Thursday, April 25, 2013

Only One Alderman ... Again!

The Wentzvillian has been reporting on Wentzville politics for just under five years now, and has been watching Wentzville politics for the better part of fifteen. I've learned the methods employed by unpopular candidates to get elected by less than 50 percent of the vote. The sleaziest way is to file unfounded ethics violations and sling mud, the other is to split the vote. All of which are well within  the wheelhouse of our current mayor; Nickolas Guccione, using them in his run to win the Mayor race last year by a miserable 42 percent.

The three methods of unethical behavior mentioned can be proven, and have become his trademark campaign. If you will allow me to speculate about this past election and Guccione's involvement, I'll lay out the facts and you be the judge. Case in point: three people ran for Alderman of Ward 3 in this past April's election; Michael Hays, Linda Wright, and Darrel Lackey.

Michael Hays, the favorite of Guccione, won the election by a pathetic 39 percent of the vote. I cannot remember a less popularly elected Alderman in recent history. Guccione pulled out all of the stops, by using the office of the Mayor to actively campaign for his appointed Alderman, Michael Hays.

Linda Wright campaigned by telling people that she "...did not like the politics of Mayor Guccione..." and decided to get involved. Along the way, she filed an ethics violation against her opponent; Darrel Lackey. The Missouri Ethics Commission threw out the violation because the charges she cited were unfounded. Wright earned 21 percent of the vote.

Darrel Lackey ran on his long and successful record in Wentzville politics. The only qualified candidate in the Ward 3 race in April, Lackey lost his bid, gathering 38 percent of the vote.

Now, lets get to the campaign. Guccione orchestrated the victory of Hays by recruiting Wright to enter the race to split the vote. It worked! At last night's board of Aldermen meeting, Wright got up in open forum and praised Mayor Guccione and Hays, To paraphrase, she stated, "Guccione was a very good Alderman and Mayor." That is 180 degrees out of phase from her opinion prior to the election. People have the right to change their minds, but in this instance, I've heard this same tactic while interviewing candidates prior to the 2012 election.

Another interesting fact: Wright stated last night, "I was going to drop out of the race, but two people convinced me to stay in it; Darrel Lackey and The Wentzvillian." She went on to blast Lackey and say that The Wentzvillian is a little too negative (thank you for reading) for her tastes. She even quoted from a prior post; We The People She read: "My opinions of our Government and those of every citizen of Wentzville may differ, but that's what makes America great: one citizen may stand before them alone and speak about injustice." This quote from The Wentzvillian is what Wright credits for her appearance at the meeting last night. She felt an overwheloming compulsion to blow-off on Darrel Lackey, and The Wentzvillian.

So what happened, why the inconsistencies in Wright's statements? It's quite simple actually. Linda Wright was recruited by our Mayor, to run for the seat in Ward 3, and split the vote, because he knew that Hays could never beat Lackey in a one-on-one race. Secondly, after several citizens spoke in open forum (April 10, 2013) accusing Mayor Guccione of "unethical behavior, he wanted to counter and discredit them. So, he asked Wright to come to the meeting last night to read her prepared statement. In my opinion, Ms. Wright is probably a very nice lady, however she got sucked into drinking Guccione's Kool-Aid, and sooner or later she will learn that she was used by our manipulative mayor.

Guccione is really frightened by The Wentzvillian and the opinions posted here. He is so scared that he has his buddy, two time defeated for municipal judge, Mike Carter, investigating The Wentzvillian, and Guccione is also trying to dig up dirt on all of the other five Aldermen that he can use in upcoming elections. He ran Robert Hussey against Alderman Cheryl Kross, Mike Carter against Judge Steve Martin, and Michael Hays and Linda Wright, against Darrel Lackey. His fingerprints are at the root of the April election, but fortunately, two-thirds of his candidates lost, only Hays won with just 39 percent of the vote.

I watched my two Aldermen, and the others, closely last night; Hays and President of the Board, Rick Stokes. During the course of the meeting, the Aldermen had vigorous discussions about various subjects and I experienced deja vu, I was thrown back in time to see Alderman Nick Guccione in the Ward 3 seat. Michael Hays added nothing to the any of the many discussions being debated by the five other Aldermen. When I say "nothing" I mean absolutely nothing, four and a half hours of silence. He is following in the footsteps of the five year record of Alderman Guccione's total lack of participation in City business. Once again, I am represented by only one Alderman.

