Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Mayor Nick Guccione needs to pay more attention to the welfare of Wentzville than the welfare of special interest groups. His touchy-feely mode of operation is creating huge problems for our city and things will soon be out of control.

The $20 million dollar parks project has problems. First they unexpectedly hit rock trying to dig the pool for the splash station and now several other problems with the design have surfaced and it looks like the answer is going to be time and money. The question is not going to be the time, we know who will suffer for that — the citizens who expect deadlines to be met. More importantly, who is going to pay for the mistakes in the design and the many high-dollar change orders that are forth coming?

It is the opinion of this writer that the design company is responsible for errors and oversights but there's another problem. The city engineers looked over the design and must have approved the plans; where does that leave them and us? Does our city staff have the resources and expertise to review a design of this magnitude? A simple question that should be answered by our mayor since they work for him. If they do, why are there design change orders being presented by the designer? Did our city bite off more than they can chew? How many of these problems will relate to higher costs for the city and who is ultimately responsible? Mr. Mayor, rather than walking around in La-La land with your thumb in your mouth you need to get to the bottom of this very serious quandary. In case no one told you, you are responsible for the employees in the city; if they cost the taxpayers more than you told them, the buck stops with you!

Another subject I reported about was Mayor Guccione getting with the local NAACP inviting them to approach the Board of Aldermen to change one of our historic street names to Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. It started out with wanting to change Kohrs Avenue and then, deciding that that street wasn't high-profile enough, it went to changing Pearce Blvd. The latest I heard was they have added the possibility of wanting to change Allen Street. Their justification for changing Allen Street is because the founder of Wentzville, Senator William M. Allen, was a slave holder. It wasn't uncommon for quite a few of our founding citizens to be slave holders simply because the town of Wentzville was a Confederate stronghold of sympathizers. This was the reason that during the Civil War, Union troops regularly raided the town and was the main cause for the Battle of Wentszville, the only recorded Civil War battle in St. Charles County.

Proponents to change the name of Allen Street to Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. are essentially saying that the name change is not really to honor Dr, King as much as it seems to be a punitive action against our slave holding founder. Using that logic, since Wentzville was vastly Confederate, its name should be changed to Dr. Martin Luther Kingville. To deny William Allen is to deny the history of our city.

Citizens of Wentzville are rallying around saving the heritage of our city and preserving our historic street names. The Wentzville Rotary has already adopted a resolution to save our history and the Wentzville Community Historical Society is right behind them. Other groups in town will soon join in to petition our Board of Aldermen to keep our historic street names intact.

Mayor Guccione was quoted to say; "This matter has been blown out of proportion." Something tells me that it's just begun to get blown out of proportion. Mr. Mayor, you have poked your touchy-feely nose in a hornet's nest; I hope you get stung real bad!

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Splash Station Rocks!

The Board of Alderman meeting of Wednesday, December 12th revealed some interesting discussions regarding various topics and since it didn't last until after midnight there was even  talk of setting a record in adjourning early. I watched this meeting and observed first-hand who ran the meeting and I can tell you it was not our mayor. Once again, the President of the Board, Rick Stokes took charge for our maladroit flounderer, Nick Guccone. Delos McKown said; "There are three things that look alike; the invisible, the hidden, and the nonexistent," this description handily illustrates the leadership of the Mayor of Wentzville.

Since the passing of the half-cent sales tax for Wentzville parks it has been the drive of our past mayor, Paul Lambi and our current Nickcompoop to start digging dirt. The urgency of the mayor, staff, and the Friends of the Parks was high and the Aldermen were blamed for delays. A $20 million dollar project and all our mayor could keep spouting was Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. They didn't want to resolve any problems or offer good stewardship of the taxpayers money, the just wanted to see shovels digging and dirt flying. The Aldermen tried their best to ensure that things were in order and Wentzville would get the best Parks for their money without oversights through the constant barrage of criticism.

Well, all of the rush, rush pressure on the aldermen by our mayor who activated citizen groups and the press may very well have jeopardized the August 2013 planned opening of our splash station. Mr. Doug Lee, Acting Public Works Director announced that in excavating the pool for the splash station they unexpectedly hit bedrock...ut oh. It must be noted that our nit-wit Nickcompoop said nothing through the ensuing discussion. The aldermen asked how this could happen when the design company did surveys and took core samples to determine the exact position of the pool. Mr Lee didn't know but is in the process of meeting with the design company and builder. This situation could significantly increase the cost of the project and who is going to pay for it. The aldermen directed Mr. Lee to have the answer to their questions by the next meeting. I have since learned that there are other mistakes and oversights on the plans and blueprints that will create more problems for the project.

Next subject: A list of early registrated candidates for the April 2013 election was handed to me the other day by our City Clerk. More candidates will come forward during the registration window but for now it includes one unexpected candidate; Michael E. Carter who is running for Municipal Judge. You all remember Judge Carter, he's the guy who almost singe-handedly destroyed the Wentzville Police budget. Carter is also a good friend of Mayor Guccione and actively campaigned for him during last April's "big mistake." I'm sure Guccione will be reciprocating Carter's effort in getting him elected.

Carter lost his bid for re-election in 2011 to our current Judge Stephen Martin. Unlike Carter, Martin is well respected by the police and citizens of Wentzville, he is doing an exemplary job in our court. Mayor Lambi and Chief of Police, Bob Noonan tried their best to rein Carter in from his judicial antics to the extent of trying to limit his autonomy and even talks of having him removed from office. Our Wentzville patrol officers loathed his habit of releasing law-breakers and reduction of fines, it actualized a lack of trust that could have put the safety of Wentzville citizen's at risk. As the election nears, I will report more on Carter, it's gonna be a hoot!

We'll see a new group of Nickcompoop's knuckleheads on the April 2013 ballot and I'll identify them as they become known. Until then, be safe and keep looking over your shoulders, the bad guys don't wear black hats anymore, sometimes they look like old-time car salesmen with slicked-back hair and a thin mustache.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Nickcompoop

It's two-hundred and fifty-five days into Mayor Guccione's term of office and it's time to evaluate his accomplishments. I'll admit it's going to be tough simply because so much has happened that he's taking credit for. Of course, most of the advancements in Wentzville were well under way long before he came to the throne, but never the less he expects to take the credit.

Guccione is proud to have Rankin Technical College in town but he conveniently seems to forget that  Alderman Guccione said "NAY" every time the issue came up for a vote. Even more interesting he tried unsuccessfully to postpone the final vote until after the election when he became mayor. But today, he tells everyone that he loves Rankin and takes credit for bringing them to town.

It's a frightening place you enter when you delve into the mind of our mayor, don't go in there alone. Sam's Club is open and Guccione takes credit for bringing it to town. Being the good union butcher he is, he opposed Sam's through all the City talks, he had too, or risk losing all the money donated to his campaign by the various unions. He even pushed off Sam's Club's dedication and grand opening asking the President of the Board of Aldermen, Rick Stokes to represent the city at these events. But today, he's taking credit for them being here even though every vote made by Alderman Guccione was "NAY." There are many very intelligent union men in Wentzville, they must be embarrassed by the Nickcompoop who is now representing them. It's unfortunate that he is more dedicated to politics than the well being of our city.

Michael Hays is now an Alderman representing Ward 3, the same Michael Hays that this board denied several months ago. Being a resident of his ward, I opposed him being my Alderman but it doesn't matter when Guccione says: "It's my way or the highway!." When his appointment of John Luby walked out of the job a few weeks ago, back came the Hays appointment. I was disappointed when Alderman Cheryl Kross flipped on her vote and allowed Hays to serve. I think she was counseled a little too much by Alderman Forrest Gossett because her decision was purely political and not one that was necessarily good for  the citizens of ward 3. She should have listened to our other Alderman of Ward 3, Rick Stokes, when he voted "NAY" to the appointment of Hays. Stokes is a good alderman and has served his constituents well. Maybe the Aldermen of other wards should keep their noses out of Ward 3 and concentrate more on their own wards. Ward 3 is not a political football and I doubt if the residents appreciate what the other aldermen have done.

So here we are, nine months into Nickcompoop's term and what has he accomplished? Other than throwing a hand full of papers in Alderman Stokes' face in a public meeting and continually crying "It's my appointment, it's my appointment," he's done very little. He moved his office and inconvenienced our City Administrator, took credit for every business that has opened in Wentzville during his term, and riled up the NAACP. On his watch, employees are allowed to take scrap metal owned by the City and sell it with the gains going somewhere other than back into the City coffers. Isn't this criminal, or have they changed some rules? I know Guccione likes to make his own rules but come on!

