Monday, July 23, 2012

The Box Of Rocks

I know, and most of our elected officials know that political affiliations are not voiced or declared at our city level but it doesn't keep our mayor and others from dividing our local government just like at the State or Federal arenas. Our Mayor Nick Guccione invited a Democrat candidate to the State House of Representative in Wentzville's district to use our open forum for a photo-op and stump to announce his candidacy. I'm sure that our Mayor should now invite the Republican or other candidates for our district to stump in open forum and give them equal time.

In the beginning of our great nation, George Washington knew and expressed: "Political parties will destroy our country." Today, they are doing a very good job of it, just look around at all of the hate and smear campaigns polarizing our nation, it's everywhere. Washington said to the framers of our constitution: "We must set standards that wise and honest people can repair." Our State and Federal campaigns are filled with party lines so wide that they are tearing our country apart at the seams, it needs to stop in Wentzville at our governmental level. It is not beyond repair in Wentzville if Guccione, who is an admitted Obama Democrat, puts his political sword away and get down to the business of trying to run this city.

After watching our Maror for three months and his five years as Alderman I have come to this conclusion: I can say without fear of successful contradiction; there is not one single company or corporation in Wentzville that would allow Nick Guccione to run their business for three months, much less four years. I believe there's enough evidence to say that he is not suited to lead a company and that if he were to take over GM (for example) he would be fired in the first few weeks. Now I'll admit that our city coffers is nothing compared to GM but Wentzville is still a multi million dollar corporation.  What other multi million dollar company in the city, county or state would survive with our mayor at the helm?

Corporations have a board of directors who may have been appointed because of their expertise and they direct the president in running the company. The president doesn't go to the employees for advise or council, he goes to the board. In our Mayor's situation, he has our Board of Aldermen to advise and counsel him but his politics won't allow that to happen. He is on his own by political choice and not doing what he was elected to do. Mayor Guccione needs to reach out to our Board and quit being politically motivated if Wentzville is to continue growing in the county.

This is an election year, not only nationally but in Wentzville. We will be electing three Aldermen to represent us and Guccione will be actively trying to get people who agree with him on everything, regardless if it's good for our city or his choices are qualified. Mayor Nick Guccione is quickly proving himself a "box of rocks" and if he cares about Wentzville, he'll stop being political and start being our Mayor. Mayor Guccione, choose one of the candidates left on the list of applicants, fill the void in Ward 3, and prove to the voters of Wentzville that you are not politically motivated.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Wentzville Chamber of Commerce

I receive emails once in a while wanting me to post one thing or another and depending on the subject I'll either choose to post it or not. Normally, I will post only things effecting our city and it's government but this is important to our city's business community. This anonymous letter was received this afternoon and I happen to agree with it so here it is:

As you know the Wentzville Chamber of Commerce is voting on merging with the Lake St Louis & Dardenne Prairie Chamber of Commerce on Monday July 23, 2012.

Please consider voting against the merger for the following reasons:

1) Wentzville will lose the identity as The Wentzville Chamber of Commerce

2) We were promised an open meeting to discuss the advantages & disadvantages at our monthly general membership meeting on July 18, 2012. (THIS DID NOT HAPPEN)

3) The chamber board did provide a meeting to the members with a very short notice after many members complained that we did not have the opportunity to discuss this merger. This meeting was held Friday, July 20, 2012 at 12:00pm at Century Link. Also another meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 23, 2012 from 7:30am to 8:30am at Century Link

4)Membership meetings may alternate between the three communities

5) Please go to the Wentzville Chamber of Commerce on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 210 S Linn Wentzville, Mo; between 9:00 & 3:00 to VOTE.

6)ONE NO vote will CANCEL TWO YES votes

Please consider the above reasons for VOTING NO.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"I Pledge Allegence To St. Charles" — Guccione

Alderman of Ward 2, Chris Gard is running for the Missouri State House of Representatives. I have done my best to ignore his campaign simply because I want him to stay in Wentzville where he has been instrumental in redirecting our city's government. He is running in District 63 against a Mr. Bryan Spencer and after looking into this race, I noticed something that pissed me off, imagine that!

