Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Does a Bear.......in the Woods?

There is a "Work Session and Special Board of Alderman" meeting tomorrow evening at 6:00pm in city hall. They will vote on the Show Me Green Sales Tax Holiday and the first reading of the Amended Animal Regulations during the special meeting. I expect to see the chambers filled with dog owners especially if Nick Guccione gets on the phone to his special interests groups. I see no place for Aldermeen or Mayor reports but for some reason, after watching Mayor Lambi pressing last week, it's possible that he may continue his inquisition.

On the "Work Session," among other things, they will be talking about the Transportation Sales Tax Renewal. I am not sure if that includes ballot language but strategy will probably be discussed to have it reimplemented. If it weren't for the possibility of another free-for-all, it could be a fairly boring meeting.

I'm still waiting for the release of the "Executive Session" minutes pertaining to Lambi and beginning to wonder if this situation will ever be officially confirmed or resolved. It appears to me that if he's done something wrong or illegal, the citizens should know. If he hasn't, it is thought he'd want to get it out in the open as soon as possible to clear his name. At any rate, we are still waiting.

After the blog exposing Nick Guccione's campaign brochure disguised as a questionnaire, there is a need to comment on his Aldermanic antics, his name just keeps jumping out. I've been going through the minutes of the meetings searching for information on Lambi and couldn't help but notice seeing more of his trend in voting. It's evident that he is anti business and pro tax, and that  he can't make up his mind about his voting on issues. During the past five years as Alderman of Wentzville, he has flipped on more issues than any alderman seen in the past 15 years, and since he won't campaign on his record I thought I'd help him.

Some of the businesses he's voted against were; Mobil on the Run and Sam's Club. It's interesting that he opposed them coming into Wentzville because a small group of citizens didn't want them so he voted against them, but most of the time when his special interest groups weren't there watching for the final vote he would flip on the issue at hand. Rankin Technical College was the opposite, he voted for it initially and now says, "I made a mistake," he went against it when pressured by certain newspaper articles. Guccione can't make up his mind and relies on the opinions of special interest groups or pressure to determine how to vote on any issue.

One of his all time greatest flips was a few months ago on the Automotive Coalition, where several years back, he, Bill Schuette, and the gang pushed hard for giving money to a lobbyist in Washington D.C. They passed an ordinance to give $7,500 of taxpayers dollars every year to the lobbyist. When it came up for renewal this past year, and the rest of the board was wanting to get rid of it, on the third and final vote he said: "I was for this bill back then, and  I am still for this bill today!" Then when it came time to vote, just a few minutes later, he flipped and voted against it. Sometimes I wonder if he can remember what he says and does on a daily basis?  Then there was the Storm Water Utility Tax, he, Bill Schuette and the gang did everything they could do to get this unusual tax levied on Wentzville taxpayers until it was tabled because of a lawsuit filed for a similar tax in St. Louis. He voted for this bill twice originally, then when the final vote was taken, without the support of his posse, he voted against it.

The preceding is just a small portion of his record but it illustrates his career as an Alderman in Wentzville, and now, he wants to be Mayor. I'm going to keep digging into his record and since he won't tell the voters what he's done, it will be posted here for them. Alderman Nick Guccione cannot hide from what he's done or hasn't done for Wentzville any longer, it's over. He can't hide or deny public record, maybe he should go through it himself so he can make an attempt at defending his pitiful record on Candidates Night. The Wentzvillian knows where his bear crapped in the woods.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Your Choice Matters"

I was just handed a campaign mailer disguised as a questionnaire sent out by Alderman Nick Guccione and I had to chuckle to myself several times while reading it. Basically, It's a survey asking the citizens of Wentzville their opinion: "YOUR OPINION MATTERS!" It is a list of the the departments in the city and instructions to "Circle your response: Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor." A nifty little diversion from the base truth.

After perusing this mailing, I find that it contains absolutely nothing about what he has accomplished in five years as the Alderman of Ward 3. Instead, he asks you the voter, to grade the city. Of course, if he had  listed only his accomplishments, his photographs would have been the only thing on the paper. It is a trick tool by a tricky guy to divert attention from the fact that he's done nothing in five years except cough, sneeze, and take up space on the board.