If you watch the meetings during the budget talks, Mayor Guccione can be caught dozing off through most of them. On his watch, $38 million in City investments were unaccounted for, if you ask him where they are, he hasn't a clue. This is our Chief Executive Officer we're taking about here, and he knows nothing about our budget or investments? All in all, he's accomplished nothing! I take that back, in the footsteps of his idol Obama, he is extremely involved in the homeless and give-away programs, it's all he knows about. The things he's supposed to know, he doesn't know, the things he's not supposed to be involved in he's all-knowledgeable. Oh, did I mention that he wants to ban the sale of guns and regulate the sales of ammunition in Wentzville?

"We have a problem Houston," our Mayor is incompetent and in my opinion he's derelict in his duties as Mayor. He needs to be removed from office but these Aldermen keep doing his job in order to keep the city from failing. It's time they let him fall on his ass, let him screw up and impeach or have him recalled. Public trust is fading on our Mayor, I'm hearing more and more people questioning whether or not he is able to lead our city. In my opinion it's a no-brainer, he should have stuck to cutting up chickens, instead of carving up our city, he is a complete Nickompoop!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Time To Come Out Of Hiding

I've been out of sight for way too long. I had planned to remain in seclusion until after the first of the year but a rash of recent calls and emails has me back banging on this keyboard. I've watched the meetings and stayed up to date on what's going on in City Hall but have declined comment until I had finished an important project. Well, the project isn't complete but I can no longer remain silent.

There's been a number of changes in Wentzville with employees quitting their jobs and some others having choke chains tugged on. The Aldermen are still cutting the budget and departments are being made to become more accountable, there's even talk of the unionization of the police department. Of course, our union chicken-cutting mayor, Guccione is behind that one. What a mistake this city made electing this  panderering vapid black hole, ugh, 1221 more days until a chance for sanity.

The reason for this writing is the plethora of rumors regarding the changing one of our old-town streets to Martin Luther King Blvd. Originally, the local chapter of the NAACP applied to have the street known as Kohrs Avenue changed but they pulled their application. Now rumors abound about them wanting Pearce Blvd. changed and our illustrious mayor said: "This is all blown out of proportion." If anything is blown out of proportion, it's his ability to lead our city.

Historically, our mayor has been associated with Mr. Curtis Davis who heads up the local chapter of the NAACP. On the advise of Guccione, Davis ran unsuccessfully for an Alderman's seat last April but Guccione has kept close ties still pandering to him and his organization to support his hand-picked slate of candidates to be named for the April 1013 election. Guccione is trying to bring this name changing along as quickly as possible to give him and his election-hopeful goons leverage in April. Guccione's goal is to bring pressure on our Aldermen to bend to his wishes and gain support for his candidates opposing them next April. This whole situation is to play the race card. Everything Guccione gets involved in is politically motivated and he'll use any underhanded dirty trick he can find..

Dr. Martin Luther King was a great man and accomplished great things in the attitudes and advancement of the people of United States, surely there's room in Wentzville to honor his name, I'm just not sure the answer is renaming one of our historic streets. The streets in our old-town have been named for great men in Wentzville to honor their accomplishments in making our city what it is today. Most people here do not know these names and may even think that changing our street names is of no consequence, I strongly disagree.

I heard last week that the Mayor set up a meeting Monday, December 10th held in city hall  with stakeholders, curiously, the Wentzville Historical Society was not invited. Why would Mayor Guccione set up this meeting and not invite our Historical Society, the very organization that knows what our street names mean? The answer is simple, he doesn't want anyone giving good reason not to destroy our heritage, he doesn't care, all he's looking for is votes! 

I know that the Wentzville Historical Society has over one hundred voting members and another 600 voting followers who are motivated to actively protect our history, including fighting city hall, if necessary. I think they would be quite interested in his plan to change our historic street names. Perhaps Guccione would like to meet with members of the Historical Society to explain exactly how his proposal is necessary to our city.

The City of Wentzville is always dedicating new streets and assigning them names, why is it necessary to change a part of our heritage? It's just another grab for support. Nick, if you are so interested in honoring Dr. King, put a monument in one of our many new parks, stay the hell away from our historic streets!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Awk! Polly Wants A Cracker!

The Meeting:

The Board of Alderman held a special meeting scheduled to begin at 5:30 PM for Mayor Guccione's appointment to the vacant Ward 3 Alderman seat.  Due to an absence and a late arrival, there were not enough Aldermen present for a quorum, consequently the start time was pushed closer to 6:00 PM. The regular meeting started near 6:30 PM and presented the real possibility of another midnight session. On two agenda items (to paraphrase President of the Board; Rick Stokes), "In the interest of getting out of here before midnight, I move to table or postpone." If he hadn't, this meeting wouldn't have ended at 11:00 PM. Thank you Alderman Stokes.

Mayor Guccione's appointment wasn't much of a surprise and the Board approved his very good friend John Luby. Luby served two terms on the Board of Aldermen during the controversial "Lurchette" period, when Bill Schuette, Guccione, and Luby controlled the board. It was they who were instrumental in changing the Wentzville Parkway overlay district to include LED signs and live music. Resultant problems presented by these changes has residents complaining about them since they were implemented. It was a time of "feel good" legislation, if it felt good, or they had a friend who wanted it, it was passed.

John Luby is probably one of the nicest people in Wentzville and I always liked him but to be honest, I didn't agree with him much and was summarily disappointed with the way he represented my residential ward. If he is true to form, his alliance with Guccione will manifest itself in many 5-1 votes on issues. John won his first term but unopposed in his second and stayed in place. In Luby's bid for a third term, he was upset by the newcomer, Rick Stokes, who has become a leader on the board. It will be an interesting six months watching what Luby does leading up to the election in April 2013.

As expected the interim City Administrator was introduced: Mr. George R. Kolb. With the city only six days, I was surprised at the handle he has on city issues. Mr Kolb, by all outward appearances, looks like he is capable of handling the job he was hired to do. I wish him success in dealing with the many problems facing the city in his new smaller office.

The Peeve:

This highly intelligent Board of Aldermen use words or phrases that emphasise points they are trying to make. One of Alderman Stokes' pet phrases is; "Tee it up" or, "Who's going to tee this up?" I assume it is from his passion of playing golf and he uses it very well in many of his statements. I've heard Alderman Gossett use the word "rancor" on numerous occasions during the appointment process. A fairly common word that sometimes gives pause to those who may not know what it means. Then last night I heard our interim CA Mr. Kolb, use three tenses of the word; "vet," another word that I'm sure our Mayor is going to start using.

Now: Mayor (Polly wants a cracker) Guccione in an effort to sound either clever or intelligent (pick one), likes to parrot words and phrases stated by the aldermen. If he understands it, he'll repeat it that night—and usually more than once. He has now added; "tee up" to his "Polly wants a cracker important persons words and phrases that intelligent people use list" to his meeting vocabulary and is using it on a regular basis. (Polly) Guccione used the word "rancor" at least three times before the end of the meeting after Alderman Gossett used it in reference to him a few weeks ago. Last night Mr. Kolb used the words "vet, vetted," and "vetting," on several occasions and watching Guccione's face told me—"Awk" he was inpressed—he doesn't know what it means, but he was impressed. Mark my words, he will be adding this word to his "Polly wants a cracker important persons terms and words that intelligent people use list"—as soon as someone looks it up for him.

They say imitation is the kindest form of flattery, but in this instance it appears to be a disappointing indictment of our education system. However, I do encourage our aldermen to keep feeding Polly, it's fun to watch from the cheap seats.

Monday, September 10, 2012

You Can Tell An Idiot...

I'm going to do my best to explain a situation that took place in city hall a couple of weeks ago without getting overheated. Normally, I wouldn't care one way or another about seating arrangements or assigned work stations in city hall but in this case I need to make an exception.

As everyone knows, Wentzville has been without a City Administrator for the better part of a year and Finance Director, Dennis Walsh has filled in during that time. Last Wednesday, an interim City Administrator was selected and he will be unveiled at this Wednesday's meeting of September 12th. In preparation of his coming, Mayor Nick Guccione made an executive decision about how best to prepare his new accommodations.

