Monday, March 24, 2014

Mr. Speaker—Please Don't Spank Me


On March 19th, I posted Oepidus Rex (click here) and divulged the meddling in our upcoming Wentzville city election by Republican In Name Only (RINO), Missouri State Representative, Brian Spencer. I told of him holding hands with Mayor Nickolas Guccione's Great White Hope; Robert Hussey, while he walked the streets of Ward 1 trying to convince its residents that "he be da man." I mentioned that Spencer was handing out taxpayer compensated state literature and endorsing Hussey at the same time. As Paul Harvey always said; "Now, for the rest of the story."
As every informed voter should know by now, Hussey is a Dardiene Prairie reject, after being fired from his City Manager position by that city, and besides, there are simply enough shady characters in Wentzville Government now. Enter Representative Spencer, introducing himself to residents using state paid pamphlets and endorsing Hussey. As cheesy, and underhanded as it seems for a State Representative to campaign for a local wannabe politician, there are laws, and Spencer found out the hard way. He got a phone call from the Speaker of the Missouri State House of Representatives who told him that if he wants to campaign for someone he needs to do it as "citizen" Brian Spencer, not "Representative Spencer," oh, and stay the hell out of other Representatives districts when you do. Unfortunately, Representative Chuck Gattesenberger was not a happy camper when Spencer came through his district campaigning for Hussey.

Where do they find these kinds of unethical narcissistic-sleezeballs; Guccione, Hussey, Spencer, Wright, Hays, Carter, Shryock, and Kross. All eight people who have an agenda, and are all hell-bent on the complete control and destruction of Wentzville Government. Aldermen Chris Gard, Rick Stokes, and Forrest Gossett are working hard to keep Guccione and his band of knuckleheads in check. They now need our help; vote April 8th for Forrest Gosset in Ward 1, and Rick Stokes in Ward 3, let Guccione know that we do not want his kind of ethics in office. Our city computers are clean now, and we want to keep them that-a-way.

* * * * *

It's two weeks prior to the election. Those with pitiful or nonexistent public records are hard at work slashing those with real accomplishments and worth to the city. I want to look at each of these useless individuals and list of their greatest accomplishments:

Nickolas Guccione: Guccione's record after almost eight years of public humiliation service has to his credit, one semi positive initiative; "Double Fine Zones." Unfortunately, those who trusted him to implement this program don't know that he made no budget recommendations and it cannot be enforced, tsk, tsk. Other accomplishments include; being pardoned for crimes against the city, running the foulest unethical campaigns in the history of Wentzville, and who can forget, using his elected office and city resources to entertain himself all day watching pornography in the comfort of his mayor's office. This is the man who leads the negative campaigns against three of the most effective aldermen Wentzville has ever known. and supporting two of the most undeserving; Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. Guccione knows that this election will be his last chance for a two-year free ride before he's dumped by the voters in 2016 and he's pulling out all the stops.

Mike Carter: He has restarted his blog and Facebook blitz, trash talking the three Aldermen who rank highest after a year-long poll; Forrest Gossett, Chris Gard, and Rick Stokes in favor of Guccione's flawed couple of candidates. He has tagged these alderman's Facebook pages with his blog which ignores any resemblance to what is really going on, but when they have no qualifications or public record, trash is all they have. Carter, as you remember is the failed municipal judge who after two years on the bench almost single handedly destroyed the Wentzville police budget. Voters realizing his lack of abilities said "Hell No!" and sent him packing in favor of Steve Martin. Carter has absolutely no interest in this election other than being pissed at the voters for giving him the boot (twice), and being Guccione's bud. You may also remember seeing his campaign signs that covered almost every square inch of property at the polls, lots of folks complained about that stunt.

Representative Brian Spencer: What can be said about a State Representative who spends more time and effort meddling in Wentzville and its elections than he does in Jefferson City? This RINO (Republican In Name Only) just got his ass handed to him by the Speaker of the House for campaigning for Hussey out of his district. Spencer is just another of those airhead elected officials who out-live their usefulness and most times become a bad one-term memory.

Robert Hussey: This is Hussey's second try at being a ward 1 alderman, last year he was unsuccessful against Cheryl Kross. Guccione took him under his wing after he was fired from his City Manager job in Dardiene Prairie, and even tried to sneak him into the Wentzville City Administrator position through the back door. When that failed Guccione thought he'd be perfect at replacing his enemy, Kross, and that didn't work out either. Hussey took one of Wentzville's fine benevolent society's membership list, against policy, and used it to send out campaign information, this should highlight his unethical nature. Hussey has nothing to add to Wentzville and these clowns are showing their agenda by recycling a candidate that the voters didn't want in the first place.

Linda Wright: Wright is another recycled loser but this time she's going up against a more formidable opponent, President of the Board, Rick Stokes. She came in a miserable third place in last years election with a pathetic 142 votes out of 646 cast. Guccione is running out of fresh candidates, time, and he knows that he needs to get rid of Stokes or the party's over and he won't get another chance to unseat him before his own mayor election in 2016.