I did find what has to be considered a major deception on it though, one bullet point reads: Alderman of Ward 3 since 2007 (Reelected by more than than 77 %.) That was in 2009, in his most recent reelection in 2011 he was unopposed. Had he been opposed, he would have lost in a landslide and be home looking in today.

I guess this questionnaire is his attempt to act mayorally but says nothing about what he's done for the past five years, what he will do if elected Mayor for the next four years, or when he loses what he'll do during his final year as an Alderman. His form gives the impression that he's on top of city government, but in reality it's only a diversion from his total lack of knowledge of what's going on in the city, and nonexistent involvement in the community. I find it hard to believe that anyone who works two jobs has the time or energy it takes to read and study the information it takes to be an alderman, or a Mayor of a city the size of Wentzville, it could be that someone is reading it for him and giving him the highlights.

I urge voters to fill out and return the form, he promises every one who does will be contacted. When he calls you, ask him what he's accomplished during his five years as Alderman, what he'll change if he's elected Mayor, and what his plans are for Ward 3 during his final year when he loses, I'd like to know. You might also ask why he recruited candidates for all of the wards, you may find the answer to that quite revealing about his "want to control the city" attitude, I know the answer to that.

Nick Guccione wants to be a career politician, he told me that personally, and I think you'll agree that there are way too many of those in this country already. After you talk with Guccione and you find just how tedious he is and how little he has done for Wentzville during his career so far, tell him what so many other citizens already know about him—zero. Remember to vote on April 3rd and show Guccione what Wentzville thinks of him; "We don't want a useless career politician taking up space in our city hall!"

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Den of Bell-Tails

Once again, it's time to visit the City of Wentzville playhouse; the meeting of February 22nd. For the political addicts out there, there were lots and lots of delectable goodies that night. Alderman Nick Guccione served the hors d'oeuvres but Mayor Lambi brought in the main course and dessert. Lambi was steppin' high like a rooster in deep mud until none of the Aldermen (except Guccione) bit on his "distract and deceive" trap.

It was during the "Mayor's Report" after Lambi gave Alderman Chris Gard a sound drubbing when he attacked staff member; Jerry Hillin, Purchasing Manager. He third-degreed Hillin on the process of the "implied contracts" and the $15,000 check, in my opinion, he was totally out of line with his interrogation. At one time during the meeting Gard said (in no uncertain terms) to the Mayor" You are overstepping your authority." There was uneasiness in the audience as he grilled Hillin.

After several minutes of Lambi's inquisition Hillin stated (with all due respect); "On the advice of my personal attorney and that of our City Attorney, I have filed an official complaint against you and refuse to answer any of your questions," According to Hillin, this was all due to Lambi busting into a finance meeting that morning and verbally beating on him there too. In my opinion, Lambi has gone over the edge and it appears that here lately his oil does not reach his dipstick, he is acting desperate. Could it be that he is in deeper trouble than originally thought?

After thinking this through, there are some other very strange things going on in City hall. I know that the initial employee complaint was in regard to a conflict of interest investigation and involved Rankin Technical college. As I reported in my post of December 16, 2011, "Illegal practice of using ones Influence...," in the city van going to Rankin the day of the alleged conflict there were several aldermen, Mayor Lambi, Economic Development Director Larry Tucker, and Ed Watkins of Winning Endeavors. Many of the questions of which Lambi demanded that night could have been very easily answered by Larry Tucker. Why wasn't he present? Could it be that Tucker was the employee who filed the conflict of interests complaint (that started it all) and on the advise of his attorney did not attend? If it's true, this scenario could answer a whole bunch of my questions about connecting the dots.

There have been aldermen meetings in years gone by where I've seen aldermen pick up their things and walk out due to the irrational demand of a mayor. At one point in Lambi's rant when he couldn't get any of the aldermen (except Guccione) to answer his questions, he tried to  threaten the board by saying; "I am the CEO of Wentzville and Chief Law Enforcement Officer. I demand you answer my questions."  Old Scratch was not a happy camper and made a fool of himself with his specious direction. Wouldn't it have been fun if Gard and all the other rational thinking aldermen got up and walked out, leaving Lambi and Nick Guccione sitting there trying to figure out what to do. If Lambi continues his tirades in future meetings, and I have no doubt that he will, I can see this happening.

