Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Opinion, or Fact?

I've had discussions with friends and acquaintances regularly over the years about Wentzville government and its elected officials. Some of those conversations were calm and others  led to outbursts of language of a somewhat inappropriate manner, even to the extent of questioning my lineage. The Wentzvillian has been criticized by mayors, aldermen, and a host of ... let's say ... fans, who strongly disagree with my reviews.
The Wentzvillian has been called polarizing, I disagree. Those who make those claims are separating themselves by drawing lines, all I do is enlighten citizens by shining light on where the lines have been drawn. There's a fine line (like an electric fence) between ethical and unethical and I stand on that fence watching closely which side our elected officials choose to work from. It may sound strange, but some people who dabble on the "wrong side," don't like being called out for their actions. Mayor Nickolas Guccione tests that fence frequently, and that's probably why I don't get Christmas cards from him anymore. Many aldermen over the years have also scratched my name from their dance cards simply because I'm unafraid to give "my opinion" and tell it like it is ... publicly.
A couple of months ago, a personal friend of mine became frustrated after he asked me what was going on in city hall. The discussion was regarding a particular alderman and after I told him "...she's a lousy alderman...," he was mildly miffed regarding what I said. He disagreed and told me about it by saying; "That's just your opinion, she's one of the best on the board," I laughed and said; "No, that's just your opinion." So what's the difference between his opinion and mine?
I'm as informed about our city government as any regular citizen and more than the vast majority. When I asked my friend the basis of his opinion, he didn't really have a good reason other than that mine stinks, so I knew it was a personal thing and not based on fact. I know my friend, I see him at public meetings maybe twice a year, which is hardly enough contact with the government to base his opinion upon. On the other hand, for years I've attended every scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting, except for an infrequent absence, because watching elected officials deportment during the meetings reveals so much more than watching a video. In addition, I investigate public record to help connect the dots and fill in the blanks ... sooner or later it all comes together. My friend had spoken socially with the alderman in question and based his opinion on her opinion of me, and right now her opinion of me is less than ideal ... it's just that simple.
Opinions vary, and the validity of any opinion is education of the subject matter. My friend's opinion is "just his opinion," based on his business needs and social contact with elected officials. My opinion is "just my opinion" to him, but is based of years in city hall watching meetings and digging through public record. Am I always right when I speculate? Absolutely not, but it's closer to the truth than most other opinions of people who are not concerned and do not investigate their government. When I speculate with little or no information, that's "my opinion," but when qualified with facts gained through observation and research, it's a much different animal than "just my opinion." I wish more voters were active and attended the alderman's meetings. If they did, we would have a much better and more effective government — elected officials would know they are being observed and stand the chance of being criticized if they jump the electric fence.

I've come to see some politicians more in the family; Homo Rodentia than Homo Sapiens. When you're armed with the facts, and you corner one, look out, they tend to bite. A few years back I had one of these rodents attack me at a public meeting of a local organization here in Wentzville. He didn't like an article I published which pointed out some of his shenanigans. After raising his voice and disrupting the meeting, I asked him what it was that I printed that wasn't true? He fumbled with his papers, "Well uh ... uh," he had nothing. He hadn't expected me to ask that question, and that's when he realized he'd made a fool of himself, which was basically the point of the article!

Elected officials react differently when confronted with truths that they would rather not have publicly known. A couple of alderman were using their "charms" (for lack of a better word), to appeal to my personal friends in an effort to persuade me to back off of my investigations into their political games. To them I say; give it up, my friends know that I'm an idealist who deplores hypocrisy — as long as there's a hint of unethical behavior, and I find out about it, it will be exposed. No amount of influence you may have on my friends will change the course of my reports. I suggest to those elected officials who don't like what I have to say, maybe you need to change the way you are doing things, try acting like you are "By the people, For the people, and Of the people," not "In the people, On the people, and Through the people!" So many elected officials today don't know the correct use of a preposition.

This past weekend, my friend came up to me and said, "You need to stop telling lies on your blog." I asked him if he might share with me the lies I'm posting; "Well uh ... uh," Again, he had nothing. I know the alderman he's enamoured with, and I had to laugh at him because he's so wrapped around this elected officials little finger it isn't funny. I simply told him, "If you don't like what I post, I suggest you don't read it." His response; "I don't." Then what the hell are you talking about!

I'm amazed how most people believe the half-truths or downright lies told to them by politicians. I was told by another friend; "The Wentzvillian fueled the fire of the lawsuit against the city, and others, by Chief Harrison." If I hadn't published the findings of the County Prosecutor of September 11, 2013 (click here), the whole matter would have been swept under the rug and covered up in executive session — the citizens of Wentzville would have never know of the alleged criminal actions going on with their elected officials.

The same thing happened a couple of years ago with the Lambi scandal, had I not investigated and revealed the things that were going on then, the entire situation would have been whitewashed and plowed under. I took a lot of heat and ridicule regarding the Lambi scandal, and today, it seems to be my fault that this lawsuit was filed. The only thing I can say about these matters is; Lambi plead guilty to the Missouri Ethics Commissions charges, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit of today will have their day in court, and the citizens of Wentzville continue to be warned about underhanded things going on in our city.

Mayor Nickolas Guccione (one of the most unethical politicians to ever be elected) has stated publicly that what I do is not journalism. This is one of the very few instances when he was correct and right on target. I am not a journalist, nor ever claimed to be, what I do is more in the line of investigative critical review. People all over the country do not trust the government, they are tired of being manipulated and lied to. What I do is to enlightened the citizens of Wentzville of what our local government is really doing and how it is really being done. If some elected politicians want to continue their legacy of lies, diversion, and deceit, The Wentzvillian will be here to expose them — that is not an opinion, that is a fact.

Stay tuned, I'm onto something that may raise more than a few eyebrows in the city.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Brain Trust Speaks!

The Wentzville Board of Aldermen meeting last Wednesday, May 14, 2014 was about what I had expected—uneventful. With three new aldermen sitting in on their first full meeting, and the absence of the incessantly-questioning Alderman Cheryl Kross, it went pretty quick, (even though it was a fairly large agenda) ending just after 8:00pm. Had Kross been there, given her elevated status; Board President and her usual nit-picking nonsensical-minutia of questions, the meeting could have easily gone on for another hour or two.
I can forgive the mistakes of the new aldermen when trying to adapt to meeting procedure for their first couple of months, but when they interject self-serving questions and statements during their inaugural meeting, they've crossed their representative line. The brain trust who was elected to replace one of Wentzville's finest aldermen Rick Stokes, Ms. Linda Wright has shown herself to be interested in herself and the subdivision in which she lives. Judge for yourself:
Under section; "Community Development, (ID # 5171) Public Hearing - Pete Murtaugh of Ranken Technical College, applicant on behalf of the property owner, Terry Nelson Carpenter's District Council of Greater St Louis, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Technical or Trade School for Ranken Technical College. The site is located on the west side of Par Road, approximately 1,400 feet north of Highway A. 14-35-PZ"
When the reality that Ranken might actually come into Wentzville several years ago, Mayor Nickolas Guccione had designs on becoming mayor, Union hack that he is, he opposed every vote that was ever taken on this matter. After he was elected, it was rah-rah-rah for Ranken. The only time he spoke during the public hearing was to give a shout-out for his Union bros.
Wright was another story. When the Ranken representative displayed the site plan of the proposed new school, he also noted "future expansion," which is of an indefinite time frame — could be one year, could be ten years, maybe never, depending upon growth of the program. Mr. Murtaugh made this clear to everyone, except our brain-trust Alderman Wright. He explained the site plan; "if this future development" takes place, they would require a curb-cut on Mexico Road. That's when Ms. Wright thought it necessary to take exception. "Where is this on Mexico Road," she asked? So, with the help of staff, Mr. Murtaugh answered her question. Wright looked away towards the mayor and said, "We are very happy with Mexico Road right now?" 
As many of you may know, Ms. Wright lives just off of Mexico road. Could it be that she doesn't want growth that may impede her trips to WalMart, bringing more traffic onto her beloved Mexico road? It reminds me of the Lurchettes some years back when they ran for alderman seats to stop the building of subdivisions adjacent to theirs because it ruined their views of the beautiful woods they could see from their decks. It didn't work for them, and it won't work for you. For some reason this city has become growth-crazy and that snowball was pushed down the hill some twenty years ago—get used to it! At any rate, I see a lot of self-serving in her future on the Board of Aldermen. Her lack of knowledge about this city and it's government is astounding, but after all, some of you have decided that she is the best-of-the-best, and elected her to represent us in Ward 3—Thanks!