Five Wentzville Mayors, spanning thirty-five years have had an office in the current facility. Since the mayor position is a part-time job and the office is mainly used for signing documents, making a phone call or two, and the occassional spanking of a rowdy employee, it accommodated the needs of the mayor quite handily. It is situated just directly behind chambers, next door to the mayor's assistant and other essential clericals who may be neccessary for the support of the mayor's office. The office contains a desk, credenza, small conference table, and the many assorted plaques, photographs, and a few personal items—more than enough room and amenities for any part-time mayor to accomplish his or her duties.

Just to the east of the Mayor's office is the office of the City Administrator. It is larger with corner windows, bookcases, file cabinets, a larger conference table and numerous chairs for staff, All in all, an impressive and perhaps somewhat intimidating setting to vendors or complainants. This is a working office with enough amenities to tell anyone entering; it's occupant is important and in charge. In Mayor Gucciones infinite wisdom, he believes that he needs this office and let the day-to-day city administrator cope with a more humble setting, so he switched offices—the new king has a new thrown room befitting his stature and regal ego-driven authority.

I can think of no other reason for this illogical action other than ego! Our fat-head of a mayor isn't concerned with the assessments of his predecessors, by allowing the city administrator space to conduct everyday business of the city. The city administrator runs the city and puts in more hours a day in city hall than the mayor spends there in a month.

As you may, or may not know, I have issues with this mayor and not usually surprised by his frequent screw-ups but I didn't see this one coming. He believes that his job is so important to the city that he's willing to sacrifice the ability of his city administrator to conduct the business of the city. I used to call the previous mayor "The All Mighty Potentate," but Guccione is putting him to shame in his drive for power to fit his ego. I say to Mayor Guccione: You are a joke! You have no idea what a mayor does or the image one needs to put forth.

You can tell an idiot, but you can't tell him much.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Wentzville Community Club

Through the early years of Wentzville, the town was plagued by fires that destroyed many businesses and homes. From 1855 through the turn of century, fires took out whole city blocks of the town. In 1907 the schoolhouse burned, and then a fire in 1931 changed the future of the city, reported by the Wentzville Union Newspaper:

September 21, 1931 – “Fire Sweeps Wentzville—Seven Buildings Burned” Fire of undetermined origin Monday night, threatened to destroy the entire central section of Wentzville, in fact the whole town was in grave danger. Within a few hours the raging flames had utterly consumed buildings and housing, seven different business places, and causing a property damage of $55,000 or $60,000. The business places burned were: Jerome Parr’s Garage, Sinclair Oil Storage Co., Nr. Groce Marble and monument works, T.E. Pitman’s Undertaking Parlors, National Petroleum Co., Theodore Gue’s Blacksmith Shop and Hardware Store and the Wentzville Union newspaper plant.

The fire started in the rear of the National Oil Co., on Linn Avenue where it was discovered about 6:30 p.m. Alarms were sounded and volunteer firefighters rushed to the scene and manned the fire wagon, which had been housed in a compartment of Parr Garage. The flames spread so rapidly, due to the explosions of the thirty-five fifty-gallon barrels of oil and a quantity of gasoline in a pump in front of Gue’s hardware shop, that in an incredibly short time the buildings on both sides of the street were blazing. The Sinclair Oil Co. building contained ninety-six fifty-gallon barrels of oil and these also exploded. The burning oil spattered the streets, walks and houses for several blocks, and the barrel heads were thrown in some instances, two hundred feet. Several volunteer fire fighters and bystanders narrowly missed being injured by these red-hot disks of tin, which came rolling along at a high rate of speed.

Calls for help were sent to neighboring towns. And fire trucks from Wright City, O’Fallon, Troy and St. Peters were quickly sent, St. Peters sending their two trucks. The cisterns in the locality of the blaze were pumped dry, then connections were made with the mill pond, about five-hundred feet away. Through the heroic efforts of these visiting firemen and our own, the flames were finally controlled and the remainder of the town saved.

Wentzville didn't have a water works at the time, they only had a volunteer chemical fire department, which was ineffective. By the time the Depression came, the town was in real financial trouble. They couldn't afford to pay their city officials or make any improvements to the town. Something had to be done, so in 1933 a group of businessmen got together to form an organization that would raise money for the town. They called it the Wentzville Community Club. They raised money by having an annual celebration they called it "Homecoming." By 1935, they had raised enough money to pay for the hook-ups and assist in building the town's first water tower and its first fire truck. They bought and donated buildings to bring in new businesses which hired city residents suffering from the depression, they even paid the salaries of city employees including the Aldermen and the Mayor. Since 1935 up to today, the Wentzville Community Club has donated millions of dollars to our city and its benevolent organizations, the list is too long to place here.

I guess your wondering why this politically oriented blog is writing about the Wentzville Community Club, well, the Club has a city code problem. Without the help of City government, it could cost the Club over a quarter of a million dollars to continue doing what they've been doing for 80 years—helping our city and its citizens.

I want to thank Aldermen; Chris Gard, Cheryl Kross, Rick Stokes, Sonia Shyrock, and Forrest Gossett for addressing this problem and understanding that among many, many other things, the Wentzville Community Club was instrumental in saving the city from bankruptcy in the 1930s, they donate over $30,000 each year in scholarships to our high schools, and anytime any group in Wentzville holds out its hand for help, the Club is there. The only dissenting comments about the Aldermen's proposition came from Mayor Guccione who said: "If we do this for them, we'll have to do it for everyone." I guess I should have expected it, but I didn't.

The Wentzville Community Club is always here for Wentzville when we need them, and even when we don't. There is not another organization like them in the state of Missouri and maybe not in the country. They have never complained or held their hand out to the city because they believe that God helps those who help themselves. They are an all volunteer organization and help those that no one else can or will. The Wentzville Community Club is a bright gem and it's right here in Wentzville. Thank you to our Aldermen for understanding the importance of the Community Club to our community!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Pigs Cannot Fly

Lewis Carroll, creator of Alice in Wonderland wrote a book in 1872 (the year Wentzville became a town) titled; Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, where he included the poem; The Walrus and the Carpenter. One verse that stuck out and has remained in my memory for all these years since I first read it is:

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

I began this way because the time has really come to talk of many things.

Half way into the fourth month of Mayor Nick Guccione's office is not much different than his first week. I wish I had better things to report but I don't, he just does not understand that he is in a position of leadership and if he does, he hasn't shown any signs of it, he has yet to lead a meeting. This past Wednesday evening, once again the President of the Board of Alderman, Rick Stokes took charge to keep the meeting moving or their short agenda would have become another midnight affair. Guccione is a union man and must think he's on the clock because he makes no effort to control or move a meeting along. During a discussion of the Board of Alderman, a member of the audience butted in to speak at least on four occasions, not once did our Mayor ask him to be seated until called upon. The simple fact is that Nick Guccione is not doing the job the taxpayers hired him to do. Executive sessions have become a frequent occurrence again and just like in Lambi's final days, it tells me something big is going on.

Wednesday night after the executive session, I noticed something very strange indeed; a meeting was held in the closed door office of the Mayor which included: Mayor Guccione, Aldermen Rick Stokes and Chris Gard, and City Attorney Paul Rost. I can only guess what was going on but for my money, I'd bet it has to do with Guccione's lack of leadership. With any luck it was a shape-up or ship-out lecture but time will tell.

I am convinced that Guccione wants employees to love him and treats them like friends not employees, which makes it tough if he ever has to direct or reprimand. He does not direct, he doesn't know how, his day job management training obviously hasn't worked because it's more than likely called; seniority. It has been my observation that Mayor Guccione is derelict in his duties and I'm confident that it's not only on the surface where the public can see.

Now for an even more serious problem: As I've reported, Guccione's political principles will not allow for a replacement of the vacated Ward 3 seat, "it's my choice or it will remain vacant." To complicate having a hole in the Board of Aldermen, Chris Gard and Rick Stokes are both running for State Representative and if both of them should win and Guccione does not name acceptable replacements for the three vacated seats, the City will shut down because it takes four aldermen to have a quorum in order to vote on legislation. If only one of them should leave, if any of the four remaining Aldermen are absent for any reason, the city shuts down until the April election. Guccione needs to name an acceptable candidate now because if he doesn't, he's placing the City of Wentzville in jeopardy. This is a serious problem that I don't believe Mayor Guccione understands or even cares about, He really does not know the responsibility that goes with the title; Mayor. Mr. Mayor, the sea is boiling hot, either start bailing or jump overboard!