Alderman Gard has been a hard fighter for Wentzville and has had sack enough to stand up against the dysfunctional status qua. I have been impressed with his knowledge of government and attitude regarding difficult questions in our local government. He has been unafraid to address situations that previous Boards brushed under the rug or glazed over. Citizens of Ward 2 should be proud of his record here in Wentzville.

Gard's opponent; Mr. Spencer of St. Charles is the source of my problem. After looking into the list of reprobates supporting him, I can no longer ignore Chris Gard for State Representative. Gard is a resident of Wentzville and a strong advocate of its welfare in the County.

Every Wentzville voter should get behind Gard in his bid for the House of Representatives if for no other reason than that our own Mayor Guccione supports his St. Charles opponent. Guccione talks about his dedication to the growth and welfare of Wentzville but openly supports a St. Charles citizen to represent us in the Missouri State House of Representatives. Guccione even let him come into a public meeting to get a photo-op and campaign on city time. I have to wonder about a Mayor of any city who would support an out-of-towner over a hometown citizen and dedicated Wentzvillian but once again, this is Guccione we're talking about.

As much as I want Alderman Gard to keep his seat in Wentzville, our city needs support at the state level and who is better to give us that needed support; Chris Gard or a St. Charles citizen? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out but since it's such a no-brainer, I shouldn't expect our Mimesis Guccione to grasp the situation—it makes too much sense.

Guccione told me (when we were still on speaking terms) that he'd like to be a state representative, the problem is that he has no support at that level. The same thing happened when former Wentzville Mayor; Vickie Boedeker ran for the job—she ran into a steam roller. He is supporting Spencer hoping he gets elected and then he could coat-tale right into the state job, of course if Gard wins, he doesn't have a chance. Spencer is supported by a dedicated, cut-throat bunch of ultra-liberals who will tell any lie and smear any opponent, to get one of their own in office. Their agenda is not good government, it's influence.

Our Mayor should be ashamed of himself turning his back on Wentzville and a Wentzville candidate to support a left-wing liberal from another city. This does not surprise me, I have a good handle on the back-room snake that is Nick Guccione. The questions should be: Why is any Mayor of any city openly supporting a candidate for State Representative? What's his motive? Who the hell is this guy who calls himself Mayor of Wentzville?

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Passive-Aggressive, Illiterate-Blowhole

Another way too late night meeting in City Hall, they went into executive session at midnight and I didn't stick around to see when they returned, I'd bet it was close to 1:00 am. Long meetings have become so common that I saw several regular attendees bringing their chair pillows.

I've heard that if you have surgery it's best to have it in the morning when the doctors and nurses are well rested and alert. The only reason I bring this up is because during executive session the Aldermen talk about items that are very important to the welfare of the city. I just wonder how many of the decisions in these meetings are rushed or haphazard because they start after midnight. I am sure our Aldermen have jobs and get up early everyday to be able to make a living—after working all day and being up for 18 hours how does a person think rationally? I have never experienced city meetings this long on a regular basis but I guess it should be expected when we have a mayor who does not know how to run a meeting.

There were some real highlights last night and it started right out of the gate. Mayor Guccion had received the applications for the vacant Ward 3 seat as a result of the process put in place by the Board and he made his selection. Surprise, surprise, he named Michael Hayes, the same candidate he had initially chosen.  If you'll remember, Guccione has stated on several occasions: "I don't care what process you put in place or how many names you bring forward, it's my appointment and I'm going to appoint my candidate." During the discussion and questioning of Mr. Hayes, Ward 1 Alderman, Forrest Gossett appealed to the mayor saying regardless of the vote on your appointment he hopes they could put behind them the barrier that went up during the campaign and get down to the business of representing the citizen of Wentzville. Mayor Guccione said it was behind them and agreed they need to work together. I've heard Guccione say things like this before on various subjects and lie straight faced.