Ms. Wright, knowing that you work at the Obamacare facility here in Wentzville, you aren't one of those employees who sat around collecting a Federal paycheck and did nothing, and currently being investigated by Claire McCaskell, are you? Please divulge this information to your constituents at a public meeting. In the name of open government it should be on the record who we elected, don't you think?
* * * * *
Alderman Chris Gard took the lead on making 90 percent of the motions last Wednesday, and we should be so proud of Michael Hays who set a great example of how to raise one's hand to second 95 percent of Gard's motions. Way to go Mr. Hays, you have become the pride of Ward 3. With two of Guccione's brain-trusts sitting on the board it's going to be like watching a sideshow. God, Ward 3 is in deep #?*@!
* * * * *
About the big lawsuit; there have been lengthy executive session meetings held after the last two regular alderman meetings. I figured it was regarding the lawsuit brought by Chief Lisa Harrison, and it was confirmed last night when it was probably requested by King Nickolas that Alderman Michael Hays should lock the door to the chamber, Hey, there's something else he can do. I guess it was so Chief Lisa Harrison wouldn't be sneaking around back there to see if she could hear anything—incredible!
According to CaseNet; an attorney, Mr. Mathew Justin Gist of Kansas City, was contracted by the City to defend the City of Wentzville, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, Alderman Cheryl Kross, ex-Alderman Sonya Shryock, and Lieutenant Dale Dothage of the Wentzville police department.
Taken from the web: "Mr. Gist specializes in the representation of employers in employment and labor disputes. He has obtained successful jury verdicts and summary judgments in employment discrimination cases including claims for wrongful termination in both state and federal court. Mr. Gist has argued several cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit and Missouri Court of Appeals for the Western District. He routinely represents private companies as well as cities and counties in employment and personnel matters. In July of 2010, Mr. Gist successfully obtained one of the few defense verdicts in an employment discrimination case filed in the Jackson County Circuit Court."
This is going to be an extremely high-dollar trial for Wentzville taxpayers to shuck out, if any part of these allegations are found to be true, heads need to roll. I have a suggestion where to start but I'm wondering which of these people named in the lawsuit are going to roll over on the King? Is it possible that maybe one of them could cut a deal? Stay tuned, the fun has just begun.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Guccione Has Wet Wentzville's Bed

Mayor Nickolas Guccione worked hard in making a fool of himself to get people elected to the Board of Aldermen who will give him total control of Wentzville city government. To him that means catering to special interests, favors for his buddies and prospective voters. Prior to last month, there were Aldermen who understood fiduciary responsibility, ethics, and representative government—that has all changed.
Today, we have one alderman; Chris Gard, who has the experience, know-how, and is far-sighted enough to recognize the many subtle pitfalls of legislating from the hip. The bad news is we have two aldermen, Michael Hays and Cheryl Kross, who have proven themselves to be close followers of the Nickolas Guccione butcher shop method of politics, and three new aldermen who will need guidance as they learn the ropes. At least two of our new aldermen, Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, owe a campaign debt to Nickolas Guccione and they are most likely to repay that debt back to him in the form of votes on the board. Then there's Alderman Michael Rhoades, he has the best chance of being an independent  thinker and true representative of the people in his ward, we can only pray that he seeks guidance from his ward mate; Ward 2 Alderman, Chris Gard, and not our small-thinking, short-sighted President of the Board, Cheryl Kross, and Mayor Nickolas 'Butcher of Wentzville' Guccione.
I've given a lot of thought to Cheryl Kross and her presidency of the board, and I'm having great difficulty resolving her ability to lead. A number of things in her recent past have illustrated her poor judgement and lack of  leadership. Most recently is the lawsuit in which it's alleged that she took an active role in the conspiracy to fire Chief Lisa Harrison (click here). She was instrumental in the movement against our City Attorney Paul Rost (click here) and the loss of our audit firm—not renewing the contracts of these two firms is costing taxpayers a fortune. Then there was her flip-vote (click here) to allow the seating of the most useles alderman and sock-puppet of King Nickolas; Michael Hays—that decision was not in the best interests of Wentzville or Ward 3, but rather her own political fear of not being re-elected in 2012. President of the Board Kross has proven herself incapable of leading a gaggle of geese across a road, how she is going to intelligently lead three cub-aldermen is beyond me. I'm afraid, as she leads with hate and revenge, the city will gather more lawsuits until an ernest movement can be mounted to vote her out of our city government. Kross is all over the city putting in face-time, she's also taking huge advantage of social media, posting everything she can find to keep her name in as an important person in the city. If there's a chance to get her out of office in 2015, concerned voters will need to start now.
So what does the near future hold for Wentzville? King Nickolas will immediately take apart the ethics policy and the sign ordinance allowing him to collect more baskets for the Mayor's Ball (click here), and give his buddy exJudge Michael Carter the ability to plaster Wentzville with political signs for his third run at Judge Stephen Martin in 2015. 'The Butcher' is not satisfied with having control of the executive and legislative branches of Wentzville government, he wants to control the judicial branch as well.
Things do not bode well for Wentzville with Mayor Nickolas Guccione and his flying monkeys leading our city down the tube. Guccione doesn't have any guidence running our city and must rely heavily on our directors and his "friends in high places." What this means is that once again, our city staff will be making Guccione's decisions for him. Problems loom large in the mystic of Wentzville's future, Guccione made his bed, has everything he wants, and now we'll see just how much better it gets around here. For my money it will be a nightmarish ride for our employees and the city coffers will be burned to the ground while the 'Butcher of Wentzville' plays his fiddle and seeks more avenues of power. These are dark days for Wentzville and we can thank voter apathy for it. Registered voters need to organize and put a stop to Guccione's party (Hays and Kross) in April of 2015.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Blog?

The Board of Aldermen meeting last evening; April 23rd, 2014 (click here), was fairly routine until Aldermen Sonya Shryock and Rick Stokes gave their farewell speeches, broke for their farewell reception, and did their farewell walk out of the front door. The moment Mayor Nickolas Guccione called the 'new board' to order, he was transformed. Dressed in his white confectioner's suit, he had banished the infidels from the kingdom and went to work with a new vigor by anointing his new board and commissions. It was his turn, the White Knight was finally able to wear his King's crown and wield Excalibur with the authority for which he was destined — Long Live the King!
With two-thirds of the intelligence on the board gone (Stokes and Forrest Gossett), Alderman Cheryl Kross wasn't to be denied. She proudly accepted the nomination for President of the Board by newly elected Alderman Michael Rhoades and took her seat next to the King — where she will wash his feet and polish his scepter when necessary. If I had to guess, Rhoades was tricked into nominating Kross, making the same mistake most junior aldermen make; equating time on the board with ability to lead. If anyone had been thinking about the "good of the city," which the King reminded everyone of — regularly, Alderman Chris Gard would have been elected to that post. Oh well, such is politics in the big city, and as we all know; "What's good for General Bullmoose, is good for the USA!"
During last night's short but entertaining get-together, I harvested quite a bit of useful information regarding our junior aldermen; Rhoades, Robert Hussey, and Linda Wright. I know that Mr. Rhoades is a tough and devout believer in right and wrong, I don't see him being misled or pushed around for long. Hussey gave a very good report stating that he is only; "Interested in doing right by his constituents and the city." He is familiar with government procedure and the next few months will tell if he is, who he says he is. Linda Wright is another story completely, Guccione put more time and effort in getting her elected than he did Michael Hays, and we all know how that turned out. I think her political life will be a mixture of the Hays, Kross, and Shryock styles — disastrous for the city, especially Ward 3. God, I don't even want to think about the future of Ward 3, we are screwed!
The real fun started when King Nickolas gave his "Mayor's Report." He was all puffed-up with pride and bubbling over with power, since his arch-nemesis; Rick Stokes wasn't there to correct, or steer him in the appropriate direction. Like a dragon, he spewed fire at "The Blog, it tells lies and slanders good people. Don't pay attention to it!" He slobbered on about "The Blog" for several minutes warning his junior minions of the evil that lurks within. He might want to take his own advice, but that ain't happenin', he's hooked. He reads The Wentzvillian, or has someone read it to him at every opportunity. He got rid of Stokes and Gossett, and has Gard is in his sights, but he's going to have a real challenge in his attempt to stifle the First Amendment Rights of The Wentzvillian. It will be here to tell the truth about the state of Wentzville's city government under King Nickolas and beyond. Three mayors and countless aldermen have come under scrutiny here, only a dysfunctional mayor, by any standards, would think he's going to get a pass. Take care Mr. Mayor, haven't you ever seen the old statement of freedom: "Don't Tread On Me?"
Mayor Nickolas Guccione's "Mayor's Report" was bloated with arrogance. At first I thought it was was just me who saw it, but two citizens who were in attendance said exactly that; they watched Guccione's new found power-trip and used the word "arrogance." Given the hubris he displayed last night, I feel confident that his administration is on the way to self-destruction — he is going to screw up royally. Citizens need to watch him closely as he wields his butcher knife (Excalibur) to Wentzville. Watch the city video (click here), notice his deportment change after Stokes left the chambers, take a gander at him foaming at the mouth when he spoke of taking apart every initiative and every ordinance that Stokes' boards passed over the past two years.
* * * * *
King Nickolas Guccione is on a collision course with history and either he doesn't realize it, or he just doesn't care. He has brought about three employee discrimination lawsuits in just his first two years — one of which involves himself, two aldermen, two cities, three policemen, and the County Prosecutor. That's a lot of legal fees defending these aldermen, among others. The citizens of Wentzville need to ask: Who is going to pay the defense attorney's fees for the nine defendants here in Wentzville, the taxpayers?
According to the County Prosecutor's investigation; "Memorandum of Interview," dated September 11, 2013, most of which was posted here in; The "Unholy Alliance" Exposed (click here), clearly alleges that there were aldermen and police who overstepped their authority by acting out of their duties as elected officials. According to my sources; it is alleged that documents and testimony which will be brought out during the eleven separate trials will prove that there was a conspiracy in the mayor's office which discriminated against Wentzville Chief of Police, Lisa Harrison. So who pays for the defense of people who act on their own?