There's a lot more to discuss about the meeting of February 22nd but there's no room for anymore today. A whole mess of stuff to think about and sooner or later all the facts will be known. I know that Paul Lambi is a good man and I've had a difficult time bringing myself to believe that he has done all that has been brought forward.  I have not closed my mind to the fact that there may be more behind the story than I've heard. I'm pretty much a hillbilly but I was raised on a floored pen and if there is anything else going on in this matter I will do my best to get to the bottom of it.

Regardless of the reasons, the things going on today in our city hall are not a good thing for our community, as much as I enjoy a good fight, I'd like to see it stop. Sometimes when I go to city meetings it's like walking into a den of bell-tails.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Send in the Clowns

I never thought I'd see another meeting like February 8th but this one may even be more entertaining. Last nights meeting of February 22nd promised to be another evening of dog owners stuffing the room to hear the discussion of the pit bull ordinance, then out of the blue—it blew! I'm going to have to view the video several times to make sure I have all the facts in the proper order but it all started with the "Mayor's Report" when Mayor Lambi announced that his report would be a little longer than usual. I also have to report on Alderman Nick Guccione and his sincere attempt to assimilate, Nick when you  already have your foot in your mouth up to your ankle and you want people to respect you, stop trying to shove it in up to your knee.

Lambi went on the attack regarding the investigation of the $15,000 check given to City Attorney, Paul Rost. His target was Alderman Chris Gard of Ward 2 and opened up with both barrels. Lambi is angry about the allegations being made in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Charles County Journal, and The Wentzvillian, quoting from each. He asked (barked)  questions of Gard from what appeared to be a script. I suspect he was trying to get the aldermen to commit to some kind of "witch hunt" and may have been coached by his defense attorney, Chet Pleban. Gard responded by saying "under advice of Wentzville's city attorney, I refuse to answer." At the February 8th meeting Rost instructed the board that they should not respond to newspapers and blogs. The only alderman to respond to Lambi's questions and fold like a cheap suit was Guccione, but that's axiomatic. He was told not to respond to newspapers or blogs at least three times (that I know of) last week what part of that didn't he understand? (scratching head)

I will go into more detail about Lambi's behavior last night on a later blog but for now, I want to concentrate on Guccione's performance during the meeting. Twice last night he campaigned from the Dias saying: "I made a mistake voting for the Rankin contract, I'm sorry," Guccione flips again, what's new? First he votes against Sam's Club coming to town and now flips on Rankin. The Suburban Journal of February 13 reported: "(Ed) Watkins (Winning Endeavors) confirmed that Pleban was examining whether Wentzville should have requested bids before approving its $360,000 agreement with Ranken. Watkins said at least two aldermen and the city's economic development director were aware that another school, Linn State Technical College, expressed interested in opening a satellite campus in Wentzville two months before the Ranken agreement was finalized."

Lambi tried unsuccessfully to get the aldermen to admit that they knew about Linn State Technical College wanting to open a satellite school here. None of the aldermen said a word except Guccione; "I didn't know," agreeing with Lambi he made a motion to have the aldermen reveal who knew. Silence again, as the board of crickets starred expressionless into their computer screens, the motion died for lack of a second. Three times that night Guccione made a motion for various topics and they failed for lack of a second. When the subject of not posting public meetings in private homes was voted on, Guccione was the only "no" vote. Four times over the course of the meeting Guccione opposed the entire board, can the board always be wrong? This is exactly what I posted about him on my February 20th blog;"Why" Guccione is incapable of working with the other aldermen, there is no way he could be a successful Mayor.

As a footnote: Donna Sherwooid is up to her usual underhanded crap by filing another "ethics violation," this time on her opponent, Jeremy Pritchett. Bill Schuette finally made an appearance (after an eleven month absence) to speak in the "Open Forum" and to have a city-paid campaign photo-op saying; "We should not be spending tax-dollars on Rankin." It amazes me how Guccione fell right back in lock-step with Schuette, old habits are hard to break. Schuette slithered back into the night shortly after his photo-op and Sherwood rolled out two hours before the meeting ended. This was a regular circus night for reporters and viewers alike, make sure to go to: http://www.wentzvillemo.org/ to see all three rings. Look for more to come, I'll be baaack!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No Christmas Card Again This Year

I've been thinking about the report I wrote last week regarding the mysterious $15,000 check and a few things that I recalled from years gone by. The number $15 large kept rolling around like a pinball racking up points as it made it's way down the course—It reminded of other times when $15,000 or a similar number would be spent by the city and Mayor Lambi's part in those expenditures.