I wish I weren't hated by just a few of my loyal readers. If, as they say, they don't read The Wentzvillian, why do they spend so much time bad-mouthing, and trying to shut me down. Surely, it couldn't be because I'm telling the truth, after all, it's their bleak records I bring to the light. Maybe it's time for a group hug. I've got an idea! I won't write anything negative about their records, if they agree to quit being sneaky, under-handed, and unethical. I know that will be tough, especially for Mayor Nickolas Guccione, he has an agenda, and an unspoken, yet, clearly illustrated plan for the future of Wentzville. And that is to control the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of Wentzville Government. Myself, I see major flaws in his plan, but I'm just one frustrated old man crying in the darkness of cyberspace.

Friday, April 12, 2013

"Just Because You Say It's So..."

Board of Aldermen meeting of April 10th continued: I touched on Mayor Nickolas Guccione's Mayor's Report this morning but there was more. After his now famous "High Road" comment Guccione went on to say about those who spoke out against him, "I have to bite my tongue but I just ignore it." He just ignores citizens who are unhappy about his unethical behavior and I'm glad to hear that because the sore he created will fester to the point where he will wish he hadn't ignored it.

About the Alderman reports, I'm a little unhappy that four of our six Aldermen had nothing to say about the situation with Guccione. Hays of course wouldn't bite the hand who fed him but he did address the ethics problem on his flyer. He apologized to the Board for the misspelling on it and the ballot, taking blame for it. I give him credit for doing that but that's where it ends. From the way things came down, it looks like Hays had nothing to do with his own campaign literature and Guccione handled everything. That explains a lot, especially the misspellings and lack of proofreading.

Alderman Shryock opened her report with, "Mayor, you opened the topic of the flyer during your report, so we need to have the discussion about you signing the endorsement as "Mayor." Guccione went to Def Con 4 saying, "I didn't do it." I wish I had a dime for everytime I heard him say that over the last six years. Then he kept saying that he gave the printing company his photograph and the letter but; "I never told him to put 'Mayor' on it." I've learned over the years that when Guccione opens his mouth it's probably a lie, but when he's making excuses, he's definitely lying, it never fails. Shyrock went on to say again that they needed to have this discussion and that's when her missiles got through Guccione's comfort level and he shut down, saying, "I'm not going to have this discussion with you."

Alderman Forrest Gosset cut in to say that this is not the proper place to have this discussion. If we are to have it, it needs to be during a work session or a regular meeting discussion item. Guccione looked for help from City Attorney Paul Rost who said, "It isn't on the agenda, it needs to be on it to have a discussion." Guccione was relieved thinking it was over but the Aldermen set it for a discussion item for April 24th. Mark your calendars, this will be a goody.

President of the Board of Alderman, Rick Stoles, during his report said, "If I were to campaign for someone I'd do it as Rick Stokes, not Alderman Rick Stokes. It shouldn't have been 'Mayor'" Then I heard Stokes say something I've only heard about but never actually heard it said in a meeting, the dreaded 'C' word; "I was going to call for a vote of censure but since we are going to have a discussion on the 24th, I will hold it until then."  For those of you who "ignore it," I've provided the definition:

CENSURE (cen'sher) n. 1. An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism. 2. An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.—tr.v. cen·sured, cen·sur·ing, cen·sures

Guccione was finally very uncomfortable, not only with the few criticisms during open forum but those of Shryock and Stokes. In frustration he said, "Just because you say it's so, doesn't make it so." I think I used that a few times in third grade, how about you?

Perhaps we did something good for our City, standing there in front of the Board complaining about our government, at least I hope so. The three of us put our asses on the line, let's see what comes of it, I'll see you on the 24th when Mayor Nickolas Guccione will have to answer for his unethical behavior. Are there any bets as to whether Hays chimes in? I guess we'll find out where he stands on unethical behavior in politics. I believe this will be the most interesting meeting since that last few of Mayor Lambi's term.

"The High Road."

Bill McClellen of the Post Dispatch had a great article Wednesday about Ellisville's Mayor Adam Paul being removed from office; Ellisville shows how government can be, well, fun, and  the Wentzville Board of Aldermen meeting of April 10th was, well, fun! Including myself there were three people who stood up in "Open Forum" to complain about the Mayor and Alderman Hays. Later in the meeting Mayor Nickolas Guccione said; "Three people don't make up the city." I find that statement remarkable simply because he listens to, and acts upon less than that when it suits his purpose, like setting his goals for 2013. He's even ready to change the very way business is done in the City when only one person gets his ear.