This information needs to be made public. Are the taxpayers going to be responsible to pay for attorneys fees and perhaps huge punitive damages if it is found that people went outside their regular duties? If any portion of these trials come out in favor of the plaintiff, it could result in paying out millions of dollars, who is going to be held responsible? Voters, taxpayers, and citizens of Wentzville have a right to have these answers, it should be made public by our mayor. Remember Mr. Mayor, in your own words; "I will act for the good of the people." Well, what's it going to be Mr. Mayor? Are you going to give the citizens full disclosure, or will it be another closed-door, closed-mouth process as it was with the Lambi scandal?

Monday, April 21, 2014

That Small-Town Feel — is a Joke!

The Wentzvillian has posted on numerous occasions that Ward 1 and Ward 3 citizens have little representation by their elected aldermen, and today I want to point out a group of citizens and businesses who have even less; those living and working in the village center. This quaint part of town was the heart of Wentzville and had been since first platted in 1855 — this all changed a little more than 15 years ago, when a decade long journey of thousands of immigrants from St. Louis County loaded their wagons to begin anew — out just a little farther west. All of these people, some 25,000, wanted a little slice of country-heaven. Unfortunately for them, and the native-born residents, they now have exactly what they left behind; urban sprawl and big-city politics.
Native Wentzvillians were pushed to the side in favor of the Wentzville Parkway, big-box stores, and scores of new subdivisions. With the population explosion, the little community of Wentzville was hemmed-in by Highways 70, 61, and the Parkway. The total focus of newly elected transplants was on growth, nothing on preservation or maintenance of the core city.
The now misused phrase; "Small-Town Feel" was coined in the summer of 2005 — it appeared as the masthead on the premier issue's cover of  a very popular Wentzville magazine entitled; Echo Magazine. It read: "ECHO MAGAZINE Celebrating That Small Town Feeling." The pages were filled with village center articles about people, events, history, businesses, and the politics of Wentzville. A lot has changed in Wentzville since it lost Echo Magazine — sometimes I wonder if things wouldn't be a little different for the village center if it had survived.
Wentzville today reminds me of that TV show "The Dome," nothing gets in and nothing gets out. What I mean by that is; The Wentzville Union newspaper pulled up stakes after 80 years to be sold off in the 1970s and that opened up a vacancy for the Wentzville Suburban Journal to move into town. Over the years, Newstime has lost touch with what's going on in Wentzville, the Journal moved out of town, and Echo Magazine closed it's doors in 2010. No news gets in or out of Wentzville; if it had been, Nickolas Guccione would not be Mayor and would probably have served a one two-year term as alderman. Things would have been different for sure.
* * * * *
A few years ago, the board of aldermen restructured the boundaries of the wards but maintained all three wards converging in the center of the downtown village center. Village center residents are vastly outnumbered by those living in the newly developed outer ring of the city and because they are divided into three wards they are even more diluted — consequently the only voices heard by aldermen (who all live outside the village center) are their subdivision neighbors. To prove this point; Alderman-elect Robert Hussey and Alderman Cheryl Kross are both suggesting that they want to put high-density housing and even section eight housing in the downtown area. Everyone living in downtown who want this; raise your hand. I believe a better place for this kind of housing would be out near those who want it; a place like Golf Club of Wentzville, Bear Creek, or even Stone Meadows — and I think most of the disenfranchised village center residents would agree.

Downtown Wentzville is unheard by city government because it has no voice. It's time to restructure the wards again and this time, do it fairly — create Ward 4 — Ward 4 would be bounded by Highways 70, 61, and the Wentzville Parkway. Those residents outside that area have their own unique problems and those downtown have an even more unique set of problems. The newly created Aldermen of Ward 4 would be residents of the village center and probably not immigrants from St. Louis County. They would know about the things that downtown desperately need to have done and how to get them done. Residents and businesses of the village center need to press for equality, petition this new board of aldermen to give you a voice by creating a level playing field, give us back that small-town feeling!
* * * * *
StlToday.com posted another article on Saturday, April 19th (click here) in which Mayor Nickolas Guccione admits he has stacked the Board of Aldermen cards. The article deals with the turmoil in this city since Guccione was elected. My hope for the city; this is just the beginning of real investigative news coverage in Wentzville.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's Time to Unscrew Wentzville

The Wentzvillian has received a record number of emails with a recurring theme; where's the Ward 3 representation? Being a voter in Ward 3 myself, I am appalled by what's happened—going from having only one alderman for four years (Rick Stokes), because Michael Hays and Nickolas Guccione before him, were/and are deadbeats—Ward 3 now has no representation at all. For the sake of the City, my fellow voting citizens need to start being proactive and put an end to apathy.

Ward 1 has a very similar problem; a snake-traitor, back-biting, turncoat, Cheryl Kross who is more interested in the diameter of the tree at Chick-fil-A than an $80 million dollar city (who has now been served papers for employee discrimination). And her ward-mate Robert 'Back Door' Hussey who's biggest accomplishment in city government was to be fired from Dardien Praire. I'm sorry for Ward 1 residents, but Ward 3 has you beat, with the time-proven do-nothing know-nothing deadbeat Michaeal Hays, and Guccione's Obamacare phone lady Linda 'Wrong.' I will be watching 'Wrong' closely. I'll be fascinated to see her superior display of governing and hyper-intelligent leadership from the dais that was great enough to unseat her predecessor; Rick Stokes. I hope that Ward three citizens will be more than satisfied with her government agility and forward thinking legislation. I trust I haven't left anything out.

Ward 2 is an entirely different situation. Chris Gard is the most intelligent member on the board of alderman, and being such, he will be Guccione's next target for extinction. Mr. Gard doesn't belong in Wentzville, he is good enough to be in a much higher sitation, like Governor of Missouri, we are fortunate to have him sitting in our current nut-house wasting his abilities. Regarding Michael Rhoades, I have high hopes that he will never become a Goochonian and follow more the lead of his ward-mate; Gard. Indeed, Ward 2 has the only real aldermen on the board, everyone else are Guccione's playthings.

If anything is to change the disposition of the super-majority that our mayor has assembled, it's going to take a consorted effort on the part of the voters. The days of thinking we can rely upon our elected officials to govern intelligently is over. Voters have not realized the severity of Guccione's lack of leadership and he's managed to get four more just like him on the board. The voting members of our city need to unite, sending a message to the city that we are tired of what our city is becoming under Guccione's manipulative lack of ethics.