The most recent was when he was ready to spend taxpayer's dollars to the tune of $18,000 for a donation to the 501c3 organization; LINC. Fortunately, the board saw the problems with a "contract for services" for this venture—had the Lurchettes been in power they'd have passed it as fast as the bean soup they had for lunch. I seem to remember several other similar expenditures in the range of $10,000 to $19,000 to other organizations or companies, and, I've formulated a hypothesis: Lambi possibly regards money in that range as pin-money and nothing to concern himself with. Perhaps it was a mind-set because he had been a fairly successful salesman in the financial services field when he was elected for his first term. I guess when you wield millions of dollars around everyday, 10 or 15 large is nothing, it isn't worth the hassle, there are bigger fish out there with fatter wallets.

One case in point came in about March of 2005, just prior to his second-term election: City staff recommended that the City buy a "folder/inserter" in the amount of $15,383 for mailing of water bills the City Administrator (CA), Andy McCown further justified it by saying that it could also be used for mailing the Vision newsletter. This whole thing was problematic from the beginning as it came with an extremely costly service contract. The staff said that this purchase would save on mailing costs because they could cut out a local business that was contracted to handle that service. After doing the math, it would have taken 600,000 mailings to break even, at that time they were mailing 7,500 water bills per month. Even figuring today's population of 29,000, that's a long time. Lambi said, "We're going to save money with the mailing of the "Vision" also, and more importantly, it would save one day in mailing out our water bills which means the city would get paid sooner." I've heard some strange logic but there's a good chance the buses don't go where he lives.

One other important fact: The Vision newsletter was printed on gloss paper and as anyone in the printing industry can tell you, small commercial folder/inserters do not like stuffing gloss paper into envelopes. The vote was split 3-3 by the Board of Aldermen and Lambi broke the tie by saying; "I'm going to go with staff on this one, I have all the confidence in the world in them and if it will help, and save the city some money at the same time, I vote to make the purchase, the staff deserves it."

I was really pissed that Lambi would not listen to someone who had over 25 years in the industry Subsequently, I wrote an article which was printed in a local publication protesting the purchase of the over-sold machine. I provided technical details and stated that it would not work for what the city wanted. That article started the downward-spiraling relationship between the Mayor and me, when it hit the streets he was madder than rabid dog slobbering all over himself. I was supporting him for the upcoming election but that didn't mean I was going to cover up his illadvised decision.

At the next Alderman meeting, Lambi was still fuming and he walked out to me in the audience and threw a four-inch three-ring binder in my lap (it was heavy, and a good thing I was wearing a cod-piece). "If you want to talk about something, talk about a $54 Million dollar budget, not some measly $17,000 machine." He made me feel lower than a snake in a wagon track in front of everyone there, the romance was over.

This is not the end of the story: The next month's meeting was interesting; The CA during his report announced: The Machine we bought to stuff envelopes does not work on the "Vision." We will be able to mail water bills, but, the "Vision" will have to continue being mailed by a private company. So much for the savings to the city. I grinned colder than a pawn-broker at the mayor, and the aldermen who knew about my concern looked at me smiling too. After the meeting, Lambi came up to me and said; "I guess you can tell me 'I told you so.'" It wasn't necessary, he knew he'd pooched the moose and the whole city knew it too, but what the hell, it was only 15 grand—a drop in the bucket.

This whole deal today is strange, I'd like to know who endorsed the check and strongly believe it was Lambi. Is it possible that he thought no one would ever question this expenditure? Lambi's displayed attitude toward amounts of money like this has made me curious, maybe he really doesn't think it's money. I wonder if he spends his own money like that? Maybe it's an "easy come, easy go" thing with him.