Guccione squirmed in his seat as the three citizens pummelled him for his lack of ethics and manipulation of the election. After the second person finished criticizing him Guccione said, "I would comment on that but I won't because I'm going to take the high road."  "High road?" I almost laughed out loud when he said that. I have news for him, he can't get to the high road from where he is. That statement coming from him is like your dog telling you (if he could talk). "I'm not drinking out of that dirty old bowl anymore, next time you leave the lid up, I'm drinking out of the toilet." His "high road" didn't last long, he finally cracked during his "Mayor's Report," when he threatened one the three (one who had already left) by saying, "One of them I beat in the election last year. He likes to say things about me and some things are going to be coming out about him." Here comes the trash he used against him last year, that's just like Guccione, when he can't defend his screw-ups he turns to mud-slinging. Watch out Mr, Lackey, here it comes, the Guccione "high road." I got the feeling that Guccione while looking down at us from his golden throne, at the three of us who spoke against him, were essentially the dregs of the City, we weren't concerned citizens, but rather usless box-dwellers who just don't appreciate his high standards and great brand of leadership..The "high road," Pfffft!

I've stated many times that Guccione will not take responsibility for any of his foul deeds, even when he gets caught with the smoking-gun still in his hand. His M.O. has always been blaming someone else for his unethical tactics. I was sure he was going to dump on Alderman Hays for putting the title "Mayor" on his flyer, but he didn't, after all when your name is Guccione and you're the Mayor of Wentzville, friends on the Board are scarce. Instead, our high-riding Mayor took the "high road" and blamed the printing company. Had Hays lost the election and he'd been no more use to Guccione, rest assured he would have blamed Hays for everything.

I want to talk more about the Mayor and Aldermen Reports but it will take more than I can put here today, so I'll close with this: For those of you who are thinking; "Guccione never gets in any trouble, why aren't our Aldermen doing anything?" The pile of dung the Mayor is shovelling on him self is growing substantially, the Aldermen are aware of it and our concerns. The day is coming when it will cover Guccione's "high road" and a long overdue spanking will be had for him.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do We Pay A Mayor To Campaign Against Us?

The St. Louis Post Dispatch headline this morning read: "Ellisville Council Ousts Mayor." First year Mayor Adam Paul of Ellisville was removed from office for a number of items, interestingly enough one of the charges was; "the council found Paul guilty of failing to control meetings." Does this sound familiar to anyone, does anyone know a Mayor who consistently fits this description?

I'm wondering if our Wentzville Mayor Nickolas Guccione read the paper this morning during his smoke break? If he did, I'm sure he couldn't help but feel there may be some similarities between himself and the "ousted mayor" of Ellisville, but maybe not. In my opinion, I don't think he sees anything even remotely similar to his Ellisville counterpart. I believe Guccione feels himself bullet proof when it comes to being removed from office. I feel bad for Mayor Paul and his family, but if the charges for his removal are supported by what will now be a court challenge, then he'll just have to live with it. It all boils down to ego now and how far he wants to go to get what he wants.

I brought up this whole mess in Ellisville this morning to illustrate some of the similarities between him and our own Mayor. I found it interesting that he had just completed his first year in office, the same as our Mayor. And obviously, Mayor. Paul was incapable of running meetings, same as our Mayor, but that may be where the similarities end.

As my readers know, one of Mayor Guccione's difficulties is in the illegal usage of our City logo on campaign literature. You also know, Guccione was pardoned last year for the exact same thing he did this year, using the City logo on campaign literature, this time on a flyer supporting Alderman Michael Hays. Some may say: "Oh it's barely noticeable," but both men knew it was there and both men made no effort to remove it. In the photograph, Hays was cropped in in front of Guccione but the placement of the mayor was such that they made sure his Wentzville logo pin was obvious. If indeed the board wrote law to prohibit the unlicensed use of the Wentzville logo then both men are in violation of Wentzville law, and both should pay the price.

Some may say that Hays wasn't here and he didn't know about the law, unfortunately, you or I would be told, "ignorance of the law is no excuse." Guccione did know about the law, it was written for him, so his illegal use must be considered chronic and untreatable by a slap on the wrist. This is reason number two for his removal.