Nick Guccione reached his level of competence before he was elected alderman, five years ago. Today he's a Mayor with no skills to run a city other than to say he has five years as an aldermen. Looking at his record, there's nothing to indicate that he's accomplished anything in politics other than be elected. To Guccione, his job was not being an alderman, it was getting elected and re-elected. I can only guess what he thinks a Mayor is suppose to do but I guarantee it's not what a Mayor should do. Mr Guccione should admit that he can't handle the job and resign as Mayor before he gets himself and the City into serious trouble.

Should Nick Guccione continue driving the City over the cliff, his joyride will be stopped. It won't be pleasant for him or the City but it will be stopped. What he didn't count on is a Board of Aldermen who care about Wentzville and its future they will not stand by and allow an incompetent Mayor butcher the city. If he thinks this Board won't take action, I can assure him they will. Pigs cannot not fly and if you want to butcher something stick to chickens.

I am truly concerned for Wentzville, admittedly, Wentzville has had questionable leadership for the last sixteen years but they did have leaders. Today, we have a man who cannot comprehend the severity of his situation and given enough time he will destroy everything our community has worked toward for the past 157 years. I implore Wentzville voters to contact your Mayor and Aldermen, urge them to fill the vacant Ward 3 seat before Mayor Guccione forces a shut-down of our government.

If Guccione does not appoint an acceptable replacement for the Ward 3 seat before the November national election he risks the shut-down of the City. There would be no permits issued, no legislation passed, no bills paid, no road construction completed, and no one to complain to because city employees would be sent home for four months until the April election. Don't let politics destroy a city that has been the envy of St. Charles County for many years. Mayor Guccione needs to throw aside his political agenda and make an appointment that will work for our city. If the appointment is not made and Guccione puts the city at risk, he should be impeached, it is no longer a political statement, it's dereliction of duty! Pigs do not have wings and cannot fly Mr Mayor.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You Can't Please Everyone

A very important meeting was held last Wedenesday evening, July 25th, in City Hall. There were some very interesting things happen during the course of the meeting but the most salient item was first on the agenda: "(ID # 3996) Audit Presentation). This topic is paramount and the presentation illustrated the health of Wentzville finances. This report was so important that Alderman of Ward 1, Forrest Gossett called in from a business trip to take part via speaker phone set up in front of the Diaz. Mayor Guccione was absent so he could accompany the first lady to Florida who was to attend a seminar related to her job.

President of the Board of Aldermen, Rick Stokes led the meeting in the absence of the Mayor, his actions that night was a great a tutorial on how to maintain decorum and stay on topic. When the presenter of the budget audit finished and was leaving the chamber, Stokes said: "We're screaming along here, are you sure you want to leave" The meeting lasted until 10.02 pm when they went into executive session, it was the shortest meeting since mid April when Nick Guccione was sworn as our Mayor.

The Audit revealed the $153,200,000 worth of our city, and as stated earlier; its financial health. There have been discussions in the fast few weeks about the city's investment portfolio and a desire to receive quarterly reports in accordance with policy. Stokes stated that during his tenure as alderman, he had never seen a report on investments. Questions were asked of Finance Director / Acting City Administrator, Dennis Walsh about the investment firm that was handling the city's account, Walsh replied that he was handling those accounts himself. Walsh is wearing a few too many hats to be expected and frankly, I don't know how he does it. The meeting brought out the fact that an interim city administrator is on the way.

I have to address a concern with Alderman of Ward 2, Sonia Shyrock. Shryock, an Alderman for just over three months is trying to address the concerns of her constituents and her enthusiasm has resulted in some unhappy citizens in Ward 2. During the meeting of July 11, 2012, Shyrock pushed for, and the Board passed, the placement of a stop sign at Bear Creek Drive and North Point Prairie Road  Last week, she took a three-sixty and wants the sign taken down, it appears that she has gotten flooded with complaints and is now back-peddling in an attempt to make them happy. I think she is learning the hard way that you can't please everyone and maybe a little more homework is in order before taking Board action.

I'm going to stop here, there is more but there's another meeting tonight and I'll add to it the rest of what happened last6 week.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Box Of Rocks

I know, and most of our elected officials know that political affiliations are not voiced or declared at our city level but it doesn't keep our mayor and others from dividing our local government just like at the State or Federal arenas. Our Mayor Nick Guccione invited a Democrat candidate to the State House of Representative in Wentzville's district to use our open forum for a photo-op and stump to announce his candidacy. I'm sure that our Mayor should now invite the Republican or other candidates for our district to stump in open forum and give them equal time.

In the beginning of our great nation, George Washington knew and expressed: "Political parties will destroy our country." Today, they are doing a very good job of it, just look around at all of the hate and smear campaigns polarizing our nation, it's everywhere. Washington said to the framers of our constitution: "We must set standards that wise and honest people can repair." Our State and Federal campaigns are filled with party lines so wide that they are tearing our country apart at the seams, it needs to stop in Wentzville at our governmental level. It is not beyond repair in Wentzville if Guccione, who is an admitted Obama Democrat, puts his political sword away and get down to the business of trying to run this city.

After watching our Maror for three months and his five years as Alderman I have come to this conclusion: I can say without fear of successful contradiction; there is not one single company or corporation in Wentzville that would allow Nick Guccione to run their business for three months, much less four years. I believe there's enough evidence to say that he is not suited to lead a company and that if he were to take over GM (for example) he would be fired in the first few weeks. Now I'll admit that our city coffers is nothing compared to GM but Wentzville is still a multi million dollar corporation.  What other multi million dollar company in the city, county or state would survive with our mayor at the helm?

Corporations have a board of directors who may have been appointed because of their expertise and they direct the president in running the company. The president doesn't go to the employees for advise or council, he goes to the board. In our Mayor's situation, he has our Board of Aldermen to advise and counsel him but his politics won't allow that to happen. He is on his own by political choice and not doing what he was elected to do. Mayor Guccione needs to reach out to our Board and quit being politically motivated if Wentzville is to continue growing in the county.

This is an election year, not only nationally but in Wentzville. We will be electing three Aldermen to represent us and Guccione will be actively trying to get people who agree with him on everything, regardless if it's good for our city or his choices are qualified. Mayor Nick Guccione is quickly proving himself a "box of rocks" and if he cares about Wentzville, he'll stop being political and start being our Mayor. Mayor Guccione, choose one of the candidates left on the list of applicants, fill the void in Ward 3, and prove to the voters of Wentzville that you are not politically motivated.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Wentzville Chamber of Commerce

I receive emails once in a while wanting me to post one thing or another and depending on the subject I'll either choose to post it or not. Normally, I will post only things effecting our city and it's government but this is important to our city's business community. This anonymous letter was received this afternoon and I happen to agree with it so here it is:

As you know the Wentzville Chamber of Commerce is voting on merging with the Lake St Louis & Dardenne Prairie Chamber of Commerce on Monday July 23, 2012.

Please consider voting against the merger for the following reasons:

1) Wentzville will lose the identity as The Wentzville Chamber of Commerce

2) We were promised an open meeting to discuss the advantages & disadvantages at our monthly general membership meeting on July 18, 2012. (THIS DID NOT HAPPEN)

3) The chamber board did provide a meeting to the members with a very short notice after many members complained that we did not have the opportunity to discuss this merger. This meeting was held Friday, July 20, 2012 at 12:00pm at Century Link. Also another meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 23, 2012 from 7:30am to 8:30am at Century Link

4)Membership meetings may alternate between the three communities

5) Please go to the Wentzville Chamber of Commerce on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 210 S Linn Wentzville, Mo; between 9:00 & 3:00 to VOTE.

6)ONE NO vote will CANCEL TWO YES votes

Please consider the above reasons for VOTING NO.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"I Pledge Allegence To St. Charles" — Guccione

Alderman of Ward 2, Chris Gard is running for the Missouri State House of Representatives. I have done my best to ignore his campaign simply because I want him to stay in Wentzville where he has been instrumental in redirecting our city's government. He is running in District 63 against a Mr. Bryan Spencer and after looking into this race, I noticed something that pissed me off, imagine that!

