one will find out!

There will probably be very little city business spoken about by Shryock in her last two months on the board, she will could easily spend her remaining days in public office being Guccione's zombie. Guided by the master of trash and Mayor of Candyland, she will could be resorting to his slash and trash tactics for which he has become so famous, he won't get his hands dirty. She needs to talk with some of his past political associates to find out that he blames others and feels no remorse when he throws them under the bus, but she knows that. Shryock will could be doing the dirty work and letting Guccione make a fool of her in the process. I'm sorry for that once "cute little mom" that brought sensitivity to the board, she is showing that politics has the effect of change, even on the nicest of people who get too deeply involved. Shryock entered the political arena for the wrong reasons—personal. Her hope for greatness was thwarted by the gleam in her eye, now it's misguided revenge—in the end nothing will change, no one will benefit, and Wentzville will lose. I would hope she shows good judgment and bows out of political life gracefully and just say "no" to helping Guccione in his quest to destroy any rationality in Wentzville.

I seriously doubt the day will come when Guccione, Hays, Kross, or Shryock are no longer in office that they will have a warm and fuzzy feeling about the time they wasted spent in politics. I know of only a handful of mayors and/or aldermen, even the good ones, who remember their time in Wentzville politics fondly. These are not the good-old days.


  1. Kross should be disappointed that Shryock is leaving because, according to the polls, that would give Kross sole possession of the worst job performance on the board.

  2. i'm betting that sonya is going to get real nasty with stokes, and will campaign as dirty as gooch wants her to for linda. sad but true, she really hates stokes and will be against him to her last breath. she's going out fighting.

    1. It is unfortunate to hear what we hear these days about 'Our Town' politics, Whether we go for coffee, a bagel, car repair, grocery shopping etc. in town there seems to be a conversation about the little boys and little girls, -- Nick, Sonya, Robert, Mikey and the other kids are called-- who are acting like nothing more than 7 year olds kicking sand in the playground because they are not getting their way in the City. Their immature and childish behavior is doing nothing more than making them an embarrassment to the residents of the city and the neighboring cities. Mr. Mayor and Sonya in particular are carrying on a grudge match and vendetta in their actions that will be their ultimate downfall not just in politics but also in their personal lives with their families.
      Please stop this nonsense and abusive behavior and show that you care about this city and all those people around you,

  3. Someone told me that Guccione is unhappy that he didn't have time to get a candidate of his choice when Shryock unexpectedly dropped out of the race. He is not happy that Vining and Rhodes may be too smart to fall for his rope-a-dope politics. It is going to be difficult for him to suck them into his way of lack-leading the city.

    When the subject of the city comes up in conversations with my friends they are asking the same question, "What has happened to Cheryl Kross?" She has gotten different with her casual aquaintences too. What is she afraid of? She may be coming to the autumn of her political career in Wentzville. And to be frank, I'm not sure she was ever as good an alderman as people thought. I'm thinking that they felt sorry for her because of the way she was mistreated by Mayor Lambi. When Rick Stokes was elected he freed her from Lambi's shackles and the real Cheryl Kross came out. She owes Stokes but now she hates him, that seems wrong.

  4. Kross is quiet now that she allowed herself to get sucked in with the mayor and Shryock and possiible legal problems with the St. Charles Prosecuting Attorney's investigation. It was once said that Kross was at the peak of her political & professional career. Her vindictive, nick picking nonsense this last year has severely ruined her reputation & political future. Her voting record speaks for itself and will soon be released to the general public. She has no place to hide. When the report is release two phrases will not be synonymous: Wentzville Growth & Development compared to Alderman Kross' Voting Record.

  5. It will be interesting to see if Ms. Shryock exits her term as Ward 2 Alderman with grace, style and class or a snooty self effacing kid who now has to show her true colors by tearing down the city for one last hoorah to satisfy her warped and twisted ego. Will she go out in class or leave looking like a braying donkey.? However she leaves she will have left her mark behind for everyone to see and remember, one way or another.
