Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Opinion, or Fact?

I've had discussions with friends and acquaintances regularly over the years about Wentzville government and its elected officials. Some of those conversations were calm and others  led to outbursts of language of a somewhat inappropriate manner, even to the extent of questioning my lineage. The Wentzvillian has been criticized by mayors, aldermen, and a host of ... let's say ... fans, who strongly disagree with my reviews.
The Wentzvillian has been called polarizing, I disagree. Those who make those claims are separating themselves by drawing lines, all I do is enlighten citizens by shining light on where the lines have been drawn. There's a fine line (like an electric fence) between ethical and unethical and I stand on that fence watching closely which side our elected officials choose to work from. It may sound strange, but some people who dabble on the "wrong side," don't like being called out for their actions. Mayor Nickolas Guccione tests that fence frequently, and that's probably why I don't get Christmas cards from him anymore. Many aldermen over the years have also scratched my name from their dance cards simply because I'm unafraid to give "my opinion" and tell it like it is ... publicly.
A couple of months ago, a personal friend of mine became frustrated after he asked me what was going on in city hall. The discussion was regarding a particular alderman and after I told him "...she's a lousy alderman...," he was mildly miffed regarding what I said. He disagreed and told me about it by saying; "That's just your opinion, she's one of the best on the board," I laughed and said; "No, that's just your opinion." So what's the difference between his opinion and mine?
I'm as informed about our city government as any regular citizen and more than the vast majority. When I asked my friend the basis of his opinion, he didn't really have a good reason other than that mine stinks, so I knew it was a personal thing and not based on fact. I know my friend, I see him at public meetings maybe twice a year, which is hardly enough contact with the government to base his opinion upon. On the other hand, for years I've attended every scheduled Board of Aldermen meeting, except for an infrequent absence, because watching elected officials deportment during the meetings reveals so much more than watching a video. In addition, I investigate public record to help connect the dots and fill in the blanks ... sooner or later it all comes together. My friend had spoken socially with the alderman in question and based his opinion on her opinion of me, and right now her opinion of me is less than ideal ... it's just that simple.
Opinions vary, and the validity of any opinion is education of the subject matter. My friend's opinion is "just his opinion," based on his business needs and social contact with elected officials. My opinion is "just my opinion" to him, but is based of years in city hall watching meetings and digging through public record. Am I always right when I speculate? Absolutely not, but it's closer to the truth than most other opinions of people who are not concerned and do not investigate their government. When I speculate with little or no information, that's "my opinion," but when qualified with facts gained through observation and research, it's a much different animal than "just my opinion." I wish more voters were active and attended the alderman's meetings. If they did, we would have a much better and more effective government — elected officials would know they are being observed and stand the chance of being criticized if they jump the electric fence.

I've come to see some politicians more in the family; Homo Rodentia than Homo Sapiens. When you're armed with the facts, and you corner one, look out, they tend to bite. A few years back I had one of these rodents attack me at a public meeting of a local organization here in Wentzville. He didn't like an article I published which pointed out some of his shenanigans. After raising his voice and disrupting the meeting, I asked him what it was that I printed that wasn't true? He fumbled with his papers, "Well uh ... uh," he had nothing. He hadn't expected me to ask that question, and that's when he realized he'd made a fool of himself, which was basically the point of the article!

Elected officials react differently when confronted with truths that they would rather not have publicly known. A couple of alderman were using their "charms" (for lack of a better word), to appeal to my personal friends in an effort to persuade me to back off of my investigations into their political games. To them I say; give it up, my friends know that I'm an idealist who deplores hypocrisy — as long as there's a hint of unethical behavior, and I find out about it, it will be exposed. No amount of influence you may have on my friends will change the course of my reports. I suggest to those elected officials who don't like what I have to say, maybe you need to change the way you are doing things, try acting like you are "By the people, For the people, and Of the people," not "In the people, On the people, and Through the people!" So many elected officials today don't know the correct use of a preposition.

This past weekend, my friend came up to me and said, "You need to stop telling lies on your blog." I asked him if he might share with me the lies I'm posting; "Well uh ... uh," Again, he had nothing. I know the alderman he's enamoured with, and I had to laugh at him because he's so wrapped around this elected officials little finger it isn't funny. I simply told him, "If you don't like what I post, I suggest you don't read it." His response; "I don't." Then what the hell are you talking about!

I'm amazed how most people believe the half-truths or downright lies told to them by politicians. I was told by another friend; "The Wentzvillian fueled the fire of the lawsuit against the city, and others, by Chief Harrison." If I hadn't published the findings of the County Prosecutor of September 11, 2013 (click here), the whole matter would have been swept under the rug and covered up in executive session — the citizens of Wentzville would have never know of the alleged criminal actions going on with their elected officials.

The same thing happened a couple of years ago with the Lambi scandal, had I not investigated and revealed the things that were going on then, the entire situation would have been whitewashed and plowed under. I took a lot of heat and ridicule regarding the Lambi scandal, and today, it seems to be my fault that this lawsuit was filed. The only thing I can say about these matters is; Lambi plead guilty to the Missouri Ethics Commissions charges, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit of today will have their day in court, and the citizens of Wentzville continue to be warned about underhanded things going on in our city.