The third, and I believe the most serious was the use the office of Mayor, and the City of Wentzville to endorse a candidate in a different branch of Government. I am a voter in Ward 3 and I feel disenfranchised when our Mayor uses the office of Mayor, the Executive Branch, and the City of Wentzville to endorse an unpopular candidate in the Legislative Branch. Ward 3 citizens don't pay taxes to pay a Mayor in Wentzville to have the Mayor bringing the force of his elected office to campaign for an Alderman candidate who won by eight votes and elected by only 39 percent of the voters of Ward 3. Every Mayor in the history of Wentzville knew better than to openly do what Guccione did—the voters of Ward 3 need protection from this sort of unethical behavior. Every voter in Wentzville should complain about this—it is guaranteed that if nothing is done, next year you will see our Mayor Guccione, his office of Mayor, and the City of Wentzville helping him elect an unpopular candidate in the Legislative Branch of our Government, and this time in your ward.

It should be the opinion of every disenfranched voter of Ward 3 and any voter in the City of Wentzville who believes in our free, fair, and impartial form of Government to stop the insanity in the Mayor's office. We the taxpayers do not pay a Mayor a salary to campaign against us. I urge our Aldermen to do the right thing; let Mayor Guccione join Mayor Adam Paul of Ellisville in the unemployment line. There are people who are just not cut out to be leaders, Nickolas Guccione is one of them, Guccione won't quit, he needs to be stopped, and after all—it's in the air.

Monday, April 8, 2013

We The People

During the election last week, Mayor Nickolas Guccione violated Wentzville ordinances and used his office and the City of Wentzville in his overwhelming drive to see that Michael Hays sits next to him on the Board of Aldermen. His tactic worked, and Hays was elected by only eight votes, winning only 39 percent of Ward 3 voters. In my uneducated opinion, Guccione's unethical and illegal use of his endorsement of Hays constitutes grounds for his removal from office and a re-vote for the Ward 3 seat. I'm certain that when Hays and Guccione were at the polls in Flint Hill the afternoon of the election, Guccione swayed at least five votes while he passed out his City card, introduced himself as Mayor, and asked for Hays to be elected.

Guccione did not act for the good of Wentzville but rather the furthering of his own personal political agenda. I believe that his manipulation of this election is unprecedented in Wentzville, and the citizens should be outraged. Having said that, I want to get to the root of the problem; the Government and how it's supposed to operate.

According to what I know about how our government was founded in the United States, there are three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. A separation of powers was set up to ensure the citizens a fair and just system where none has power over the others and have complete autonomy. In this way, citizens can feel confident that if they don't agree with one branch they could perhaps gain support from another. If, however, the Executive branch puts in place representatives in another branch, "We The People" suffer from collusion and the loss of fair and equal Government.

There is only one reason someone in one branch would endorse someone in another branch, and that is to take control of that branch. Mayor Guccione is doing that very thing; he is trying to take away our freedom by using his office and our City Logo in an effort to take control of the Board of Aldermen. His endorsement of Michael Hays will not change the attitudes and focus of the current board, but if he continues his quest (which he will), he could very well take control in next year's election.

Guccione got a slap on the hand from the Board of Aldermen last year but was saved the full force of the law by being pardoned by Mayor Paul Lambi. Having no consequences, Guccione didn't learn from that instance and this year he pushed it even farther. Our Government of Wentzville needs to take charge of someone who chronically violates the law because if they don't, our laws are useless. Guccione and Hays need to feel the full force of breaking laws in Wentzville, or else the citizens have no protection from those who violate our laws. If our Government is working correctly, every citizen would be treated with consistancy and fairness. If you or I break the law, we pay the price. Guccione didn't pay any price last year, so here we are. The Board of Aldermen are his last hope this year and the question must be asked; do they represent us, who rightly deserve fair and equal treatment under the law, or do they want to perpetuate the  idea that law-breakers can go unpunished in Wentzville?

I will be at the Wednesday's Board of Aldermen meeting asking our Aldermen to protect us from anyone who violates our laws and infringes on our rights as citizens. I may be alone, and if I am, be sure that I stand for my rights as someone who believes in a fair and consistent Government. If I am heard, our Aldermen will take back the Legislative branch of Wentzville Government from one who would violate our laws to change it. My opinions of our Government and those of every citizen of Wentzville may differ, but that's what makes America great: one citizen may stand before them alone and speak about injustice.

