Thursday, November 17, 2011

"It's Only a Hundred Thousand Dollars"

Wednesday evening's Board of Aldermen meeting was standing room only, several citizens were even listening to the proceedings from the vestibule. Knowing that the city was going to have the "first reading" of the 2012 budget, I was extremely encouraged to see so many concerned citizens in attendance. The poor shell-of-a-mayor leading the meeting has definitely lost it, our illustrious, high-of-high, all mighty potentate, Mayor Lambi opened by stating: "It is the 16th of December 20,012," But then he corrected himself after everyone was looking at him with furrowed brows, "I mean it's the 16th of November 20,012." The frowns continued even after he stumbled toward steering the meeting back into the 21st century, but everyone there probably agreed that he needs a (permanent) vacation.

To my dismay, the crowd wasn't there to hear about the budget, they were assembled to support revising the pit-bull ordinance. As much as I love dogs, and I do, I'm truly disappointed that these well meaning folks could give a rats-ass about the way the city is spending their tax dollars. It makes me think that maybe they are under taxed. You'd think that in this economy, a dog issue couldn't possibly be more important than their financial welfare. I guess it's true, if you want to make the liberal thinking masses happy, throw them a bone.

One citizen (Mr. Darrel Lackey) out of the 50 or 60 present got up to discuss items on the budget. His concern was the city's employee benefit package. He asked some hard-hitting questions and made excellent points. He was obviously disappointed to hear that the board didn't increase the employee copay portion of their health care benefits citing that very few citizens (if any) pay no health care premiums and only a ten dollar copay. As a matter of fact, most peoples premiums went up this year and they can expect to pay even more this coming year. He went on to say that the city had just increased his water and sewer bill yet the city won't have the employees share in their health care costs. He confirmed that the employees pay zero premiums and asked how much does it cost taxpayers per employee? I don't think the city was really prepared for that question as the mayor looked at the staff and the staff took turns looking at each other. An awkward moment passed when the Assistant Financial Director finally spoke up, "the city pays over $1,300 per employee." Lackey, two term mayor and 13 year veteran of the Board of Aldermen said: "That's not fair! The citizens keep getting increases in their taxes and utility costs yet the employees don't even share in their own health care costs."

It was stated that the city received a $130,000 increase in premiums for health care, Mayor Lambi, Aldermen; Van Sample and Nick Guccione supported the no increase in co pays for employees. Sample justified his decision by saying, "Its only a hundred thousand dollars." Lackey called him on the carpet by saying: "It may be only a hundred thousand dollars to you alderman Sample but that's a lot of money (in the real world)." When Lackey sat down, everyone in the room knew that the Mayor and Aldermen had put themselves in an indefensible position. Minimizing the increase in premiums to the city and supporting a stance not to pass some of these costs on to the employees will be a major talking point in the upcoming election. I'd like to remind our aldermen that $100 large is one-fifth of the cut you proposed  to be made in spending.

The mayor and aldermen are elected officials of the people and intrusted with safe guarding taxpayers money. It's clear to me that the mayor has little regard in this matter but it is disturbing that some aldermen are of the same mind.  If the board desired to do the right thing, they would revisit the employee benefits program to be "fair" to the taxpayers in Wentzville. If they don't, they should be prepared to explain to citizens just why they think; "It's only a hundred thousand dollars" and it's only three or four more bucks on your water and sewer bills.

I'd like to note that The Wentzvillian is averaging almost 3000 page views per month, in that is a sizable number of interested voters living in Wentzville. If you care about the way the city is spending your tax dollars, I hope you attend the next board meeting and call your aldermen with your concerns. Thank you to my loyal readers, and as always I invite your comments.