Mayor Nickolas Guccione (one of the most unethical politicians to ever be elected) has stated publicly that what I do is not journalism. This is one of the very few instances when he was correct and right on target. I am not a journalist, nor ever claimed to be, what I do is more in the line of investigative critical review. People all over the country do not trust the government, they are tired of being manipulated and lied to. What I do is to enlightened the citizens of Wentzville of what our local government is really doing and how it is really being done. If some elected politicians want to continue their legacy of lies, diversion, and deceit, The Wentzvillian will be here to expose them — that is not an opinion, that is a fact.

Stay tuned, I'm onto something that may raise more than a few eyebrows in the city.


  1. Hey Wentzvillian, don't let the bastards get you down...and keep the pressure on!

  2. The CEO, Mayor Nickolas Guccione is really nervous about this lawsuit. He sees huge problems in the likelihood of retaining his seat in city hall. He's going downhill and the stress of the job with all of the things going on is taking its toll on him. I hate to think it, but he had a heart attack only a couple of years ago, he'd better do something to reduce the stress or he could be in serious trouble..

    1. An interesting motion made by the defense attorney today in the big lawsuit:

      05/22/2014 Motion for Change of Judge
      Application for Change of Judge; Electronic Filing Certificate of Service.

      It sounds like the defense has a problem with the appointment by the Supreme Court; THE HONORABLE MARGARET M. NEILL, CIRCUIT JUDGE.. Maybe that's why Nick is so nervous, they can't get a sympathetic judge?

  3. Thank you for attending all the meetings and reporting the TRUTH. Most people want to keep their head in the sand.Luckily their are people like you that really care. Citizens need to be informed on who is running their city and how it effects everyone.Thanks again for all you do!

  4. Keep the pressure on and report the facts. If people can not live with the truth then there is something significantly wrong with them and it will, eventually, bite them in the rear end. Most of us live by ethics and moral integrity but it seems that is not the way it is in Wentzville city government. Look around at out city leaders and tell yourself what you see? Is what you are seeing making you happy? if it is not and you see the problems, ask yourself what are you willing to do to change things?
    Maybe the GOOD SAMARITAN law should into play here.
    It is time for the citizens to rise up against the shackles of incompetent city officials- and there are a number of them at the top in Wentzville who need to be removed from office. Now is the time to rise up and act and make yourself heard because if you don't you will be buried in more political grief than you can ever imagine and this city will tumble around your shoulders.

  5. You do not have your finger on the pulse of ethics. If so you wouldn't back the people you support. Here is a fact from an employee....stokes and shryock attended a preconstruction meeting for CVS pharmacy where shryocks husband and brother were involved via their professions. Stokes and shryock both insisted that CVS should not have to pay for a turn lane off the parkway as every other business has done. Doug Lee suggested the use of some grant money that was available and everyone was happy....take a look at the meeting regarding this wentzville parkway improvement. It is costing wentzville taxpayers over 750k. Now, why would CVS be the ONLY business that did not have to pay for a turn lane on the parkway? I am sorry that you only see what you want to see, which is usually off the side of ethical behavior. I know you won't post this but do the research and ask questions....the costs don't lie.

    1. The above post was edited for content. If the author of this post had put a verifiable name on the post, I would have been happy to allow it to be posted unedited.

      You can criticize me as much as you please and I will post your comment intact, but when you try to accuse me of an unethical affiliation, you'd best have sack enough to put your name on it. If you'd like to explain your comment in further detail, you can reach me at thewentzvillian@aol.com

      I can tell you are angry with someone and I'm curious why you only listed two aldermen who supported this action, it takes four to pass anything on the board. Where's the names of the other aldermen who passed this bill? I have to question your motives for posting this comment. sounds suspiciously like someone with an ax to grind.

  6. You missed the point and went straight for my juggler. Alderman are NEVER at a preconstruction meeting, so why this one? These two people being at this meeting where they insisted on not paying for a turn lane cost the taxpayers money that should have been paid by CVS just like Dierbergs, THF and everyone else on the parkway has done. I thought the essence of your editorial was based on fact or fiction? Just wanted to point out this fact so that you can investigate further, if you care to. Its all in the records....

    1. If I misunderstood, and mistakenly went for your jugular, I apologize. I will look into your point regarding CVS.

  7. Mr. Wentzvillian,
    I do appreciate your interest in our city. But, why always so negative. Aren't there good and positive things happening? I have noticed that many businesses are now going smoke free on their own...no government involvement. And how about the positives of the housing market? And how about the positives of the new businesses in town? And how about the new parks? And how about how are new Alderman are doing? There are a lot of positives so, why not just give a little spot in your blog to what is going right. Make people feel good about their community. Just a thought.

    1. I understand your question, and I agree, there are a lot of good going on in our city, however, there are newspapers and the city's own, "Vision" newsletter that talk about all the fluffy things in town. This blog deals with what's going on in the background, the people who control the city, and how they go about governing the city of Wentzville.

      There is no place in Wentzville news where you will find the information found here. The Wentzvillian believes that our government and the elected officials who run our city have proven that they are incapable of leading ethically.

      If, and when our local government begins to act like a representative entity and not a bunch of cowboys out for their own interests, The Wentzvillian will gladly be filled with the most fluffy and fuzzy news citizens have ever seen.

      I am going to dedicate the next post to all of the questions you asked. I think you may be disappointed, but I will tell the truth. If you don't like my answers, I'm sorry.