Friday, April 5, 2013

No Confidence, Unethical Behavior, Time To Go!

The Wentzvillian has been called "sour grapes" more than once during elections; maybe it's time for those grapes to go rancid. There is grass-roots talk around town regarding the removal of Wentzville Mayor Nickolas Guccione from office, and The Wentzvillian agrees with this movement. The Wentzville Board of Aldermen can initiate the removal process according to state statute but has been reluctant to proceed without public support. I know there exists the necessary majority of our Aldermen who believe that Guccione is incompetent to carry out the business of the Mayor's office. They have carried him for a year, trying to keep the meetings orderly and on point, but there comes a time when that has to end. I've copied Missouri State Statute below:

Removal of officers.
79.240. The mayor may, with the consent of a majority of all the members elected to the board of aldermen, remove from office, for cause shown, any elective officer of the city, such officer being first given opportunity, together with his witnesses, to be heard before the board of aldermen sitting as a board of impeachment. Any elective officer, including the mayor, may in like manner, for cause shown, be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of all members elected to the board of aldermen, independently of the mayor's approval or recommendation. The mayor may, with the consent of a majority of all the members elected to the board of aldermen, remove from office any appointive officer of the city at will, and any such appointive officer may be so removed by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to the board of aldermen, independently of the mayor's approval or recommendation. The board of aldermen may pass ordinances regulating the manner of impeachments and removals.
(RSMo 1939 § 7107)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 6957; 1919 § 8408; 1909 § 9310

The preceding proves the fact that Mayor Nickolas Guccione can be removed from office by the Alderman. They are aware of this Statute, yet in the public view they have remained reticent. Today, the Aldermen have enough support on the board to call for the removal of Guccione from office; after next year's election they may not. If we are to have Guccione impeached, it must be done this year.
After his election last year, Mayor-Elect Nickolas Guccione was pardoned by Mayor Lambi for his unethical behavior. As a consequence of his unethical behavior during last year's election, the Aldermen passed a new "Ethics Policy Ordinance," affectionately referred to as the "Guccione Policy." And this year he flaunted it by illegally using his office and the City of Wentzville to endorse Micheal Hays (Plastic Guccione) to the seat in Ward 3, which was clearly illegal manipulation of an election. Because Guccione used his office and the City of Wentzville to endorse Mr. Hays, he subesequently won the election by eight votes. In my opinion due to Mayor Guccione's unethical influence of the election, Hayes does not deserve to represent me or any citizen of Ward 3.

Through his first year in office, he has consistently shown that he cannot competently preside over the City meetings and is incapable of directing employees in a professional manner. He has proven that he cannot communicate, either in writing or orally with members of the staff, Aldermen, or citizens, and his lack of communication skills is costing tax-dollars and has become a detriment to taxpayers. The Aldermen know about his incompetence and his unethical and illegal activities, and they need to take action, Wentzville can no longer be anchored by Nickolas Guccione.
I believe enough evidence exists to move forward with impeachment proceedings, and since there is no initiative on the part of our Aldermen, it's time for my readers, their friends, and all citizens of Wentzville  to call their Aldermen, asking them to initiate the process of removing Mayor Nickolas Guccione for cause. Only through the actions of the people will the Aldermen take on the removal of Mayor Nickolas Guccione from office. Call your Aldermen, write letters to them, email them (with your name and address), but tell them we are fed up with our Mayor's unscrupulous behavior.

I encourage my fellow citizens to join me in standing before the Board of Aldermen on April 10th to voice our concerns regarding Mayor Nickolas Guccione's violation of Wentzville ordinance and election law. I look forward to seeing you there The future of good Government is at stake in this matter and we can not afford a leader who chronically violates Wentzville ordinances or thinks he is above the law.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mayor Nickolas Guccione—First Year Review

Mayor Nickolas Guccione just gave the Board of Aldermen his goals and objectives for 2013. They were posted here on Four Days To The Election, and... (Click Here) I thought it might be a good time to look at what he's accomplished for the City during 2012, his first full year in office:

1. Campaigned for Micvheal Hays, Robert Hussey, and Michael Carter. (I'm not sure this qualifies as an accomplishment for the City [even though he did use his office and the City to endorse Micvheal Hayes], but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.)

This completes my list of Mayor Nickolas Guccione's  2012 accomplishments. If I've missed anything please let me know, I'd hate to seem unfair by selling him short.