* * * * *

I challenge anyone to bring fourth one positive public service either of these candidates (or their handlers) bring to the table, and then count the times each of them trash-talk their opponents. Gossett and Stokes are running on their records, Hussey and Wright are running on how much garbage they can throw and how much a Mayor, a State Representative, and an exiled municipal judge can influence Wentzville's election. This group of unethical boobs are trying to change Wentzville, and I'm sure we really don't want their change. Vote to re-elect Forrest Gossett and Rick Stokes for good and ethical government on April 8th.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Oedipus Rex

Lessons in life come in various ways; some people believe in taking heed of the experiences garnered by the terrible mistakes of others, then there are those who tread disastrous paths ignoring the less painful experience in favor of suffering the slings and arrows of repeating them—Einstein described this method to be the definition of insanity. Since there are questions regarding the formal education of Mayor Nickolas Guccione, he probably never read Einstein, or Oedipus Rex and he fails to recognize the results of hubris—to Guccione I would suggest he locate the writing of Sophocles and brush up. The day will come when the mayor may discover the error of his current ways, but then again narcissists very seldom recognize their failings.
Nickolas Guccione never paid attention to the overwhelming criticism laid upon him during his highly unethical election campaigns of the past simply because he knows no other way than to repeat the misguided suggestions of those who failed before him. His villainous advisers include some of the most  politically despised people in Wentzville; Vickie Boedeker, Bill Schuette, Donna Sherwood, and Mike Carter. Everyone of them learned the same lesson, and felt the same rejection when a huge majority of the voters here drove them out of their offices, or campaign hopes. It's not pretty when a town turns against you.
This town is turning on Guccione as his list of ego-driven blunders mount up, so many in fact they couldn't possibly be listed here. Being pardoned for ethics violations by the outgoing Mayor Lambi (who also overlooked Guccione's pornography problem and tried desperately to keep it under covers, so to speak) started a snowball of irrational initiatives and liaisons like the appointment of Micheal Hays, who is the most useless alderman of Ward 3 since Guccione himself.
Today, unknown to him, Guccione the puppeteer, has become Guccione the sock puppet of another in his long list of ill advised puppet masters; Alderman Cheryl Kross. Watching him make a fool of himself spouting her exact words would be funny if it weren't disgusting because of his total ignorance of what she's doing to him. Last Wednesday night at the board meeting he went off on the presenters of the Downtown Economic Development and Historic Preservation Committee (DEDHP) making a host of new political enemies. He parroted exactly what Kross has been saying in private for years. Kross is sly, she recognizes that vocalizing disdain in a public meeting for the committee recommendations would hurt her in her drive to be re-elected in 2015 and her desire to become Mayor in 2016. Guccione who tries so hard not to upset voters, bought into her unpopular concept and tagged himself as one who wants to remove Historic Preservation from the DEDHP, alienating several large groups of civic organizations in the process. He had absolutely nothing to gain and much to lose by his ego-driven public rant against the committee recommendations.
Hey Nick, Cheryl Kross isn't doing you any favors when she makes you look like an idiot when you get huffy in a public meeting by using her words. Who do you think looks bad here? The answer is; "not her!" I cannot believe that you are okay with throwing away votes in your next election just to display your misguided sense of ultimate power. You forget that you can do nothing to stop the will of the board, all you did was to anger quite a few voters—who have influence on so many other voters—you bit the big one—Kross is laughing at how easily you are led.
* * * * *
Back on the campaign trail, a host of villains are working to build the Guccione machine. Guccione himself is using his Facebook page to vigorously campaign for Robert Hussey and Linda Wright. I find it amazing that any mayor who was pardoned for crimes against the city, and cost taxpayers money by using city resources to entertain himself with pornographic websites, is so unashamed to campaign for others (who obviously look up to him for guidance).
Mike Carter, the failed Wentzville ex-Judge, is busy weaving Gucione's web of fault laden candidates on the Internet. And low-and-behold, Brian Spencer, the RHINO (Republican in name only) State Representative, has actively joined the mix, adding to the cauldron full of miscreant reprobates meddling in local politics. Spencer spends more time in Wentzville than he does in Jefferson City and a growing number of Wentzville citizens are asking—why?
Spencer has been walking the streets with his soul-mate, Mayor Nickolas Guccione, for almost a year lending support and trying to regain some respectibility for a mayor who has been digging his own political grave since he was first elected. Now, Spencer is walking the streets with Robert Hussey (whose jaded work record in Dardiene Prairie is a dark shadow hanging over his electibility) who needs help to unseat incumbent Forrest Gossett. Oh, and by the way, he's handing out propaganda on how well he's doing in the Missouri House of Representatives (that were more than likely paid for by tax dollars). After he introduces himself as the all-high State Representative he probably adds; "With me here today is Mr. Hussey, we happened to be walking along and ran into each other so we decided to kill two birds with one stone and walk the streets together. He needs your support to help our wonderful mayor build his political machine to throw out any resemblance of good government in Wentzville."
This crew of jokers are working hard to push a couple of unworthy candidates into office and upset the logical balance of power which would give Guccione authority over two branches of Wentzville Government. Mayor Vickie Boedeker tried it and failed, leaving Wentzville with a dysfunctional board of misfits that we are still paying for today. Should Robert Hussey or Linda Wright get elected, Wentzville will see it's darkest days since Vickie's Lurchettes. I beg our voters to re-elect Forrest Gosset in Ward 1, and Rick Stokes in Ward 3. Keep intelligence and ethics on our board of aldermen.

Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 Campaign Trivial Pursuit

A number of interesting (but not surprising) events have been discovered (or uncovered) in the last couple of weeks and I am going to share them with you today. With the election drawing near, the campaigns of Rick Stokes (incumbent Ward 3) vs. Linda Wright, and Forrest Gossett (incumbent Ward 1) vs. Robert Hussey are under way. Mayor Nickolas Guccione will be using the Internet heavily to campaign for both Hussey and Wright, which could prove entertaining. I've seen preschoolers write better sentences on their nursery room walls with the contents of their diapers. If I were them, I'd proofread his scrawling and recommend wearing gloves in the process.
* * * * *
Alderman of Ward 1, Cheryl Kross, who has stated on numerous occasions, "I'm staying neutral. I will not support anyone in this election," is campaigning for Linda Wright, as witnessed by her Facebook re posts of Wright's Facebook blathering. It is no secret that Kross' hatred of her mortal enemy Rick Stokes has been in high-gear for over a year, and this latest display is proof that her attitude (not looking out for the best interests of the city) persists by continuing to press her own agenda.  Why else would she go out of her ward to promote someone who is inferior to a highly accomplished incumbent alderman? But then again, she was instrumental in saddling that same ward with the worst alderman on the board, Michael Hays. Kross has a marked propensity toward screwing up ward 3. Stokes has been a leader on the Board of Aldermen since being first elected four years ago and being elected President of the Board for two consecutive years. Petty jealousy should not be a reason for dumbing down Wentzville government. The political war she's waging on Stokes is unhealthy for the city of Wentzville and her future in it. Her statement and recent actions are proof that she is a liar and cannot be trusted by voters in her ward, or in Wentzville. Alderman Kross has become an embarrassment to Ward 1.
* * * * *
Robert Hussey, candidate of Ward 1, who was fired from his city manager job with the City of Dardiene Prairie, is running against hyper-ethical incumbent Forrest Gossett for the Ward 1 seat. As everyone knows, ethics in government has become a big concern in the country today and Wentzville's campaigns reek with a lack of it. Kross has abandoned all semblance of ethics and if you look into the history of Hussey in Dardiene Prairie, you'll see that he may very well be in the same mould.

If you are familiar with benevolent organizations, they have a rule regarding the use of their membership lists for political or personal gain (for the benefit of Mr. Hussey, the rule is; NOT TO USE IT!). Rules don't appear to mean much to Mr. Hussey, he decided to use the membership list to send out campaign literature to its membership. I won't mention the organization simply because it does such good work in the community, I don't want to tarnish its good name by illuminating the fact that one of their members is so lacking a respect for rules.
* * * * *
I don't dislike Mayor Nickolas Guccione, but I strongly disagree with his politics, lack of leadership, and communication skills, I believe it advertises the wrong face for Wentzville and besides, he's just plain embarrassing. Contrary to popular belief, I really find it difficult to expose the ridiculous and foolish things he does with his position, but the residents of Wentzville need to know what kind of person is sitting in his high office.
I had noticed some time ago that Guccione's city email address is:, which is a change from the email address used by every mayor since Wentzville started using email. I asked around wondering why every mayor of Wentzville used:, and Guccione was now "mayor1." I originally thought it was a vanity thing but recent information has exposed the reason and it's far from vanity. It's an involved story so I'll try to explain it as simply as possible.
During the time Guccione was an alderman, (five years) he was in the habit of opening porn websites, why he used his city account is beyond me? I would have thought he would have kept it on his personal computer—but that's our lovable mayor—anyway, he continued visiting these sites even after he was elected to his high office. At some time, he must have realized that someone in the IT department might discover that he was spending way too much time frequenting websites of a somewhat less official nature than a mayor should be visiting, especially while utilizing city resources. To make a long story very short, it took the IT department over two months of scrubbing the address (fearing it might infect the entire system) before they reassigned the new "mayor1" address. For my money, they probably needed to scrub some other things too—but we won't go there, just let your imaginations run with it—if you dare ... oh my! I wonder just how much money in taxpayer dollars he cost the city entertaining himself?

* * * * *
Just think, Guccione has changed history, even if it's just an email address. So here we are; election time, and our hate-filled Ward 1 Alderman, Cheryl Kross and our shining Mayor1 are endorsing Linda Wright and Robert Hussey, need we say more?