Alderman Gard has been a hard fighter for Wentzville and has had sack enough to stand up against the dysfunctional status qua. I have been impressed with his knowledge of government and attitude regarding difficult questions in our local government. He has been unafraid to address situations that previous Boards brushed under the rug or glazed over. Citizens of Ward 2 should be proud of his record here in Wentzville.

Gard's opponent; Mr. Spencer of St. Charles is the source of my problem. After looking into the list of reprobates supporting him, I can no longer ignore Chris Gard for State Representative. Gard is a resident of Wentzville and a strong advocate of its welfare in the County.

Every Wentzville voter should get behind Gard in his bid for the House of Representatives if for no other reason than that our own Mayor Guccione supports his St. Charles opponent. Guccione talks about his dedication to the growth and welfare of Wentzville but openly supports a St. Charles citizen to represent us in the Missouri State House of Representatives. Guccione even let him come into a public meeting to get a photo-op and campaign on city time. I have to wonder about a Mayor of any city who would support an out-of-towner over a hometown citizen and dedicated Wentzvillian but once again, this is Guccione we're talking about.

As much as I want Alderman Gard to keep his seat in Wentzville, our city needs support at the state level and who is better to give us that needed support; Chris Gard or a St. Charles citizen? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out but since it's such a no-brainer, I shouldn't expect our Mimesis Guccione to grasp the situation—it makes too much sense.

Guccione told me (when we were still on speaking terms) that he'd like to be a state representative, the problem is that he has no support at that level. The same thing happened when former Wentzville Mayor; Vickie Boedeker ran for the job—she ran into a steam roller. He is supporting Spencer hoping he gets elected and then he could coat-tale right into the state job, of course if Gard wins, he doesn't have a chance. Spencer is supported by a dedicated, cut-throat bunch of ultra-liberals who will tell any lie and smear any opponent, to get one of their own in office. Their agenda is not good government, it's influence.

Our Mayor should be ashamed of himself turning his back on Wentzville and a Wentzville candidate to support a left-wing liberal from another city. This does not surprise me, I have a good handle on the back-room snake that is Nick Guccione. The questions should be: Why is any Mayor of any city openly supporting a candidate for State Representative? What's his motive? Who the hell is this guy who calls himself Mayor of Wentzville?

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Passive-Aggressive, Illiterate-Blowhole

Another way too late night meeting in City Hall, they went into executive session at midnight and I didn't stick around to see when they returned, I'd bet it was close to 1:00 am. Long meetings have become so common that I saw several regular attendees bringing their chair pillows.

I've heard that if you have surgery it's best to have it in the morning when the doctors and nurses are well rested and alert. The only reason I bring this up is because during executive session the Aldermen talk about items that are very important to the welfare of the city. I just wonder how many of the decisions in these meetings are rushed or haphazard because they start after midnight. I am sure our Aldermen have jobs and get up early everyday to be able to make a living—after working all day and being up for 18 hours how does a person think rationally? I have never experienced city meetings this long on a regular basis but I guess it should be expected when we have a mayor who does not know how to run a meeting.

There were some real highlights last night and it started right out of the gate. Mayor Guccion had received the applications for the vacant Ward 3 seat as a result of the process put in place by the Board and he made his selection. Surprise, surprise, he named Michael Hayes, the same candidate he had initially chosen.  If you'll remember, Guccione has stated on several occasions: "I don't care what process you put in place or how many names you bring forward, it's my appointment and I'm going to appoint my candidate." During the discussion and questioning of Mr. Hayes, Ward 1 Alderman, Forrest Gossett appealed to the mayor saying regardless of the vote on your appointment he hopes they could put behind them the barrier that went up during the campaign and get down to the business of representing the citizen of Wentzville. Mayor Guccione said it was behind them and agreed they need to work together. I've heard Guccione say things like this before on various subjects and lie straight faced.

When the vote came down it was 3-2 against Guccione's appointment which indicates; not all of the Aldermen thought Guccione's appointment was unpalatable. Alderman of Ward 3 and President of the Board, Rick Stokes said of the four applicants: "With no disrespect to Mr. Hayes, I think his qualifications ranked fourth." I heard the other applicants names but I only knew one of them; Darrel Lackey. Lackey a long time veteran of Wentzville politics ran against Guccione for Mayor and was the butt of some of Guccione's dirtiest politics ever in Wentzville History. Something tells me that our mimesis will never appoint Lackey even though he would represent the citizens of Ward 3 extremely well. This man has no intention of ever compromising on this or any issue—the Ward 3 seat will remain vacant before Guccione selects any of the other applicants.

I waited for the other shoe to drop before I commented on the speculation I made in my last blog: "The First 100 Days". After watching who went into executive session, I knew that someone was going to get removed from their job, unfortunately, it was the Public Works Director Scott Smith. Scott is a hell of a nice guy, one of the most articulate, well-spoken, and intelligent members of city staff that I've ever seen. I am saddened that he was the first of many employees to be misled by our incompetent mayor, Guccione. I wish Scott well in his future and hope city employees are as angry with their boss as I am.

A warning to city employees: Beware of the lack of good direction you receive from this piss ant we call our mayor, you may be next. He has never taken responsibility for anything negative and he will never admit that Mr. Smith lost his job due to the mayor's inept and apathetic direction. It disgusts me that Guccione has carved the first notch in his gun for anyone other than himself. This passive-aggressive, illiterate-blowhole of a Mayor is dangerous and needs to go.

PSS: There's a great deal more to come regarding the meeting of July 11th and I will present more in the next edition of The Wentzvillian.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The First 100 Days?

It's time to talk about "ID #3959 Water Reclamation Project - Change Order No. 4," I've thought about it long enough. This involves a contract that was completed under budget by $71,000 and the vendor subsequently put in a change order for an additional $61,000. Perhaps this all sounds routine and maybe even boring but what happened at last Wednesday's meeting was quite interesting and anything but boring. I will not lay blame on any of the City staff for what happened as it falls squarely on the shoulders of our Mayor, Guccione.

The change order came before the Board of Aldermen for approval because any expenditure of over $25,000 needs Board approval. The problem arose when the presenter, Mr. Jerry Hillin, Purchasing/IT Director, stated that the change order had been signed and the check already sent to the vendor. In other words (in the words of the Aldermen), "the ship had sailed," the Aldermen had to approve the expenditure.

Perhaps your asking how this could happen as it smacks the purchasing policy right across the lips? The Aldermen weren't happy about this akward turn of events and asked exactly that same question. The answer given by Public Works Director, Scott Smith was; that the purchasing policy is not clear on the 25 large rule in this instance. "There are two trains of thought: Since the original contract was approved by the Board of Aldermen and it came in under budget by more than the amount of the the change order, it was interpreted that no approval was necessary The other would be that any expenditure over $25,000 must be approved," unfortunately none of the Aldermen agreed with staff's rationale.

My question is this: If there was a question of policy, why wasn't that question brought up the chain of command before the check was signed? It appears that Mayor Guccione was either uninformed, or just didn't care and made an executive decision based on apathy, in either case, the buck stops with the Mayor. I've heard Gooch constantly tell the Aldermen "they need to trust the staff," well in this instance it bit him and the City square on the ass for 61 large, and he is responsible. It is the Mayor's job to see that policy is followed, he's been heard saying: "I don't make policy, I enforce it." Well Mr. Mayor, you really goosed the moose this time din'cha? It wasn't the first and by no means be the last.

Ward 2 Alderman Sonya Shyrock asked; Why is this on the agenda if I cannot vote 'no' on it? City Attorney Paul Rost responded: "You can vote 'nay' but the fact is that the money is spent.  If you like, the City could start proceedings to get the money back from the vendor but that is a discussion for another time. The money is spent and you simply need to vote on it." During this following discussion by the whole of the Board, Guccione looked like a deer in the headlights. All of the Aldermen were unhappy about the situation and made it clear that it must not happen again.

I'm sitting here thinking; the Aldermen were told there was a savings of $71,000 on this contract and were probably thinking that the vendor and staff did a great job and then this happens. I'm glad I'm not on the Board, the Mayor would have caught holy hell for not doing his job and costing the City the embarrassment of springing this crap on the Board. This kind of shit is typical of him, it happened frequently when he was an Alderman and even more frequently during his unethical campaign for Mayor. The best thing he could do for the City is resign, it's not going to get any better, I'm thinking his lack of leadership qualities will eventually cost people their jobs and the City a fortune. Mark my words, rather than taking responsibility for this, he will blame it on someone else—another of his unsavory habits. Look out!