The election is over, it was disappointing to see Micvheal Hayes (AKA Plastic Guccione) win his election with only 39 percent of the vote but at least I believe there will be some interesting meetings when they reconvene on April 10th. The 61 percent of we Ward 3 citizens who do not want Plastic Guccione are going to have to be satisfied with only one real Alderman, Rick Stokes. It should be easy though, we've had a lot of practice, only having one Alderman for the past six years. Honestly, I would be ashamed going out in the public knowing that less than forty percent of the people in Ward 3 wanted me trying to represent them.

It was a jubilant day for Wentzville when Judge Steve Martin overcame Circus Clown Carter's mail blitz and sign barrage. That's twice Carter has been beaten by Martin, with a little luck, he'll move onto some other unsuspecting town to set up shop. Those in the know came out to vote insuring Wentzville that it's judicial branch of Government is in good hands. Congratulations Judge Martin.

Cheryl Kross had a mandate winning by 55 percent over her opponent Robert Hussey, another Blow-Up Guccione who unfortunately leaned to far to the dark side of politics. Kross, who screwed up royally only made one mistake in her previous terms deserved to be reinstated. I wish she would transfer to Ward 3, we need a good Alderman. Congratulations Cheryl Kross.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Kross Unleashes Second-Generation Lurchettes

In typical Wentzville style, eight votes separated us from having a strong, experienced Ward 3 Alderman and a clone of our do-nothing mayor. Micvhael (as he spells it) Hays, (Nickolas Guccione's appointment) can finally say he outnumbered an opponent in an election. I am reluctant to use the word "won" simply because of extenuating circumstances, besides, he was elected by only 39 percent of the vote, and that's less than the pitiful 42 percent Guccione had last year.

First, the preponderant portion of the blame must be placed on Alderman of Ward 3 Cheryl Kross who flipped on her vote to allow Guccione's appointment of Hays to be approved. If she had stuck with Alderman Rick Stokes, President of the Board who represents Ward 3, we would probably not be saddled with Hays today. Stokes knows the problems in our Ward and when he says an appointment for Aldermen of his ward cannot properly represent the ward, she should have listened. Had she not flipped on her original vote, Guccione would not have been taking Hays to City functions praising him and giving him name recognition

I am sorely disappointed with Kross, she opened the door for Guccione and Hays to be out there next year trying to overthrow Aldermen Stokes, Shryock and Gossett. Mark my words, Guccione and Hays will rustle up two or more drones to run against each of them next year. There is a real possibility that Guccione could be sitting in a tie-brealing situation and Kross could be in the same situation she was in four years ago. This could easily be the second coming of the Lurchettes.

I'm not going to talk about Guccione planting Linda Wright in the election to split the vote simply because that's what he does. He is a sneaky, manipulating, politician. Instead, I will talk about Guccione campaigning for Hays.

Guccione spent half of the day in Flint Hill passing out his City business card, introducing himself while hawking his plan for the future and how "Alderman" Hays can help him if he were "re-elected." Guccione doesn't know the meaning of the word "ethics" and he highlighted that fact AGAIN in this year's election.

There are other problems with Guccione manipulating the election and I posted about them during the last five days. The new problem I see is the Hays violation of using the City logo on his flyer and the distinct possibility of Guccione pardoning him, exactly what happened last year when we had a mayor pardoned for the very same thing. Guccione took office in a fog of shame and I would bet it happens soon for Hays.

Now, when Guccione pardons Hays, what sort of problem will our mayor find with his own violations, there is no more Mayor Lambi to protect him. I hope to see Alderman Kross leading that have Guccione impeached for manipulation of an election and using the City to endorse Michveal Hays. Something had better happen this time!

If Alderman Michveal Hays begins his term being pardoned for breaking the law, he will not be representing me or 61 percent of the voters in Ward 3. I will watch closely to see just what the new Alderman does for (or to) Ward 3 and will report on it. If he does not take his medicine by denying a pardon, I guarantee, as a resident of Ward 3,  he will not enjoy his term.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Election Day 2013

Today is the day responsible Wentzville citizens go to the polls to vote for the candidate of their choice. I worked the polls for several candidates this morning and afternoon, and feel good about the election. The turnout was lean but I feel assured that those who did take the time to vote are truly concerned with their City, and hope they are educated on the candidates. If they are, tomorrow morning we will see Cheryl Kross re-elected, Darrel Lackey elected, and Steve Martin still in orderly control of Wentzville's Judicial branch of our Government.