When the vote came down it was 3-2 against Guccione's appointment which indicates; not all of the Aldermen thought Guccione's appointment was unpalatable. Alderman of Ward 3 and President of the Board, Rick Stokes said of the four applicants: "With no disrespect to Mr. Hayes, I think his qualifications ranked fourth." I heard the other applicants names but I only knew one of them; Darrel Lackey. Lackey a long time veteran of Wentzville politics ran against Guccione for Mayor and was the butt of some of Guccione's dirtiest politics ever in Wentzville History. Something tells me that our mimesis will never appoint Lackey even though he would represent the citizens of Ward 3 extremely well. This man has no intention of ever compromising on this or any issue—the Ward 3 seat will remain vacant before Guccione selects any of the other applicants.

I waited for the other shoe to drop before I commented on the speculation I made in my last blog: "The First 100 Days". After watching who went into executive session, I knew that someone was going to get removed from their job, unfortunately, it was the Public Works Director Scott Smith. Scott is a hell of a nice guy, one of the most articulate, well-spoken, and intelligent members of city staff that I've ever seen. I am saddened that he was the first of many employees to be misled by our incompetent mayor, Guccione. I wish Scott well in his future and hope city employees are as angry with their boss as I am.

A warning to city employees: Beware of the lack of good direction you receive from this piss ant we call our mayor, you may be next. He has never taken responsibility for anything negative and he will never admit that Mr. Smith lost his job due to the mayor's inept and apathetic direction. It disgusts me that Guccione has carved the first notch in his gun for anyone other than himself. This passive-aggressive, illiterate-blowhole of a Mayor is dangerous and needs to go.

PSS: There's a great deal more to come regarding the meeting of July 11th and I will present more in the next edition of The Wentzvillian.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The First 100 Days?

It's time to talk about "ID #3959 Water Reclamation Project - Change Order No. 4," I've thought about it long enough. This involves a contract that was completed under budget by $71,000 and the vendor subsequently put in a change order for an additional $61,000. Perhaps this all sounds routine and maybe even boring but what happened at last Wednesday's meeting was quite interesting and anything but boring. I will not lay blame on any of the City staff for what happened as it falls squarely on the shoulders of our Mayor, Guccione.

The change order came before the Board of Aldermen for approval because any expenditure of over $25,000 needs Board approval. The problem arose when the presenter, Mr. Jerry Hillin, Purchasing/IT Director, stated that the change order had been signed and the check already sent to the vendor. In other words (in the words of the Aldermen), "the ship had sailed," the Aldermen had to approve the expenditure.

Perhaps your asking how this could happen as it smacks the purchasing policy right across the lips? The Aldermen weren't happy about this akward turn of events and asked exactly that same question. The answer given by Public Works Director, Scott Smith was; that the purchasing policy is not clear on the 25 large rule in this instance. "There are two trains of thought: Since the original contract was approved by the Board of Aldermen and it came in under budget by more than the amount of the the change order, it was interpreted that no approval was necessary The other would be that any expenditure over $25,000 must be approved," unfortunately none of the Aldermen agreed with staff's rationale.

My question is this: If there was a question of policy, why wasn't that question brought up the chain of command before the check was signed? It appears that Mayor Guccione was either uninformed, or just didn't care and made an executive decision based on apathy, in either case, the buck stops with the Mayor. I've heard Gooch constantly tell the Aldermen "they need to trust the staff," well in this instance it bit him and the City square on the ass for 61 large, and he is responsible. It is the Mayor's job to see that policy is followed, he's been heard saying: "I don't make policy, I enforce it." Well Mr. Mayor, you really goosed the moose this time din'cha? It wasn't the first and by no means be the last.

Ward 2 Alderman Sonya Shyrock asked; Why is this on the agenda if I cannot vote 'no' on it? City Attorney Paul Rost responded: "You can vote 'nay' but the fact is that the money is spent.  If you like, the City could start proceedings to get the money back from the vendor but that is a discussion for another time. The money is spent and you simply need to vote on it." During this following discussion by the whole of the Board, Guccione looked like a deer in the headlights. All of the Aldermen were unhappy about the situation and made it clear that it must not happen again.