This coming Thursday, Guccione will reach the 100-day mark of his office, I can't wait to hear his speech regarding all he's accomplished. That will be the shortest speech he'll ever make and given his speaking skills, it's probably a good thing. Jeeez, what a mistake this city made electing him to any office of responsibility.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Got a Lotta Mo (Stay Tuned)

Sweet Jesus, what a meeting! As I predicted, our mayor took a four to five hour meeting and trimmed it all the way down to seven and a half hours. The Mimesis didn't adjourn until well after one in the morning, congratulations Mayor Guccione, you just set a record. There was way too much to report about here today, especially after having to watch seven and a half hours of tedious mismanagement of a meeting, so I'll start at the beginning and go as far as I can before I blow chunks.

I received a phone call from one of those citizens attending the meeting who informed me that he was embarrassed for the City of Wentzville after watching Mayor Guccione stammer, stumble, and mumble through reading a simple proclamation. After watching the video, it wasn't much different than his reading other proclamations since being elected—it was painful. I find it hard to watch our mayor when he's reading, it's like fingernails on a blackboard. There are those who've stated they don't believe Guccione could pass a Jr. high school reading examination, I whole heartedly concur, it is embarrassing.

"Open Forum" was a real treat! Greg Younger, President of People for Parks got up and railed against the Aldermen and their holding $20 million dollars of taxpayers money for ransom while they try to make sure the City is getting their money's worth. It appears that Mr. Younger is saying "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," he was upset that there has "not been one shovel of dirt moved." He was joined in this chorus by Mr. Sean Waken who reiterated almost everything Younger said. This orchestrated demonstration was met by the Aldermen when they asked them to stay at the meeting because their concerns would be addressed later on that evening. Mr. Younger said he couldn't stay excusing himself because his wife is nine months pregnant. It seems to me that if he was that concerned about his wife, he wouldn't have come to the meeting and sat for an hour in the first place—political activism is a tough avocation.

Next, Rod Stratman (you remember him, he was Guccione's recruit for the Ward 3 Alderman seat) stood up in a pre-campaign photo-op. His offering was preceded by telling everyone he had run for Alderman in the last election, but he wanted to talk about a Missouri State House Bill, nice try Rod, I almost believed that was the reason you came forward.

Next up, Mr. Brian Spencer, this was a hoot staged by our mayor. He got up and announced himself and that he was running for the State House of Representatives. Curiously, he is opposing our own Ward 2 Alderman Chris Gard (one of Gooch's most unfavorite Aldermen) for that seat. I guess he wanted equal time and besides, City meeting videos are cheap advertising. At any rate, this brought a protest from several Alderman, Bulldog Stokes, President of the Board said it was out of order and called for a point of order. Gooch looked startled, probably because he didn't know what to do or didn't know what a point of order was, I haven't decided which, probably both. Alderman Gossett, who is rapidly gaining the nickname "Big Dog," jumped in to say: "This is highly inappropriate." Alderman Cheryl Kross reiterated Stokes call for point of order and Gooch got the City Attorney, Paul Rost involved. Rost said nothing revealing but slowed the protestations enough to allow Gooch to let Mr. Spencer proceed with his excuse for being there. It was found out later that Mr Spence had called the Mimesis and asked if he could appear before the city and Gooch said he could campaign in the "Open Forum" section "a couple of judges came up in open forum to announce their candidacy" just like Donna Sherwood and Bill Schuette used to do. What a travesty, what a ridiculous mayor we have, he is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the city.

PSS, I'm going to stop here and pick it back up tomorrow because the next topic is: "ID #3959 Water Reclamation Project - Change Order No. 4,"  and it may take more time and space than I have today. If you'd like a preview, watch it on the City website click here under "New Business, Item 3.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bring Your Pillow

I'm looking forward to the Board of Alderman meeting this coming Wednesday evening for several reasons. There are some extremely interesting and contriversial subjucts being discissed however, get there early because it may be standing room only. Next, bring your pillow, given the length of the agenda, this meeting may set a record by lasting well past midnight—I'm bringing my jammys but I'm not looking forward to being there all night.

Early on, they will be discussing the possibility of hiring an interum City Administrator (CA) presented by Mr. Mike Schoedel of Interum Public Management, Inc., after which there will be another presentation by Mr. Gary Holland of the Mercer Group who will talk about recruitment of a new CA. I see these presentatations taking an hour or so. Our Mimesis Guccione is working hard behind the scenes to get one of his buddies hired into this position. It is known that he is having him attend the meetings so he can introduce him to city staffh and also hawking him to the Aldermen. I am not sure if he needs to approve the hiring of a new CA but if he does, it will be just like the vacant Ward 3 Alderman seat (which still pisses me off), it won't be filled this year.

Unless the Aldermen pull off something from the "Consent Agenda" to discuss, they'll go into "Unfinished Business." Of the nine listed items in "Unfinished Business," nothing stands out taking a long time but I can't see them getting through it in less than an hour, especially since Gooch is at the hammer. So now it's a little after 8:00 pm, just one hour until my jammy time and we haven't even hit the real fun stuff yet.

The "Mayor's Report" will gather yawns but if past meetings with Gooch directing traffic is any indication of things to come, the "Alderman's Reports" could be a shot of caffine. It's difficult to predict what they are going to say but I've found them extremely entertaining over the last eight months or so. Alderman Gossett is emerging as a strong member of the Board and his well thought out and calculated statements have brought Gooch to his knees on several occassions.

Now it's ten minutes to jammys and it's "New Business" time. Of the nine items on the agenda, the one I expect will get the most attention and pack the house is; item 5, "Employee Benefits Contract(s) Review."  From prior meetings regarding this subject, I see the lion's share of the audience to be employees. Since this discussion deals with contracts it will no doubt involve our Purchasing/IT Director, Jerry Hillin. I would expect it will be a detailed account of the state of employee benefits in Wentzville. I would think this subject will probably be scrutinized by citizens during "Open Forum." It's going to be noteworthy to see where the Mayor and Aldermen shake out on this subject, many citizens will be watching and I'm sure it will be a hot topic with local news services the next morning.

Finally, now it's approaching eleven o'clock and we get to agenda item "XV Information/Discussion," ten subjects. Even if you only give each of then ten minutes, it's getting near one in the morning. This discussion is going to have to have fireworks or the Memisis will be banging his little hammer to stop the snoring coming from the back row. Jeeez, I'm getting tired just thinking about it.  I'm not even going into "Board Directives" or the possibility of "Executive Session," It's going to be a long night, a very long night.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Election 2013...Already?

I received an email from an anonymous person who only goes by the handle; "The Mole." I have posted a number of his/her comments on this blog over the months and he/she has made some insightful observations that I want to share with you:

The Wentzvillian:

"It is a known fact that Nick Guccione has done his best to manipulate every election for the five years he has been in office. In the past election, besides pressing the truth to voters for his own election, he put great effort into ousting our strongest Alderman Rick Stokes and in addition, put his troupe of conspirators in all of the wards.

Let it be known: His conspiracy to dominate the election of 2013 is in high gear. His number one target is Ward 1 Alderman Cheryl Kross. He is hoping that Chris Gard, Alderman Ward 2, will win his try at becoming State Representative and leave another vacancy. He fully intends to mount a strong campaign against Kross and Gard and will do anything unethical or even illegal to accomplish getting three of his candidates to equalize the current Board of Aldermen.

Alderman Kross needs to start now if she wants to overcome the barragee of lies, ethics violations, and vicious attacks to be made by Guccione's goons. Of course as always, he will make every effort toward plausible denyability. Mark my words, Guccione's fingerprints will be all over the coming election. Beware!"
—The Mole

I know that Guccione and two others are making contacts for candidates to run in all of the wards in the Wentzville 2013 election. I agree with "The Mole" that Alderman Kross needs to strengthen her hold on the voters by doing exactly what she has been doing—implimenting the will of her constituents. I will be digging around to obtain the names of those recruited by Guccione and divulge this information to my readers as soon as they are known.

Should Alderman Gard win his bid for State Representative, I hope he supports a candidate to fill his vacated seat. Gard is an honorable, hard-working Alderman for his ward 2 constituents and an asset to his seat, he has earned the respect of our city through his work here. I think he would make an outstanding State Representative, but if he leaves there will be a huge void left to fill. Please don't let Guccione put a moron to take your place!