For over seven years since alderman Guccione was first elected, I tried desperately to warn voters about who and what they were electing to the mayor's office, yet no one seemed to get the message. I stood up  with two other citizens in a public board meeting, after the 2012 election, to call out Guccione on his unethical campaign tactics and demanded that he resign his office. But only three concerned voters were considered "malcontents" and dismissed as such, we need to pack the chambers in protest regarding our mayor and his sneaky underhanded  lack of leadership. The voters need to unite to form a citizen's advocacy group who recruit members, educate voters, create strategies, and actively support good and rational government in Wentzville. The first step of which would be (unless Guccione resigns) is to stop the re-election of Michael Hays and Cheryl Kross in 2015. If we could accomplish that, we would suffer only one more year of Guccione's majority and begin 2016 by taking back our city from the likes of Mayor Nickolas Guccione, Michael Carter, and Representative Brian Spencer. These people have only one agenda, and that is power. Today, they are all laughing at the "dumb-ass hillbillies" who do what ever they want them to do. It's time to take back Wentzville from those who are set on destroying it; Nickolas Guccione, Cheryl Kross, Michael Hays, Linda Wright, and Robert Hussey, The New Revised Unholy Alliance.

Penultimately, Ward 1, and Ward 3 residents need to watch the city meetings videos, they will tell you everything you need to know about Linda 'Wrong' Wright, and Robert 'Back Door' Hussey. Watch who they side with, who they're looking at for guidance, and be prepared for a plethora of 4-2, or 3-3 votes with King Nickolas breaking the tie. And ... we need to be prepared by building that citizens advocate group to counter Guccione's unethical campaign activity—if sanity is ever to be returned to Wentzville.

The lawsuit filed last week may be the springboard to cutting off the head of the snake; Nickolas Guccione and his lead minion; Cheryl Kross. He has always skirted the law and felt; "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." Like Mayor Boedeker (his mentor), he is extremely slick and sneaky, unlike Boedeker he's not too bright. It has worked for him for seven years without repercussions, I don't believe this lawsuit will be that simple for him, there's a good chance that he and Kross could be going down for the count. It's too bad the city is going to suffer financially with the possibility of huge legal and punitive damages. Other than Guccione, if there was one person that I would say is responsible for our current political situation, it would be Cheryl Kross who screwed it all up with bitter revenge and petty vanity.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Chicken Parts Come Home To Roost

It was November 4, 2013 when "The Unholy Alliance Exposed" (click here) hit the pages of The Wentzvillian, that post was met with a rumble in town that still resonates today. Like a thermometer dipped in hot water, it shot to the second most viewed post in the history of The Wentzvillian in just its first week. The information presented there was unknown to the general public until it was posted here for all to view. The Wentzvillian asserted that Chief Lisa Harrison was being discriminated against by; Aldermen Chery Kross, Sonya Shryock, and Mayor Nickolas Guccione. This cast of clowns were responsible for removing our legal team and have set their sights on firing Harrison.

Wentzville has about 140 outstanding pending lawsuits and is being sued by a number of employees who will probably be living on the beach of Maui when their cases are settled. If you have time you might want to go back and review "The Unholy Alliance Exposed" to understand more about what occurred yesterday afternoon. On numerous occasions it has been stated here that our bumbling mayor, Guccione would get Wentzville sued. Well, yesterday, April 11, 2014, he, Shryock, and Kross, appear to have succeeded. This unholy alliance decided they know more than our legal council and proceeded to flex their muscles and put their ill advised agenda into motion.

Chief Harrison, after many months of being persecuted and discriminated against by this group of knuckleheads, has decided to defend herself, and as we all know; the best defense is a good offense. As I scanned the pages of CaseNet, low an behold I finally saw it; Harrison filed an employment discrimination suit against; The City of Wentzville, The City of St. Charles, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, Sonya Shryock, Cheryl Kross, Tim Lohmar, Kristen Ellis, Dale Dothage, and Julie Jackson. I would liked to have been a fly on the wall at the Guccione, Kross, and Shryock households last night.

This news hit the Post Dispatch this morning appearing on StlToday.com; Police Chief Suing City, Mayor, Alderwomen, and Prosecutor (click here), who have access to the 57 page complaint. If Harrison is successful, and from what I've seen she may, there could be a lot of money changing hands when the verdicts are handed down. I will supply the location of the hearings as soon as they are placed on the court docket.

This situation will make news for some time to come and it may prove to our cocky King Nickolas that Mayors, Aldermen, and government officials must be educated and qualified to run a city. Guccione is a butcher by trade and his chicken parts are now coming home to roost! I hope for his sake he hasn't put in his retirement papers yet. This is going to be a nasty affair and will be interesting to watch unfold in court, and their deportment in city board meetings.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Minions of Goocher

Tuesday's election wasn't as big a surprise to me as you might think. I know the depravity and lack of ethics of Mayor Nickolas Guccione and those who kiss his ring; Cheryl Kross, Michael Hays, Sonya Shryock, ex-Judge Michael Carter, and the surprise conspirator, State Representative Bryan Spencer. In fact, I don't blame them for being underhanded in their actions, their candidates have no accomplishments, therefore they needed to pull every sleazy, unethical trick in their bag or they would have failed against two aldermen who's job approval was off the charts compared to the others they served with (excluding Chris Gard).
Mark Twain said; "History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes." Ten years ago, Mayor Vickie Boedeker did the same thing by chaining Wentzville progress to a huge anchor when she got Bill Schuette, John Luby, and Nickolas Guccione, the Lurchettes, elected to the board of aldermen. She would have taken full control of the board if she only hadn't made one mistake; not being re-elected herself.

The current board of aldermen made a lot of mistakes in the past four years. Allowing the appointment of Michael Hays was huge, but one of the most damaging was to put four-year terms for the Mayor on the ballot—incredibly stupid! When Wentzville elected a mayor who was totally unqualified or incompetent to lead, they simply voted him/her out of office after two years and tried it again. Wentzville history is filled with one-term mayors, and if we ever had a candidate for a two-year term, King Nickolas is one of them. With the cast of sock-puppets he's assembled, it will take a decades for the USS Wentzville to right itself.
Yesterday, I caught a post by the highly revered Alderman of Ward 2, Chris Gard. I think he sums up what happened Tuesday, April 8th very well:
"On my website is a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that says 'We are the government-you and I." He was absolutely right. We choose the people who represent us in government, and we need to hold them accountable. Yesterday, only 8% of registered voters showed up to vote in municipal elections. That means 92% of voters never bothered to participate. Wow. 92%. Wow. As a result, City government was completely changed. I'm always so confused when people say their vote doesn't matter. If you don't even show up to the ballot box, you're absolutely right. It doesn't. C'mon gang, we can do better. Surely we can care more about our City leadership than 8%?"
I'm confident that most of my readers are registered voters, and that they did their civic duty by voting. If you did not; you, and the apathetic masses, are responsible for the politically-unhealthy environment that will be sworn-in on April 23rd to govern our once proud city. I'm truly ashamed of our Wentzville registered voters who did not vote. Guccione has made the mayor's office the laughing stock of the county—everyone knows it, and now he's added two more reasons to believe that Wentzville is in serious trouble; Linda 'Wrong' Wright and Robert 'Back-Door' Hussey. Because Wentzville has no regular newspaper, or other effective news coverage, King Nickolas is still in office. Had there been regular media-coverage of what he's done in his first two years to disgrace his office and the people of Wentzville, Mayor Guccione would be back to being plain old Schnucks butcher Guccione.
I'll take great pleasure in covering this new board of aldermen and following their every public blunder. I'm confident that my readers will not be disappointed. Something may happen soon to remedy the lack of news coverage in Wentzville, it may cause grief for Guccione and his minions, I'll let you know when it's about to happen.
* * * * *
The Board of Aldermen meeting Wednesday, April 9th was relatively consistent with most Guccione meetings. He mumbled, stumbled, and fumbled through two "Certificates of Recognition" and a "Proclamation." He managed to embarrass everyone in attendance by mumbling, getting tripped up on two and three syllable words, and his total lack of being able to read people's names. You need to watch the video (that doesn't appear to be posted yet, or I'd have given you a link), it's incredible!
During last night's meeting the thing that seemed to be weighing heavily on Alderman Cheryl Kross' mind was trees. She must have talked about trees on at least a half-dozen occasions. The first was a single tree on the property of Chick-fil-A. It seems that the new owner had inherited a tree that was a smaller caliper than specified in the code, and come hell or high water, Kross was going to get it fixed. I wonder if she goes around town checking every tree looking for code violations. What I find puzzling about this whole matter is; it's not even in her ward, but with sword drawn, Kross plunged forward.
Kross is a meticulous micro-managing meddler in the staff's jobs. She could not seem to understand that the situation had been addressed by the Public Works, and she kept bringing it up at every opportunity throughout the meeting. Kross was on a mission. The next trees she was concerned with are owned by Dairy Queen, two large pines of some variety. The owner had bought the property next to Dairy Queen and is wanting to build a pizza place by the name of Tommy D's. Well, the trees would end up right smack in the middle of his parking lot. "Isn't there some way you can save them," she begged? She brought up this same concern at the meeting last month and got the same answer, but the engineer on the project gleefully explained it to her again. The only thing different about these trees, and the Chick-fil-A tree is; at least this time they are in her ward. I wonder if she knows that?