I'm sitting here thinking; the Aldermen were told there was a savings of $71,000 on this contract and were probably thinking that the vendor and staff did a great job and then this happens. I'm glad I'm not on the Board, the Mayor would have caught holy hell for not doing his job and costing the City the embarrassment of springing this crap on the Board. This kind of shit is typical of him, it happened frequently when he was an Alderman and even more frequently during his unethical campaign for Mayor. The best thing he could do for the City is resign, it's not going to get any better, I'm thinking his lack of leadership qualities will eventually cost people their jobs and the City a fortune. Mark my words, rather than taking responsibility for this, he will blame it on someone else—another of his unsavory habits. Look out!

This coming Thursday, Guccione will reach the 100-day mark of his office, I can't wait to hear his speech regarding all he's accomplished. That will be the shortest speech he'll ever make and given his speaking skills, it's probably a good thing. Jeeez, what a mistake this city made electing him to any office of responsibility.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Got a Lotta Mo (Stay Tuned)

Sweet Jesus, what a meeting! As I predicted, our mayor took a four to five hour meeting and trimmed it all the way down to seven and a half hours. The Mimesis didn't adjourn until well after one in the morning, congratulations Mayor Guccione, you just set a record. There was way too much to report about here today, especially after having to watch seven and a half hours of tedious mismanagement of a meeting, so I'll start at the beginning and go as far as I can before I blow chunks.

I received a phone call from one of those citizens attending the meeting who informed me that he was embarrassed for the City of Wentzville after watching Mayor Guccione stammer, stumble, and mumble through reading a simple proclamation. After watching the video, it wasn't much different than his reading other proclamations since being elected—it was painful. I find it hard to watch our mayor when he's reading, it's like fingernails on a blackboard. There are those who've stated they don't believe Guccione could pass a Jr. high school reading examination, I whole heartedly concur, it is embarrassing.

"Open Forum" was a real treat! Greg Younger, President of People for Parks got up and railed against the Aldermen and their holding $20 million dollars of taxpayers money for ransom while they try to make sure the City is getting their money's worth. It appears that Mr. Younger is saying "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," he was upset that there has "not been one shovel of dirt moved." He was joined in this chorus by Mr. Sean Waken who reiterated almost everything Younger said. This orchestrated demonstration was met by the Aldermen when they asked them to stay at the meeting because their concerns would be addressed later on that evening. Mr. Younger said he couldn't stay excusing himself because his wife is nine months pregnant. It seems to me that if he was that concerned about his wife, he wouldn't have come to the meeting and sat for an hour in the first place—political activism is a tough avocation.

Next, Rod Stratman (you remember him, he was Guccione's recruit for the Ward 3 Alderman seat) stood up in a pre-campaign photo-op. His offering was preceded by telling everyone he had run for Alderman in the last election, but he wanted to talk about a Missouri State House Bill, nice try Rod, I almost believed that was the reason you came forward.

Next up, Mr. Brian Spencer, this was a hoot staged by our mayor. He got up and announced himself and that he was running for the State House of Representatives. Curiously, he is opposing our own Ward 2 Alderman Chris Gard (one of Gooch's most unfavorite Aldermen) for that seat. I guess he wanted equal time and besides, City meeting videos are cheap advertising. At any rate, this brought a protest from several Alderman, Bulldog Stokes, President of the Board said it was out of order and called for a point of order. Gooch looked startled, probably because he didn't know what to do or didn't know what a point of order was, I haven't decided which, probably both. Alderman Gossett, who is rapidly gaining the nickname "Big Dog," jumped in to say: "This is highly inappropriate." Alderman Cheryl Kross reiterated Stokes call for point of order and Gooch got the City Attorney, Paul Rost involved. Rost said nothing revealing but slowed the protestations enough to allow Gooch to let Mr. Spencer proceed with his excuse for being there. It was found out later that Mr Spence had called the Mimesis and asked if he could appear before the city and Gooch said he could campaign in the "Open Forum" section "a couple of judges came up in open forum to announce their candidacy" just like Donna Sherwood and Bill Schuette used to do. What a travesty, what a ridiculous mayor we have, he is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the city.

PSS, I'm going to stop here and pick it back up tomorrow because the next topic is: "ID #3959 Water Reclamation Project - Change Order No. 4,"  and it may take more time and space than I have today. If you'd like a preview, watch it on the City website click here under "New Business, Item 3.