I find it is necessary to talk about Michael Carter who is running against Steve Martin for Municipal Judge. I have never seen more signs at polling places than he planted. To my way of thinking it was a vulgar display of fear, or maybe no one would have them in their yards. He lined the entire entrance of Progress Park; there must have been a hundred signs covering every inch of the roadside, and it was the same at every polling place. Carter with his signs made our polling places look like there was a carnival in town and Carter was the head clown. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he spent more money on signs than he would make if elected. Why would anyone running for office go so overboard with signs unless he knew beating the incumbent was nearly impossible? I sincerely hope that every voter, seeing his vulgar display, remembers his distasteful use of Easter cards to campaign, and asks him or herself, "What the hell is going on with this guy?" I further hope that each person with those thoughts votes for Steve Martin.

Everything has been done that needed to be done; soon there will be nothing left to do but watch and pray that the best candidates win.Tonight I will do my best to attend three different celebrations: those for Cheryl Kross, Darrel Lackey, and Steve Martin. I hope that no matter what happens, Wentzville is a better place for it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

1 Day to the Election

Tomorrow, we all go to the polls to choose how our government will operate for the coming year. Whether we want to have people of good character or people who don't, it's our civic duty to go to the polls and cast our vote. In last year's election 58 percent of those who voted agreed with me that we didn't want Nickolas Guccione to take charge of the highest office in the City of Wentzville. Out of a population of 29,070 only 2,888 people voted—and over four times that number are of voting age. In my opinion, citizens have been lied to so much their perception is that the government is crooked and they feel their vote doesn't matter.

Many cities assist non-registered citizens with the registration process by hosting a registration day in a city facility to educate and register voters. Does Wentzville host such an event, if so I am unaware of it? I believe our City should take a proactive stance on voter registration to enroll those citizens who could and should be voting. Then the next time I hear candidates crying about low voter turnout at least they can say, "We tried."

I have seen elections in Wentzville for a Mayoral race that were decided by seven votes and Aldermanic elections by less. At the State and Federal level perhaps people could say their vote doesn't count, but here it counts. Unfortunately, when we don't vote at this level and people with questionable ethics and morals are ensconced in Wentzville Government it can have a negative effect on higher levels of government in the futuree.g. The first time I met Nickolas Guccione I was reporting for a local magazine and he was running for his first term as an Alderman.  During the interview I asked about his political future and he told me that he wanted to go on to be mayor and after that into state politics. He's reached his second plateau with designs toward state government, unless of course he can get the board to call for a full-time mayor in which case he may retire in his current position. So right here in Wentzville we've allowed the dirtiest politician in recent history an opportunity to grease his way into a place where many say their vote doesn't count. Wentzville needs to be very careful about who it elects.

Cheryl Kross has four years of conservative leadership on the Board of Aldermen. In the opinion of The Wentzvillian, she has earned a third term. If I could vote for Alderman Cheryl Kross, I would.

Ward 1
Cheryl Kross

I hope every registered voter goes to the polls tomorrow to cast their vote for the candidate of their choice. I have respect for anyone who votes, even if it's for a candidate with whom I disagree. When I hear people bitching about our Aldermen, Mayor, or Municipal Judge and then find out they didn't vote, I dislike them as much or more than the greasy politician they allowed to be elected. I will vote and will be working the polls for Darrel Lackey. I believe he will be the best man to represent me in Ward 3 and I'm casting my vote for Darrel Lackey.

Ward 3
Darrel Lackey

There isn't much I can say about the Municipal Judge that I haven't said, but I am extremely interested in seeing Judge Steve Martin re-elected. His opponent Michael Carter is working hard at getting elected by bombarding our mailboxes with literature and working the streets. He even used a Christian Holiday to pander for votes, pretty sick. If elected, Carter will do the same thing he did before, alienate our police force and destroy the Judicial budget. Carter, you may remember, hit all the newspapers a couple years ago being arrested for a DUI but not convicted. The Wentzvillian is supporting Judge Steve Martin a man of high moral and ethical standards for re-election. I will be casting my vote for Steve Martin.

Municipal Judge
Steve Martin

Once again, I hope all of you vote tomorrow, and maybe I'll see you at the polls.