The City of Wentzville has an eighty million dollar budget, and the most important thing on Cheryl Kross' agenda is three trees, which are the problem of Planning and Zoning and the Public Works department. Why does she continually probe issues that are insignificant compared to the developments and major problems in the city? She needs to focus on her job and quit trying to micro-manage the entire city and its employees.

* * * * *
Beginning April 23rd, the new board will be sworn-in and I believe there will be a lot more to talk about. I'm looking forward to thickening up the skin of the new minions; 'Linda Wrong' and 'Back Door' Hussey, the newest members of; The Unholy Alliance (click here). See you soon!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Vote April 8, 2014 For Ethical Government

Tomorrow, April 8th, 2014, registered Wentzville voters will go to the polls to elect aldermen for Ward 1 and Ward 3. One change from last year; you will not see the mind-numbing barrage of signs placed at the polls by ex-Judge, Michael Carter when he attempted to recover his seat on the bench. Voters were fed up with his crippling of the police budget and kicked him back to the curb in favor of Steve Martin for his second term. Something you will see again is our Mayor passing out his city business cards and endorsing his retreaded candidates; Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. You may even see ex-judge Carter and State Representative RINO, Bryan Spencer handing out their cards.

When you see Guccione and he gives you his city business card introducing his candidates, ask him; Mr. Mayor, What have you accomplished for Wentzville during your last two years in office? And; Why are you endorsing this candidate when you've clearly accomplished nothing in your term? Another great question might be; Why are you spending so much time meddling in campaigns for aldermen hopefuls, shouldn't you be concentrating on your job and trying to work with the board of aldermen, rather than control it? Or, Is it true, you visited pornographic websites on city owned computers? (that ought to get some interesting conversations started) For my money, I'd even ask; What have you accomplished in seven years of derelict public service, and how much did the city spend trying to scrub your email to keep it from infecting our entire city system?
There are some questions you might ask of Hussey such as; "Mr. Hussey, what was the real reason you were fired from your city administrator job with Dardiene Prairie," and "Why did you violate the rules of an international benevolent society by using their membership list for your personal campaign?" And then; Given your shifty history and highly unethical use of a private membership list, how can you possibly compete with the most ethical and procedure-wise alderman in Wentzville; Forrest Gossett? I seriously doubt you'll get the correct answers, but it's worth a try.
Now the Wright quiz; "Ms. Wright, why are you running against Wentzville's most effective alderman, Rick Stokes, what do you bring to the table that he hasn't already?" Or; "Is it true you work administering Obamacare? And; Do you have any knowledge of procedure or city management?" Or; "Weren't you initially recruited by Guccione to be his pawn, voting with him on the board?" And finally; Didn't you run a pathetic third in your embarrassing loss to the appointed, and now useless Michael Hays, why would you think you could beat the powerhouse Rick Stokes?" These are all good questions if you plan to vote for her.
Local government is where voters can make the largest impact. You can choose to have our representatives run our city in an ethical, and fiscally responsible proactive way, or you can choose the path Mayor Nickolas Guccione is trying to impliment—an unethical, irresponsible, shoot-from-the hip kind of government, where he controls the aldermen and doesn't know any thing other than dirty, mud-slinging, good-ole-boy politics. 
Guccione once proudly told me; "I voted for Obama!" I disagree with what Obama is doing to our country, but I believe Guccione wants to be just like him. Our country today has the worst economic, and social problems the world has ever seen and Guccione wants to bring Wentzville to that same breaking point. There is only one way he can accomplish his goal of total control and that's by duping the voters into electing Hussey and Wright.
So what are Guccione's goals if he gets Hussey and Wright elected? Everything listed here can be verified through public record;
  • Chief of police, Lisa Harrison will be fired within the first 90 days.
  • Opposes the CID extension that would allow a movie theater, a workout center, and a new steak house to be built in Wentzville.
  • Wentzville will get stricter Gun laws.
  • Ordinances and ethics policies will be changed to allow the mayor to give money to any 501c3 organization or hard-case story individual he hears about.
  • He will continue to pardon individuals or business owner friends who violate Wentzville law.
  • He will dictate to, and micro-manage builders.
  • He will oppose anything (other than baskets for the Mayor's Ball) brought to Wentzville by Sam's Club, or WalMart.
  • He will continue bringing new unfunded laws to the city.
  • He would oppose anything Ranken Technical College brings (except donations to the Mayor's Ball) before the city.
  • He would infect the Wentzville computer system without having anyone on the board to rat him out.
  • He would shut-down any and all pet shops in Wentzville.
The list goes on, but these are all things he wants, or has already gotten in his first two years in office. If he gets two more yes-men elected to the board, he'd have a super-majority who all agree with his politics, and he'd get everything on this list and more, for the remainder of his political life in Wentzville.
Frankly, I find Guccione dangerous, his supporters, and his politics disgusting, and can't wait to have someone beat him out of his job in 2016. He and his closest confidants have brought sleaze to Wentzville government and it's time to put a stop to it. If you vote for Hussey or Wright, you are telling Guccione that we want you to do any and/or all of the things listed above.
So here we are, another heart-wrenching Guccione campaign, filled with mud-slinging and inferior candidates, I'm really tired of it. We need to stop his unethical endorsements and send them home for the second time, hoping they get the message—Wentzville doesn't want you or anyone connected with our dysfunctional mayor.
Remember to vote tomorrow, and I hope you vote for either Forrest Gossett in Ward 1, or Rick Stokes in Ward 3. We need to let the mayor know where we stand on his brand of politics!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Three "D's": Deceit, Deception, and Diversion

Just four days remain until Wentzville voters go to the polls to elect aldermen for Ward 1 and Ward 3, and this is an extremely important election for the well-being of our city. Mayor Nickolas Guccione is using Mike Carter (the rejected municipal Judge) to sling most of the mud at candidates; Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett. Carter is using his copy-cat blog, and now mailings to Ward 3 voters attempting to overthrow the strongest aldermen on the board, in the typical slash-and-trash King Nickolas campaign style.
The Guccione-Carter-Spencer campaign tactics are used because they have nothing positive to say about their own candidates. About Linda Wright they tell us; "She's a good mom," or that "Robert Hussey is a good man." We've had a; "She's a good mom" disaster in Ward 2 for two years; and we're not sure of a man who steals the membership list of a benevolent society to use for campaigning, or being fired by the good City of Dardiene Prairie "is a good man." The problem is that Wright knows nothing about city government, or any government. I guess they could make points by saying Wright makes her living working in the Obamacare system (which is a fact), if you happen to agree with Obamacare, but I'm not sure that it qualifies as a positive reason to vote for her. It's the silk purse, sow's ear syndrome — They think; if they can pile up enough trash on their opponent, and get enough titles e.g., Mayor, Judge, and State Representative to endorse him/her, they can make a star out of nothing while destroying a true star.

What they are overlooking is; Wentzville voters are not as stupid as Guccione/Carter/Spencer think they are, and, they remember the lies they were told. Guccione used the three "D's"; Deceit,  Deception, and Diversion getting himself elected, and voters have seen what they got; an unqualified, illiterate, dysfunctional mayor. Guccione has endorsed numerous alderman candidates in every election, including his own, and not a one of them were ever elected. The voters know that he's a deceit filled airbag of questionable morals and they know; if he is endorsing Wright and Hussey, something must be wrong with them. Both of his candidates were endorsed by the Guccione machine last year and both failed. This year he's boosted endorsements for the retreaded Hussey and Wright thinking that that would do the trick. If he and Carter couldn't get them elected last year, what's changed, why would he think that by throwing a half-baked RINO State Representative in the mix it would make any difference? Remember Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing expecting different results.

