Friday, September 2, 2011

Storm Water Utility "Tax" Revisited

It's been four years since the City of Wentzville proposed the implementation of a "Storm Water Utility Fee"and had the first and second reading on this controversial ordinance. The third and final reading was postponed indefinitely until a lawsuit against the St. Louis MSD (Metropolitan Sewer District) who inflicted a similar "fee" on its citizens was resolved. From this point forward in this writing, the term "fee" will be replaced with it's actual definition; "TAX."

This bastard tax was brought forward by then City Administrator, Andy McCown in an effort to keep from paying the $300,000 per year expense from the general fund to update and maintain Wentzville storm sewers. It was picked up on by "Lurch" (Bill Schuette) combined with other Lurch-like aldermen and Mayor Lambi who thought they would hang their hats on saving the city by putting it in ordinance form. Then came the MSD law suit. Like the chicken-shits they were, the "Lurchettes" seeing the uproar of St. Louis citizens and fearing a similar situation here, back-burnered it instead of giving it an up-or-down vote. Wouldn't a normal person see—if St. Louis citizens are mad enough to bring a law-suit against MSD, maybe something is wrong with this whole stinking thing? 

Time went on, McCown retired, Lurch and the others faded away, and the ordinance was left hanging in limbo. Waiting, ever waiting until it could be brought back before an unsuspecting new Board of Aldermen who, not knowing it's implications, could have the final reading with only a 24-hour notice. Then in May of this year Dianna Wright revisited the Storm Water Utility Tax at a board meeting trying to drum up support for it. In an effort to inform our citizens and new aldermen I posted; "Bend Over Wentzville, Here Comes a New TAX," which outlines the history.

I would implore our aldermen to bring the Storm Water Utility Tax back and either inflict it on our homeowners and businesses or vote it down. It's been hanging over our heads for over four years now and it's time to take action. This current Board of Aldermen has shown great strength standing up against the mayor and the bureaucracy in city hall. They have made great strides toward fiscal responsibility and now they have the opportunity to make a difference by showing Wentzville once again that they really care about its citizen-homeowners and businesses.

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