Monday, June 18, 2012

More On The June 13th Meeting

Back on the meeting of the 13th, there were some really positive items discussed and I'd like to thank the Aldermen for bringing them forward. But first; why can't the city find an audio system that works? It seems to be getting worse with static, feedback, and what sounded like a Heuey strafing the City. Most of the Aldermen can be heard every time but the others hardly come through or are intermittent. What's worse, the Mayor is barely audible, I'm not sure it isn't by design because he mumbles so badly that nobody can understand his mutterings. I'm fairly positive that he isn't saying anything anyone wants to hear but just the same his blathering should be discernible if for no other reason than public record. I'm sure his lack of leadership would be enhanced to the public if we could hear and understand what comes out of his hole. The headsets don't seem to be working, why can't they mount microphones on the Diaz?

"ID # 3687 Business License Purpose" was of interest. I posted; "Business License Discussion" on February 6th of this year so I won't go into more detail other than report on what happened. The fee for a business license in Wentzville is currently $50, after a lengthy back and forth it the Aldermen decided to reduce it to $25. I believe it is a good start but still don't understand why small and micro-businesses pay the same as GM and WalMart. Is it too difficult to base business licence fees on revenues?

It was entertaining to watch this discussion, especially Mimesis Gucione, his head looked like it was mounted on a lazy-susan while the meeting drove on with Bulldog Stokes at the reigns, Guccione was content to lean back watch the meeting and look for opportunities when he could call a smoke-break so he go out front and burn another cigarette. I've watched a lot of Wentzville Aldermen meetings but I can't remember any of them requiring three breaks in one session, but they did that night. Three ten minute smoke breaks is cutting into every one's sleep Mr. Mayor, get on the patch.

I was pleased to see the City aggressively address the dangerous intersection of Highways P and 61. Ward 1 Alderman Forrest Gossett authored a letter to Governor Jay Nixon which was signed by all of the Aldermen and the Mimesis. He requested the Mayor to read it into record which he attempted to the best of his ability, unfortunately for him when he finished, Bulldog Stokes had to remind him that it was two pages long and he needed to read the second page. It is hoped that with the number of fatalities and injuries at this intersection, this letter will bring to light the seriousness of it's need for improvement.

Another interesting discussion was brought forward by Ward 2 Alderman Chris Gard regarding a change to City policy to disallow "campaigning in taxpayer funded city buildings." As you may know, Nick Guccione and his side-kick (campaign manager) Donna Sherwood made a habit of pandering and campaigning to employees during working hours in city facilities, namely the Law enforcement center. A number of changes to policies of the City are in process because of Guccione's unethical campaign strategies. Using City logos on campaign literature, illegal sign placements, and campaigning in City buildings are but a few being addressed. I've heard from some long-time former City politicians who say Nick Guccione's campaign was the dirtiest they had ever seen. I have to agree.

In conclusion, on my last blog I reported on the email which Acting City Administrator Dennis Walsh sent to the directors and Alderman at the order of our Commander and Chief Guccione. I urge my readers to watch the video of the discussion that evening. It's on the City Website: Look under "Alderman Reports / Forrest Gossett." I would like you to see and judge for yourself the motives and or agenda of our newly elected Mayor.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Mimesis

It's been a while since I've posted a report and after much prodding from my personal advisor, mentor, friend, and critic, Mr Skip Sanchez, I am now prepared to report what I've seen and heard in the past two weeks involving what's going on in City Hall. There's a lot happening, most of it confusing but much of it is crucial to the future of our city, so here goes:

I'll start out with the Aldermen work session of June 6th. The City invited the Public Education Director of the State Attorney Generals Office, Mr. Tom Durkin to give a presentation on the Sunshine Laws. Mr. Durkin spoke for approximately an hour and I found it most interesting and revealing. One segment he addressed was city emails and the fact that they are public record. I watched the Mayor during this presentation and when the subject of emails was brought up it was like catching a weight watcher with a half-eaten Twinkie in his hand, Guccione's deportment changed.

Guccione was so visually shaken when he found out that emails are a matter of public record I immediately assumed he had something to hide. I have the feeling he was asking around about how to delete those emails from the City system so, I immediately put in a request for information to obtain copies of all emails, to and from Guccione from July 2011 up to June 6th, 2012. I have a hunch that our mayor, Guccione, has been indiscreet during his use of the City email system. I'll get back to you on that one, he he he!

Before I get to the meeting of June 13th, I want to discuss something that has been puzzling me since the famous evening of April 25, 2012 after which I wrote "A Poke In The Eye" when Mayor Lambi gave the Aldermen an eye-poke saying: "'I'm ordering a pardon,' and with a crack of the gavel, 'This matter is closed.'" I've had time to think about this deal and I'm not so sure that the pardon Guccione received from Lambi was legal. I have put in another request for information asking for the signed and dated document that gives official pardon to then Alderman Nick Guccione. Something tells me, it doesn't exist.

The meeting last Wednesday was another marathon event. I finally left at 11:10 pm with three more items on the agenda. During the ten years I've been following Wentzville City government I can't remember a single meeting lasting until after 11:30 pm, and now we've had two with the first adjourning after midnight. Gooch needs to get his shit together and learn how to move a meeting along or this will become the norm rather than the exception. Surely, the Aldermen will grow weary of Guccione's lack of leadership skills. Our Public Works Director Scott Smith announced that housing was picking up, the City received 168 applications in the past month which equates to having longer agendas, consequently meetings in the near future will be going on into the wee hours of the morning if something isn't done. I can see nonuniform chicken parts going on sale at Schnucks meat department after a bleary eyed butcher tries desperately not to cut off any of his fingers.

There were many important items discussed but a few stand out: The recruitment of a new Major on the police department is first on my list. The Acting City Administrator Dennis Walsh stated that they have the money for this new position this year without impacting the budget. It's interesting to me that they have 100,000 unallocated dollars laying around, but OK. My problem is next year and the years after that. Adding this new layer of personnel is going to be a budgetary problem that will create a quandary for the taxpayers and budget manipulators. The budget has been hammered for three years by this Board of Aldermen and frankly it baffles me how quickly they folded on their premise.

Another item that has me scratching my head is bill #3392, concerning the consumption of alcohol by persons in a moving vehicle which was under consideration for the first reading. No one wants drinking while driving or drunk driving but this bill doesn't address that, it pertains to a passenger with an open container in their posession. Ward 1 Alderman Forrest Gossett spoke out against this at least twice yet when it came to the vote, Ward 1 Alderman Cheryl Kross was the only one to vote "nay." Personally, I don't understand the need for this ordinance and can't figure out why it is being brought forward.

One thing I saw at the meeting that is disturbing; A lady came forward to complain about a contractor and the City Code people siding with it. After she finished, Mimesis Guccione stated; "This is the first time I've heard of this." To this I say; bullshit! Guccione served on the Board for five years before his current mimenic activity and during that time I have seen this lady at least two other times in open forum with that exact same complaint. I knew he didn't pay attention in meetings but why in the hell would he lie about something like this? The Mimesis likes to pass the buck, and he's good at it.

On Thursday, June 7th, at about 2:00 pm, the Alderman received an email from Acting CA Walsh, in which he wrote that the Directors were no longer to talk with the Aldermen without first going through the Mayor and/or himself. This email was directed by Guccione to set his "chain of command," which he said over and over during the ensuing discussion. Mayor Lambi did the same thing with then CA Dianna Wright, it didn't work for him and it ain't working for the Mimesis.

Alderman Gossett read a statement which called Walsh on the carpet saying; "this is poppycock!" He will have nothing to do with funnelled and filtered information. After some discussion, Walsh admitted he may have written it incorrectly. Guccione jumped in to admit that it was his words to set his "chain of command." General Guccione has started his regimented and orderly disruption of the staff, by the time he's done, there will be chaos looming large in Wentzville government. Every Alderman spoke on this matter and every one of them respectfully said to the Mimesis: Up yours!

There was much more to report on but this will have to do for now, I'll be back in a couple days, this is my vow to Ms. PSS.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reductio Ad Absurdum

I've been thinking about the appointment for the vacant Ward 3 seat, the appointment process ordinance, and Mayor Nick Guccione's stand on both. It's been two months since the election and only last week, did our "people's" Mayor name his appointment. Obviously, things aren't going the way he'd hoped for but the question is; what the hell did he expect.