Voters know about the narcissistic King Nickolas, they know about the egotistical self-centered ex-Judge Carter, and they are finding out about the lack of ethics of the meddling Missouri State Representative, Bryan Spencer. These three men are trying to overturn our Wentzville representative government by ousting Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett, giving Guccione another yes-man and yes-woman that have no intention of representing Wentzville and who have no knowledge of government. It's a bad situation and the voters of Wentzville won't stand for it!

If Guccione's candidates are so good, why won't they tell us what they plan to do, what they have done, and what makes them qualified to be an alderman in Wentzville. "He's a nice man," or, "She's a good mom," are not good reasons to ask us to vote for them. Throwing trumped-up-trash and gathering more phony endorsements against incumbents; Rick Stokes and Forrest Gossett, will not discredit the dedicated representation they have given their constituents and the people of Wentzville. The Wentzvillian asks every voter in Wards1, and Ward 3 to stand up against Hussey and Wright. Send a message to King Nickolas Guccione: "We are tired of your brand of non-leadership. We're appalled at the loss of employees, at the rate of one a week. And we're disgusted by your use of city computers to visit porn-sites." We want honest, ethical leaders who work for the people, not sock-puppets to a lunatic who lied, cheated, and stolen his way into the mayor's office!

Be sure to vote April 8th! Re-elect FORREST GOSSETT in Ward 1, and re-elect RICK STOKES for Ward 3. Wentzville needs open government and honest aldermen who govern ethically!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's About Power, Not Qualifications

One week left to find out if Mayor Nickolas Guccione's group of groans (Mike Carter and Bryan Spencer, Michael Hays, Cheryl Kross, and John Luby) will overthrow two very engaged aldermen with Guccione's cast of clowns; Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. I know about Hussey's unethical background especially since being fired by the city government of Dardiene Prairie, but recently I got a comment from a Wright fan who tells of her "extraordinary accomplishments," so I thought I'd take a moment to see what she has to say for herself.
First, I know that she has no declaration; "Paid for by" on her website—campaign ethics violation number one. Then I received her campaign flier in the mail this weekend so I had to go dig it out of the trash to check out her "extraordinary accomplishments." Low-and-behold there was no "Paid for by" declaration on it either—campaign ethics violation number two. Some of you may not think this is a big deal but Guccione sent violations to the Missouri Ethics Commission against his opponents in every election he ever ran in; if our own brilliant mayor thinks it's a big deal, it must be a big deal. From this I must deduce that Linda Wright is in the category; unethical.
Looking at Wright's flier, the first thing I notice is the smiling face of King Nickolas (unquestionably, the most unethical politician to ever be elected in Wentzville) standing closer to Wright than any coffee filters I ever tried to separate, it looked like a wedding photo without the dress. Turning the card over, there I see Republican (RINO) Representative, Bryan Spencer's smiling face, I don't think there's ever been a Missouri state Representative publicly endorsing an alderman candidate in Wentzville history, it makes me wonder why? The answer is simple; Wright in unelectable, especially against a powerhouse alderman the likes of Rick Stokes. She must be a great mind with "extraordinary accomplishments," to garner the support (with pictures) of a morally questionable mayor and a RINO State Representative who spends more time meddling in Wentzville politics than representing his district in Jefferson City.

As with any campaign that Guccione is involved in (which is all of them), there's always unethical, or shady things going on. Sneaky as he is, he knows that an ethics violation cannot be filed 15 days before an election. So now we see two ethics violations from his candidate; Wright, which he knows will not get a black mark until after the election. He's probably stupid enough to think he can pardon her anyway. Now what's going on with his other candidate; Robert Hussey? It appears that one of Forrest Gossett's mailings has gone undelivered, and missing, tampering with the mail is a Federal Offense. I'm not suggesting that Guccione is that stupid, but someone is, because a second mailing in two weeks has been put on the missing list. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there isn't a Postal investigation underway to see if there isn't a mail tampering charge waiting for someone! If they find that the coincidence points the finger, the election between Hussey and Gossett could be contested and somebody might get a healthy fine or imprisonment.
Still wondering why such an array of high-power support, I read on. Next to Spencer's image is a list of other endorsements, notably; Michael Hays and John Luby both Ward 3 Aldermen. Luby was one of the original yes-men to Bill Schuette, and member of the infamous Lurchettes. It amazed me how little he did as my ward representative, but it was his mission to go along to get along. Luby's lack of engaging at meetings is only exceeded by my current representative, Michael Hays, and his do-absolutely-nothing-approach method of leadership. So let me recap; Guccione the porn-king mayor, Spencer, the meddling Missouri State Representative, and two useless aldermen who's greatest accomplishments were to keep the snoring down so as not to wake the mayor are supporting Linda Wright, the retread that lost in last year's election to the most useless alderman EVER, Michael Hays.

Being unimpressed by Wright's inferior list of supporters I had to look deeper into the flier. Unfortunately, the closest thing to an "extraordinary accomplishment" on the flier was the list of losers she has gathered to support her. There was nothing saying what she's done, or wants to do, or change, just endorsements. I hope Ward 3 residents see what's going on here, she has no good reason to run for office other than to be another in the list of stooges Guccione has already; Hays and Cheryl Kross—who also have no good reason to be on the board of aldermen.

This is about power, Guccione needs another yes-man in order to take control of the legislative branch of Wentzville government and Wright and Hussey are his choices to take over. Guccione hates the logical good-government actions of Forrest Gossett and Rick Stokes, and he hates them personally. If he succeeds in what he wants, Wentzville will suffer. Only one person will have fun from having Hussey and/or Wright elected, and that one is; The Wentzvillian. The mayor and board of aldermen will be an even more target-rich environment than it is today.

At one time, I told Spencer that The Wentzvillian does not cover state government because we have too many problems in Wentzville. He approached me prior to his election because I had posted something about his qualifications that he found detrimental to his coming election and wanted to set me straight. I didn't want to talk to him then, and even less today, in order to get him away from me, I lied to him. I hate lying, and feel guilty that I had to do it to get rid of him. So, to set the record straight: Mr. Spencer I told you that I would vote for you then: I'm sorry but that was a lie! I didn't then, and will never in the future—Oh, and I'd appreciate it if you would stay out of Wentzville politics and do the job you were elected to do by those in your unfortunate district! I have a request of you: If you can, do you think you can get your bud, Guccione, a job as a State Representative and get him out of Wentzville too? Wentzville would appreciate it!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mr. Speaker—Please Don't Spank Me


On March 19th, I posted Oepidus Rex (click here) and divulged the meddling in our upcoming Wentzville city election by Republican In Name Only (RINO), Missouri State Representative, Brian Spencer. I told of him holding hands with Mayor Nickolas Guccione's Great White Hope; Robert Hussey, while he walked the streets of Ward 1 trying to convince its residents that "he be da man." I mentioned that Spencer was handing out taxpayer compensated state literature and endorsing Hussey at the same time. As Paul Harvey always said; "Now, for the rest of the story."
As every informed voter should know by now, Hussey is a Dardiene Prairie reject, after being fired from his City Manager position by that city, and besides, there are simply enough shady characters in Wentzville Government now. Enter Representative Spencer, introducing himself to residents using state paid pamphlets and endorsing Hussey. As cheesy, and underhanded as it seems for a State Representative to campaign for a local wannabe politician, there are laws, and Spencer found out the hard way. He got a phone call from the Speaker of the Missouri State House of Representatives who told him that if he wants to campaign for someone he needs to do it as "citizen" Brian Spencer, not "Representative Spencer," oh, and stay the hell out of other Representatives districts when you do. Unfortunately, Representative Chuck Gattesenberger was not a happy camper when Spencer came through his district campaigning for Hussey.

Where do they find these kinds of unethical narcissistic-sleezeballs; Guccione, Hussey, Spencer, Wright, Hays, Carter, Shryock, and Kross. All eight people who have an agenda, and are all hell-bent on the complete control and destruction of Wentzville Government. Aldermen Chris Gard, Rick Stokes, and Forrest Gossett are working hard to keep Guccione and his band of knuckleheads in check. They now need our help; vote April 8th for Forrest Gosset in Ward 1, and Rick Stokes in Ward 3, let Guccione know that we do not want his kind of ethics in office. Our city computers are clean now, and we want to keep them that-a-way.

