Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Election 2013...Already?

I received an email from an anonymous person who only goes by the handle; "The Mole." I have posted a number of his/her comments on this blog over the months and he/she has made some insightful observations that I want to share with you:

The Wentzvillian:

"It is a known fact that Nick Guccione has done his best to manipulate every election for the five years he has been in office. In the past election, besides pressing the truth to voters for his own election, he put great effort into ousting our strongest Alderman Rick Stokes and in addition, put his troupe of conspirators in all of the wards.

Let it be known: His conspiracy to dominate the election of 2013 is in high gear. His number one target is Ward 1 Alderman Cheryl Kross. He is hoping that Chris Gard, Alderman Ward 2, will win his try at becoming State Representative and leave another vacancy. He fully intends to mount a strong campaign against Kross and Gard and will do anything unethical or even illegal to accomplish getting three of his candidates to equalize the current Board of Aldermen.

Alderman Kross needs to start now if she wants to overcome the barragee of lies, ethics violations, and vicious attacks to be made by Guccione's goons. Of course as always, he will make every effort toward plausible denyability. Mark my words, Guccione's fingerprints will be all over the coming election. Beware!"
—The Mole

I know that Guccione and two others are making contacts for candidates to run in all of the wards in the Wentzville 2013 election. I agree with "The Mole" that Alderman Kross needs to strengthen her hold on the voters by doing exactly what she has been doing—implimenting the will of her constituents. I will be digging around to obtain the names of those recruited by Guccione and divulge this information to my readers as soon as they are known.

Should Alderman Gard win his bid for State Representative, I hope he supports a candidate to fill his vacated seat. Gard is an honorable, hard-working Alderman for his ward 2 constituents and an asset to his seat, he has earned the respect of our city through his work here. I think he would make an outstanding State Representative, but if he leaves there will be a huge void left to fill. Please don't let Guccione put a moron to take your place!

1 comment:

  1. So what if the Gooch is going after Gard/Kross seats - who would think any different. When comparing voting records there is not much difference between this board and board of other years except this bunch likes to hear themselves talk and talk and talk. Wentzvillian lead us residents to believe changes were coming to city hall - please tell us when. Only change is longer meetings. Here is my take - Kross - love her - no new taxes - Gard - still present in body but has left the city's house and looking beyond. Stokes - strongest city leader but start making those hard decisions. Shryock - not sure yet - Gosset - specializes in talk voting record does not match

    Last year I was at meetings on employee benefits and I pay $651 a month for me and my wife while on SS and medicare. My city taxes give city employees free health care, retirement - when is this free ride going to stop - i saw this for next meeting and i am going to hear first hand.

    Wentzvillian you tell me when does this board stop talking and start voting on saving my money or is it Gooch is the person for our city