"It's my appointment! It's my appointment!! It's my appointment!!!" OK, enough already, this is all that has been heard from "the People's Mayor," Guccione since taking office. It's his appointment, I get it, the Board of Aldermen get it, everybody gets it, so what's being done? The Mayor's hard-line stand on naming his hand-picked replacement is being met by the Alderman with a process that is supportive of open and transparent government—"for the people, of the people, and by the people," yet Guccione, "the people's Mayor" is thumbing his nose at it.

My problem is this: Here is a man with no practical experience in managing people, has a head scratching and frightening lack of knowledge about government and how it works, yet for some reason (known only to him) he believes himself to be above the people. This man has taken his less than 50 percent of the vote as some sort of mandate that the people of Wentzville have given him carte blanche to rewrite not only the policies and procedures of Wentzville but the constitution of the United States.

"The People's Mayor" should embrace the people who want to apply for the open seat rather than say "I don't care how many names you put in front of me, I won't accept them. It's my appointment and I'll place who I want." There is a name for this reductio ad abserdum and it doesn't conform to any sort of representative republic / democratic government I've ever known. "The People's Mayor" needs to apologize to the city for having an agenda which does not consider the citizens who would like to serve. You cannot claim to be the people's voice and on the other side of your mouth tell them to go to hell; "it's my way or the highway."

Another subject that has been a burr under my saddle is the discussions had by the Aldermen at the retreat regarding the new city hall project. I asked and asked that the meeting be video taped to be seen by all citizens and was assured that it would be. This year's retreat work session was off-site and as usual, it always seems that the new city hall project is one of those subjects that is talked about at an off-site location. At any rate, the retreat was held Friday May 18th and Saturday May 19th and I had full intention of attending the meeting of the 18th just to hear the discussion about the new city hall. When I learned that it would be video taped, I decided not to go and catch the discussion at a more convienient time. Low and behold, the meeting of the 19th was taped but the meeting of the 18th was not. What pisses me off most about this is that I had the word of the City Clerk, the IT Department, the President of the Board, and two other Aldermen who guaranteed me that it would happen. I should have known better!

Subsequently, I was told that I could read the minutes of the meeting but any one who reads minutes of meetings who attended a meeting knows that minutes are not verbatim and on numerous occasions I've found them lacking in content. It's been almost two weeks since the retreat and I've been told that the minutes will be posted after the Board approves them at the next regular meeting. Wonderful, we only have to wait three more weeks to see the abridged version of the meeting of May 18th. The City has no business taking discussions of such an important nature off-site to a remote location, it needs to be discussed in our City Hall chambers!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Lesson In Bufoonery

I'm pleased to say; last evening's meetings was (un) conducted almost entirely by our Mayor. For the first time in his mayoral career Guccione had the chance to strut his stuff without the President of the Board of Alderman, Rick "Bulldog" Stokes taking charge. Stokes did need to redirect him occasionally, prodding him back on topic or asking the City Clerk for roll call, but other than that, it was Guccione's shining moment. Mayor Guccione should be proud, he turned a meeting with a relatively short agenda into a free-for-all that ended this morning at 12:05, (six hours and twenty minutes) and then they went into executive session. As predicted the open forum and discussion items were out of control and other agenda items were unfocused.

The regular meeting was prefaced by a special meeting and it's sole purpose was for Guccione to appoint a replacement for the Ward 3 vacancy. Almost two months after taking office he finally gets around to naming the person he wants sitting next to him; Mr Michael Hayes. Those of you who followed the election may remember that Michael Hayes, who was recruited by Guccione to run against Rick Stokes, filed early in the race but withdrew his candidacy December 19, 2011. The only person getting pissed off was Guccione, he was being irrational, making a fool of himself, and the appointment was going nowhere. "Bulldog" Stokes finally had to jump in and asked the city clerk for a roll call to close the discussion.

A vigorous discussion ensued revolving around the process in the "Filling Vacancies in Elective Office" ordinance which was on the regular meeting agenda for its first reading. Thank God the ordinance was discussed toward the end of the meeting or I would have awakened in City Hall this morning. The appointment discussion at the beginning and ordinance debate at the end were the highlights of the evening. Mayor Guccione made a total ass of himself denying an open government process which he perceived would preempt "my appointment."

"The blog" is ingrained in him, he is obsessed with what is written here, he talked about it again: "The blog said; the Aldermen would not accept any of his appointments." Guccione takes speculation and turns it into reality, it's a very strange place between his ears. He has his musk oxen defense on high alert and no amount of logic or reason is going to break through it. He claimed on two occasions; "Not once since I was elected has anyone on the Board worked with me," po po him. He didn't go into how many times he's worked with them, it's all about him. In his head, he is Wentzville. he da man, he be the almighty, great, and powerful wizard of Wentzville, while in reality, he is the pathetic, illogical buffoon behind the screen.

The Aldermen argued for the citizens of Wentzville who may want to apply for the open seat, calling for transparency in government and opening up the process to any registered voter in Wentzville, not just one hand-picked candidate. Guccione would have none of it, he said "it's my appointment," and if it's not his choice, the seat will remain vacant. The "Peoples Mayor" said: "The people elected me and trust my decisions." What an arrogant narcissist, more people voted against him than for him yet he truly believes that the 1,224 citizens who voted for him are the only citizens in this community. The 1,664 residents voting against him, and (in his mind) the 26,182 residents who didn't vote are suddenly discarded or transformed into worshiping their new Caesar Guccione (beware the ides of March!), It's easy for most people to understand that in a democracy when you are the only one against everyone, maybe your thinking is somewhat skewed and it's time to compromise, but that word is not in Guccione's vocabulary. Guccione said: "I lost my power to vote when I became Mayor and this appointment is all I have left," is it only me, or does anyone else see the flaw in his thinking? He should have thought about that before he put so much effort into being elected to his fairytale dream job.

Mayor Guccione is on record saying he's against the open government process and any applicants who may come forward during the process. He is convinced that his choice is the best qualified person in Wentzville and the absolute best candidate for Ward 3. I disagree, he needs to step back, take a look at his narrow-minded thought process and what he's doing to our city government.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is Wentzville Leaderless?

The long awaited retreat is over and I've refrained reporting anything until I had the opportunity to review the video. Unfortunately, the portion I was most interested in seeing isn't online; Friday's meeting, May 18th. The reason I wanted to see this particular section of the meeting is because it contains the Mayor's vision and direction for the City. For the past ten months I've been trying to get a handle on what our Mayor wants to do with Wentzville but I'm beginning to believe I'm using the wrong preposition, voters and I assume it's "with Wentzville," I'm thinking now that it's actually; "to Wentzville."

According to eye witnesses, Mayor Guccione read from a written script rather than orate his goals. I've been trying to figure out why he just didn't talk about his directives rather than read them and the only thing I can come up with is that he doesn't have a direction for the City. This is consistent with his time on the Board of Aldermen, he didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say. I really wonder why he ran for Mayor?

I watched approximately four hours of Saturday's meeting and through the tedium, Mayor Guccione said nothing. Other than scratch, cough, and drink from a water bottle, he might as well not have been there. Once again, Alderman Rick Stokes led the meeting. I know that they would still be there if they'd relied on Guccione to run the meeting but it's a disappointment that Stokes and the other four Aldermen are not letting our Mayor fail at his fought-for position.

I'll be at the meeting tonight and eager to see our Mayor leading the charge, I can only hope the Aldermen let him do the job he thought he wanted. We're coming up on two months since the election and there's nothing positive to report on regarding Mayor Guccione. Sooner or later he's going to have to take the lead at City meetings, Wentzville can't be leaderless for four years.

I've heard that Mayor Guccione is focusing more on the election of 2013 than his duties as Mayor. His fan club is busy behind the scenes trying to make sure that he gets three of his zombies elected. I will do my best to expose his recruits and hope Wentzville voters are interested in preserving a competent and rational Board of Aldermen. I suggest to the Aldermen up for re-election; take Guccione's intent to replace them seriously.

Hopefully, I'll have things to report on tomorrow about tonight's meeting. Hopefully, our Mayor steps up and does the things he was elected to do. And hopefully, Wentzville won't suffer due to the lack of a leader!