* * * * *

It's two weeks prior to the election. Those with pitiful or nonexistent public records are hard at work slashing those with real accomplishments and worth to the city. I want to look at each of these useless individuals and list of their greatest accomplishments:

Nickolas Guccione: Guccione's record after almost eight years of public humiliation service has to his credit, one semi positive initiative; "Double Fine Zones." Unfortunately, those who trusted him to implement this program don't know that he made no budget recommendations and it cannot be enforced, tsk, tsk. Other accomplishments include; being pardoned for crimes against the city, running the foulest unethical campaigns in the history of Wentzville, and who can forget, using his elected office and city resources to entertain himself all day watching pornography in the comfort of his mayor's office. This is the man who leads the negative campaigns against three of the most effective aldermen Wentzville has ever known. and supporting two of the most undeserving; Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. Guccione knows that this election will be his last chance for a two-year free ride before he's dumped by the voters in 2016 and he's pulling out all the stops.

Mike Carter: He has restarted his blog and Facebook blitz, trash talking the three Aldermen who rank highest after a year-long poll; Forrest Gossett, Chris Gard, and Rick Stokes in favor of Guccione's flawed couple of candidates. He has tagged these alderman's Facebook pages with his blog which ignores any resemblance to what is really going on, but when they have no qualifications or public record, trash is all they have. Carter, as you remember is the failed municipal judge who after two years on the bench almost single handedly destroyed the Wentzville police budget. Voters realizing his lack of abilities said "Hell No!" and sent him packing in favor of Steve Martin. Carter has absolutely no interest in this election other than being pissed at the voters for giving him the boot (twice), and being Guccione's bud. You may also remember seeing his campaign signs that covered almost every square inch of property at the polls, lots of folks complained about that stunt.

Representative Brian Spencer: What can be said about a State Representative who spends more time and effort meddling in Wentzville and its elections than he does in Jefferson City? This RINO (Republican In Name Only) just got his ass handed to him by the Speaker of the House for campaigning for Hussey out of his district. Spencer is just another of those airhead elected officials who out-live their usefulness and most times become a bad one-term memory.

Robert Hussey: This is Hussey's second try at being a ward 1 alderman, last year he was unsuccessful against Cheryl Kross. Guccione took him under his wing after he was fired from his City Manager job in Dardiene Prairie, and even tried to sneak him into the Wentzville City Administrator position through the back door. When that failed Guccione thought he'd be perfect at replacing his enemy, Kross, and that didn't work out either. Hussey took one of Wentzville's fine benevolent society's membership list, against policy, and used it to send out campaign information, this should highlight his unethical nature. Hussey has nothing to add to Wentzville and these clowns are showing their agenda by recycling a candidate that the voters didn't want in the first place.

Linda Wright: Wright is another recycled loser but this time she's going up against a more formidable opponent, President of the Board, Rick Stokes. She came in a miserable third place in last years election with a pathetic 142 votes out of 646 cast. Guccione is running out of fresh candidates, time, and he knows that he needs to get rid of Stokes or the party's over and he won't get another chance to unseat him before his own mayor election in 2016.

* * * * *

I challenge anyone to bring fourth one positive public service either of these candidates (or their handlers) bring to the table, and then count the times each of them trash-talk their opponents. Gossett and Stokes are running on their records, Hussey and Wright are running on how much garbage they can throw and how much a Mayor, a State Representative, and an exiled municipal judge can influence Wentzville's election. This group of unethical boobs are trying to change Wentzville, and I'm sure we really don't want their change. Vote to re-elect Forrest Gossett and Rick Stokes for good and ethical government on April 8th.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oedipus Rex

Lessons in life come in various ways; some people believe in taking heed of the experiences garnered by the terrible mistakes of others, then there are those who tread disastrous paths ignoring the less painful experience in favor of suffering the slings and arrows of repeating them—Einstein described this method to be the definition of insanity. Since there are questions regarding the formal education of Mayor Nickolas Guccione, he probably never read Einstein, or Oedipus Rex and he fails to recognize the results of hubris—to Guccione I would suggest he locate the writing of Sophocles and brush up. The day will come when the mayor may discover the error of his current ways, but then again narcissists very seldom recognize their failings.
Nickolas Guccione never paid attention to the overwhelming criticism laid upon him during his highly unethical election campaigns of the past simply because he knows no other way than to repeat the misguided suggestions of those who failed before him. His villainous advisers include some of the most  politically despised people in Wentzville; Vickie Boedeker, Bill Schuette, Donna Sherwood, and Mike Carter. Everyone of them learned the same lesson, and felt the same rejection when a huge majority of the voters here drove them out of their offices, or campaign hopes. It's not pretty when a town turns against you.
This town is turning on Guccione as his list of ego-driven blunders mount up, so many in fact they couldn't possibly be listed here. Being pardoned for ethics violations by the outgoing Mayor Lambi (who also overlooked Guccione's pornography problem and tried desperately to keep it under covers, so to speak) started a snowball of irrational initiatives and liaisons like the appointment of Micheal Hays, who is the most useless alderman of Ward 3 since Guccione himself.
Today, unknown to him, Guccione the puppeteer, has become Guccione the sock puppet of another in his long list of ill advised puppet masters; Alderman Cheryl Kross. Watching him make a fool of himself spouting her exact words would be funny if it weren't disgusting because of his total ignorance of what she's doing to him. Last Wednesday night at the board meeting he went off on the presenters of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee (DEDHP) making a host of new political enemies. He parroted exactly what Kross has been saying in private for years. Kross is sly, she recognizes that vocalizing disdain in a public meeting for the committee recommendations would hurt her in her drive to be re-elected in 2015 and her desire to become Mayor in 2016. Guccione who tries so hard not to upset voters, bought into her unpopular concept and tagged himself as one who wants to remove Historic Preservation from the DEDHP, alienating several large groups of civic organizations in the process. He had absolutely nothing to gain and much to lose by his ego-driven public rant against the committee recommendations.
Hey Nick, Cheryl Kross isn't doing you any favors when she makes you look like an idiot when you get huffy in a public meeting by using her words. Who do you think looks bad here? The answer is; "not her!" I cannot believe that you are okay with throwing away votes in your next election just to display your misguided sense of ultimate power. You forget that you can do nothing to stop the will of the board, all you did was to anger quite a few voters—who have influence on so many other voters—you bit the big one—Kross is laughing at how easily you are led.
* * * * *
Back on the campaign trail, a host of villains are working to build the Guccione machine. Guccione himself is using his Facebook page to vigorously campaign for Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. I find it amazing that any mayor who was pardoned for crimes against the city, and cost taxpayers money by using city resources to entertain himself with pornographic websites, is so unashamed to campaign for others (who obviously look up to him for guidance).
Mike Carter, the failed Wentzville ex-Judge, is busy weaving Gucione's web of fault laden candidates on the Internet. And low-and-behold, Brian Spencer, the RHINO (Republican in name only) State Representative, has actively joined the mix, adding to the cauldron full of miscreant reprobates meddling in local politics. Spencer spends more time in Wentzville than he does in Jefferson City and a growing number of Wentzville citizens are asking—why?
Spencer has been walking the streets with his soul-mate, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, for almost a year lending support and trying to regain some respectibility for a mayor who has been digging his own political grave since he was first elected. Now, Spencer is walking the streets with Robert Hussey (whose jaded work record in Dardiene Prairie is a dark shadow hanging over his electibility) who needs help to unseat incumbent Forrest Gossett. Oh, and by the way, he's handing out propaganda on how well he's doing in the Missouri House of Representatives (that were more than likely paid for by tax dollars). After he introduces himself as the all-high State Representative he probably adds; "With me here today is Mr. Hussey, we happened to be walking along and ran into each other so we decided to kill two birds with one stone and walk the streets together. He needs your support to help our wonderful mayor build his political machine to throw out any resemblance of good government in Wentzville."
This crew of jokers are working hard to push a couple of unworthy candidates into office and upset the logical balance of power which would give Guccione authority over two branches of Wentzville Government. Mayor Vickie Boedeker tried it and failed, leaving Wentzville with a dysfunctional board of misfits that we are still paying for today. Should Robert Hussey or Linda Wright get elected, Wentzville will see it's darkest days since Vickie's Lurchettes. I beg our voters to re-elect Forrest Gosset in Ward 1, and Rick Stokes in Ward 3. Keep intelligence and ethics on our board of aldermen.

Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 Campaign Trivial Pursuit

A number of interesting (but not surprising) events have been discovered (or uncovered) in the last couple of weeks and I am going to share them with you today. With the election drawing near, the campaigns of Rick Stokes (incumbent Ward 3) vs. Linda Wright, and Forrest Gossett (incumbent Ward 1) vs. Robert Hussey are under way. Mayor Nickolas Guccione will be using the Internet heavily to campaign for both Hussey and Wright, which could prove entertaining. I've seen preschoolers write better sentences on their nursery room walls with the contents of their diapers. If I were them, I'd proofread his scrawling and recommend wearing gloves in the process.
* * * * *
Alderman of Ward 1, Cheryl Kross, who has stated on numerous occasions, "I'm staying neutral. I will not support anyone in this election," is campaigning for Linda Wright, as witnessed by her Facebook re posts of Wright's Facebook blathering. It is no secret that Kross' hatred of her mortal enemy Rick Stokes has been in high-gear for over a year, and this latest display is proof that her attitude (not looking out for the best interests of the city) persists by continuing to press her own agenda.  Why else would she go out of her ward to promote someone who is inferior to a highly accomplished incumbent alderman? But then again, she was instrumental in saddling that same ward with the worst alderman on the board, Michael Hays. Kross has a marked propensity toward screwing up ward 3. Stokes has been a leader on the Board of Aldermen since being first elected four years ago and being elected President of the Board for two consecutive years. Petty jealousy should not be a reason for dumbing down Wentzville government. The political war she's waging on Stokes is unhealthy for the city of Wentzville and her future in it. Her statement and recent actions are proof that she is a liar and cannot be trusted by voters in her ward, or in Wentzville. Alderman Kross has become an embarrassment to Ward 1.
* * * * *
Robert Hussey, candidate of Ward 1, who was fired from his city manager job with the City of Dardiene Prairie, is running against hyper-ethical incumbent Forrest Gossett for the Ward 1 seat. As everyone knows, ethics in government has become a big concern in the country today and Wentzville's campaigns reek with a lack of it. Kross has abandoned all semblance of ethics and if you look into the history of Hussey in Dardiene Prairie, you'll see that he may very well be in the same mould.

If you are familiar with benevolent organizations, they have a rule regarding the use of their membership lists for political or personal gain (for the benefit of Mr. Hussey, the rule is; NOT TO USE IT!). Rules don't appear to mean much to Mr. Hussey, he decided to use the membership list to send out campaign literature to its membership. I won't mention the organization simply because it does such good work in the community, I don't want to tarnish its good name by illuminating the fact that one of their members is so lacking a respect for rules.
* * * * *
I don't dislike Mayor Nickolas Guccione, but I strongly disagree with his politics, lack of leadership, and communication skills, I believe it advertises the wrong face for Wentzville and besides, he's just plain embarrassing. Contrary to popular belief, I really find it difficult to expose the ridiculous and foolish things he does with his position, but the residents of Wentzville need to know what kind of person is sitting in his high office.
I had noticed some time ago that Guccione's city email address is: mayor1@wentzvillemo.org, which is a change from the email address used by every mayor since Wentzville started using email. I asked around wondering why every mayor of Wentzville used: mayor@wentzvillemo.org, and Guccione was now "mayor1." I originally thought it was a vanity thing but recent information has exposed the reason and it's far from vanity. It's an involved story so I'll try to explain it as simply as possible.
During the time Guccione was an alderman, (five years) he was in the habit of opening porn websites, why he used his city account is beyond me? I would have thought he would have kept it on his personal computer—but that's our lovable mayor—anyway, he continued visiting these sites even after he was elected to his high office. At some time, he must have realized that someone in the IT department might discover that he was spending way too much time frequenting websites of a somewhat less official nature than a mayor should be visiting, especially while utilizing city resources. To make a long story very short, it took the IT department over two months of scrubbing the address (fearing it might infect the entire system) before they reassigned the new "mayor1" address. For my money, they probably needed to scrub some other things too—but we won't go there, just let your imaginations run with it—if you dare ... oh my! I wonder just how much money in taxpayer dollars he cost the city entertaining himself?

* * * * *
Just think, Guccione has changed history, even if it's just an email address. So here we are; election time, and our hate-filled Ward 1 Alderman, Cheryl Kross and our shining Mayor1 are endorsing Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, need we say more?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Don't Give a Damn What the Law Says —Guccione

I hate to say this but Mayor Nickolas Guccione and Alderman Cheryl Kross outdid themselves last night at  the Wentzville Board of Aldermen Meeting (click here). They got all tangled up in their own web as they tried in vain to change the makeup of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee (DEDHP) for absolutely no reason other than hate and revenge. The Bill was defeated by a 3-2 vote.
The craziness started during "New Business Section IX, Para. 9, (ID # 5043) Bill No. 3540, an ordinance Amending Section 130.150 of the Municipal Code Regarding the Make-up of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee, First Reading," at 1:31:20 into the meeting. As you remember from from the last post; Kross and Guccione Need a Wake Up Call (click here), they wanted to remove the aldermen now serving on the DEDHP, and cripple any recommendations the committee brings to the city, by not funding it.

Kross began the discussion with an outright lie. During her explanation regarding why she removed herself from the committee she said: "I support this committee, I think what they are doing is good for the city, but I didn't know that they were going to come to the board with recommendations and ask for funding." I have to ask Alderman Kross: You knew from the beginning, when you begged your way onto the committee that there would be funding requests. You also actively participated in discussions of projects  requiring funding during your first eight months on the committee. Remember your suggestion of acquiring a site on Pearve Blvd. for a new pavillion and building a children's park, did you think all that would be free? If you support the DEDHP and improvements in downtown, how are they supposed make improvements, if there's no financial support from the city? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that improvements cost money and that you never had any intentions of supporting the DEDHP, you were only a member to plan a way to derail it. So your idea of the DEDHP is to remove all funding and let them keep talking for another 50 years and accomplish the same thing the city did for the last 50 years—NOTHING! Admit it Mrs. Kross, you just don't like Aldermen Chris Gard (Committee Chair) or President of the Board, Alderman Rick Stokes, and will do anything to defy them, thwarting their efforts to do something about what the city has neglected for the last 50 years—HISTORIC DOWNTOWN! That goes for you too, Mayor Nickolas Guccione.

Now we come to our illustrious CEO, Mayor Nickolas Guccione. At 1:44:50 he took over; "I don't see any representatives of business owners on the committee or members of the Downtown Business Association (DBA) on the committee." I find this statement strange, because he appointed every single member who currently sits on the committee. Where did this new-found lack of deserving members come from? He even had the ordinance changed recently to add an eighth member, and guess what, he isn't a member of the DBA either? Well Mr. CEO, if you were to ask the members of the committee you'd find there are members of the DBA represented on the DEDHP. He went on to say that he also thinks that the DEDHP is good for the city and supports their efforts. Horse pucky, how do you support them, by taking away the guidance of aldermen and give it no  teeth by not funding it? Of course my alderman, Michael Hays, who's lack of participation in city government is disturbing, voted to change the ordinance, he has to vote the way Guccione tells him to vote.

Guccione also went on his occasional rant about the blog, the blog, and being bullied by it, which he continued in his "Mayor's Report," at 2:24:30 into the meeting (I guess once wasn't enough). He even made reference to the young girl in Dardiene Pairie who hung herself because of being bullied. Please don't hang yourself King Nickolas, what would the city do without you. Then he got biblical, mentioning David and Goliath and said that he's going to get the State, County, and even Wentzville to make laws to infringe on the The Wentzvillian's First Amendment rights because it's a bully blogger.

His most disgusting comment of the night was; "I don't care what the ordinance says, I'm not going to appoint another alderman to serve on the DEDHP. It's my appointment." Where have we heard theses comments before, maybe the appointment of the most useless member of the board of aldermen, Michael Hays, and the threat of not adhering to the ethics policy (law) regarding the Mayor's Ball?

I have to ask the citizens of Wentzville; Mayor Nickolas Guccione took an oath of office stating that he would uphold the laws of Wentzville. Does he actually think that in upholding those laws, they don't apply to him? He's made several threats in his two years in office to break the laws he is bound by oath to uphold, the Aldermen need to have him impeached. If he thinks The Wentzvillian is bullying him because he's reported here to be a rotten Mayor, he needs to find another hobby because he's a complete failure in politics. As long as he continues to bully the aldermen by threatening to break our laws, the staff by threatening them with insubordination if they talk to the aldermen, to threaten the citizens by being incompetent, and threaten the The Wentzvillian by trying to stifle it's First Amendment rights, I will be here to report on him. If King Nickolas thinks that The Wentzvillian is bullying him and it leads him to buy a rope, oh well, so be it.

BTW, Where's our great new City Attorney while our mayor is bullying everyone in the city, does he approve of his actions? The last time I heard, he represents the city, not a rogue mayor.