Monday, September 10, 2012

You Can Tell An Idiot...

I'm going to do my best to explain a situation that took place in city hall a couple of weeks ago without getting overheated. Normally, I wouldn't care one way or another about seating arrangements or assigned work stations in city hall but in this case I need to make an exception.

As everyone knows, Wentzville has been without a City Administrator for the better part of a year and Finance Director, Dennis Walsh has filled in during that time. Last Wednesday, an interim City Administrator was selected and he will be unveiled at this Wednesday's meeting of September 12th. In preparation of his coming, Mayor Nick Guccione made an executive decision about how best to prepare his new accommodations.

Five Wentzville Mayors, spanning thirty-five years have had an office in the current facility. Since the mayor position is a part-time job and the office is mainly used for signing documents, making a phone call or two, and the occassional spanking of a rowdy employee, it accommodated the needs of the mayor quite handily. It is situated just directly behind chambers, next door to the mayor's assistant and other essential clericals who may be neccessary for the support of the mayor's office. The office contains a desk, credenza, small conference table, and the many assorted plaques, photographs, and a few personal items—more than enough room and amenities for any part-time mayor to accomplish his or her duties.

Just to the east of the Mayor's office is the office of the City Administrator. It is larger with corner windows, bookcases, file cabinets, a larger conference table and numerous chairs for staff, All in all, an impressive and perhaps somewhat intimidating setting to vendors or complainants. This is a working office with enough amenities to tell anyone entering; it's occupant is important and in charge. In Mayor Gucciones infinite wisdom, he believes that he needs this office and let the day-to-day city administrator cope with a more humble setting, so he switched offices—the new king has a new thrown room befitting his stature and regal ego-driven authority.

I can think of no other reason for this illogical action other than ego! Our fat-head of a mayor isn't concerned with the assessments of his predecessors, by allowing the city administrator space to conduct everyday business of the city. The city administrator runs the city and puts in more hours a day in city hall than the mayor spends there in a month.

As you may, or may not know, I have issues with this mayor and not usually surprised by his frequent screw-ups but I didn't see this one coming. He believes that his job is so important to the city that he's willing to sacrifice the ability of his city administrator to conduct the business of the city. I used to call the previous mayor "The All Mighty Potentate," but Guccione is putting him to shame in his drive for power to fit his ego. I say to Mayor Guccione: You are a joke! You have no idea what a mayor does or the image one needs to put forth.

You can tell an idiot, but you can't tell him much.


  1. A new office is only an interim solution to Mayor Guccione's needs (ego). Only a new city hall can provide a proper office for our Mayor. And, Mayor G will want that proper office.

  2. The big G cannot see the big picture, His sociopath-like ego will be his downfall. It's unfortunate but, aldermen and mayors around the county are laughing at him (and Wentzville) behind his back. His persona is a black-eye on the face of our city.

    It's buzzing around the city employees that he is going to appoint ex-Alderman of Ward 3, John Luby to fill the vacancy. Two peas in a pod when it comes to accomplishments in city hall.