  1. In regards to comments at the board meeting, you think that Mr. Lakey may have been doing a little grand standing since he plans to run for mayor in 2012? I have been around for years and remember the political nightmare when he was in office, which would give Lambi a run for his money when it came to causing problems. Even with this said, I do understand that there is a terrible waist of money being spent by the city. That is part of the reason that the former city administrator was terminated. financial responsibility is one of the most important aspects to any department head. The current administration has had a blank check to do what ever they wanted. It appears that the same thing applies when it comes to the selection of the new chief of police. Im sure glad that the tax payers spent $7500.00 dollars on chief selection process that was open to comprimise and influence by the predecessor by being involved in the process even after publicly backing a candidate. I dont guess that it matters that he was a multi-year member and past board member of the organization that conducted the selection process. It is unfortunate that no one will be able to hear the voices of other candidates that had plans to reduce waistful spending and eliminate tensions in the department, while improving the overall effectiveness to the community. Now we will see if it all plays out the way he intended it to!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Your site refers to relaying to citizens its opinion BASED ON THE FACTS (emphasis added) which is entirely False. After reviewing the last BOA meeting, there were 2 people that got up to speak about the budget, not one. And, based on previous BOA meetings and work sessions pertaining to the employees health care costs, you conveniently and selectively omitted the FACT that another alderman, Tow, was also in agreement with Guccione and Sample. Factual, I think not.

  3. In reference to the anonymous comment above: When The Wentzvillian is wrong, it will be corrected: There were (not one) but two citizens of Wentzville stand to address the budget during the "Public Hearing." The first was Ms. Donna Sherwood (candidate for Alderman of Ward 2) who asked about how much money would be realized by homeowners from the $500,000 real estate tax reduction? A question which was answered in at least five other budget meetings in the recent past. I know that Ms. Sherwood attends most of the public meeting so she should have known the answer to her question. If she is going to run for office, she needs to be more current and pay closer attention to citizens by asking relivant questions. Given that, it was hardly a noteable question to post and therefore overlooked as not newsworthy. There were however three other times the budget was mentioned in "Open Forum" in reference to animal control. In all there were five citizen references / comments about the budget.

    Regarding your comment about the employee benefits; you charge The Wentzvillian with: "...convieniently and selectivly omitted (ing) the FACT that another alderman, Tow, was also in agreement with Guccione and Sample." It was reported on several occassions that Guccione and Sample are vehimently opposed and highly verbalized (to the point of filibuster) their total disagreement with being "fair" to taxpayers by making employees share in the insurance premium increase to the city. Alderman Tow, to my recollection, never once voiced his opposition to raising employee copays. When the final vote on the budget is taken, those aldermen who supported employees over the resident taxpaying majority of citizens will be noted for their constituants to scrutinize and ascertain who is doing what with their money.

    As far as your accusation that The Wentzvillian is not being factual, perhaps your perception may be somewhat skewed (politically). Please don't nit-pick and reveal how The Wentzvillian is misrepresenting the facts. If you support a particular candidate, or politically motivated, say so. The Wentzvillian is a citizens advcocate and not influenced by any candidate or elected official. If they screw up and/or lie, the facts will be reported here. Readers who would like to judge for themselves whether or not the Wentzvillian is factual should go to and watch the meetings.

    The Wentzvillian thanks you for your comment and allowance to correct the error of excluding three mentions in "Open Forum" and Ms. Sherwood's comment in the "Public Hearing" refering to the budget. It is hoped that Wentzvillian readers will understand the reasons for the exclusion and forgive the intentional oversight.

    The Wentzvillian is a hard-hitting blog and not for the faint-of-heart politician or wannabe. If you've got something to say, say it, don't beat around the bush, and make sure it's the truth. All comments will be posted and only edited for lies, (some) profanity, and all political bullshit.

  4. Well if you are so correct about facts, report it correctly. Darrel Lackey was mayor for ONE term not two, as you state. And you are slanting this blog for one candidate which is very, very obvious.

  5. Mr. Lackey was elected Mayor in April 1992 and re-elected in April of 1994. In anyone's book, that's two terms. Call the Wentzville city clerk, Ms. Vi Skillman (636-327-5101) if you'd like to verify that. Your comment was only posted because it is a perfect example of how uneducated some people are about Wentzville politics. It's difficult to gain credibility when you open your comment with such a verifiable error.

    The Wentzvillian has been very open with it's selections for Alderman and has no tolerance for candidates who lie openly or do not represent taxpaying voters. If you want to call that slanted—so be it! As far as the mayor's slot, The Wentzvillian has not openly supported any candidate and has only rejected one (so far), Paul Lambi. The others will eliminate themselves as time goes on, by being on the wrong side of KEY issues.

  6. I heard that this Donna Sherwood woman is running for alderman AND Nick Guccines campaign manager. There's a train wreck waiting to happen.