Since the light has been turned on by the St. Louis Post Dispatch regarding some of Lambi's other questionable dealings thanks to Alderman Guccione, maybe Guccione will drop a dime on him about this situation too. Needless to say, my friendship with Mayor Lambi has been somewhat diminished—I haven't received a Christmas card since.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I had a conversation with a resident yesterday who had a great point about Alderman Nick Guccione and his lack of interaction with the other board members. He relayed that Guccione was complaining about how the other alderman will not listen to him. I had heard this before but the question remains: If he is elected Mayor, how will he ever get support for any of his initiatives? I don't know any of his initiatives and it seems that no one else I know does either, but I am concerned what they might be. He thinks he'll be in charge of the city and every aspect of it. He should probably set up a meeting with Mayor Lambi to ascertain how that's working out for him.

I don't think Guccione understands that his total authority would be over the staff and presiding at board meetings to keep decorum which could prove interesting at best. The rest of his representation of Wentzville would be with other cities and governmental agencies outside of Wentzville. Quite frankly, the thought of that given his observed lack of communication skills is frightening. Guccione will find out just like Lambi did, the ultimate authority is with the Board of Aldermen. He should know about ultimate authority having been a member of arguably one of the most contrary and counter-productive boards in the history of Wentzville; Bill Schuette, Nick Guccione, John Luby, and Peggy Meyer; the Lurchettes, they were as stubborn as a set-down jackass. They reigned terror on the sanity of our city and only gained power because three effective long-term aldermen retired; Dave Hoekel, Dave Billings, and Darrel Lackey.

I've heard that he believes himself to be the best man for the job, my question is; based on what? Following Bill Schuette's lead for four years and sitting on the board for another two is not being a qualified candidate for Mayor. I've begged him to illustrate in any manner what he's accomplished for his Ward 3 and got nothing. His campaign slogan is: "It's time someone stood up for the people." Wow, that's fresh, I don't think I've ever heard that from a candidate before. The people don't believe rhetoric like that after the way politicians and government has lied to them. The people believe in actions, not slogans and Guccione has not accomplished a single thing for the people of Wentzville during his entire time in office. My readers don't have to believe me, ask him, or any other Alderman exactly how he has positively impacted our city, he'll not have an answer. He did vote on several issues that relieved taxpayers from having the burden of excess money in their pockets and several others that were shot down by his peers but he has really accomplished nothing of substance. Guccione has introduced nothing to favor the citizens and less of the city.

I know Nick Guccione and have known him since he was first elected, he represents my ward 3 and I'm very in tune with what my representatives do. I am truly disappointed in his representation of my ward. I have numerous complaints but the thing that turned me against him the most was his unethical recruitment of candidates to run in every other ward (including his own)  in an effort to gain support that none of the five other aldermen give him. I have to ask: Why? Why don't they support him? Why is Nick Guccione correct and all of the other aldermen wrong? Why does he need to make an attempt to influence our board of aldermen with his hand-picked candidates if his ideas are so great? Why does he need to change the direction of our city to his way of thinking when it has been proven ineffective and unacceptable? You have to question any candidate for Mayor who made such a fool of himself in a board meeting, in point February 8, 2012.

The Chamber of Commerce "Candidates Night," is scheduled for 6:00pm, March 27th at the Holt High School Auditorium. I urge every voter to attend and judge for yourself not only his qualifications but communication skills. He has no track record and I will be curious to hear what he has to say. Lambi has made a mess of our city and I'm afraid Guccione will make it worse, we need a strong Mayor, one who can lead and know when to follow, but more importantly, he needs to be able to work with the Board of Aldermen.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Groundhog Day

I can't help it, I've watched the Board of Aldermen meeting of February 8th a dozen times and every time I do, I see new stuff. I urge every voter in Wentzville to watch it, particularly, from 2:45 to 3:05 into the meeting. If you are planning to vote for Nick Guccione to be our next Mayor of Wentzville and you watch it, I believe you will have a new and greater prospective of him and his professed leadership qualities. In only 20 minutes, Guccione proved that he hasn't anything to offer this city.

To roll back the clock a little to about 1:18 into the meeting, after Alderman Gard gave the St. Louis Post Dispatch article to City Attorney, Paul Rost, to determine if there was anything in it from the infamous executive sessions, Guccione said it wasn't him. He went on: "The next day after the executive session it's out there on the blog." This is an admission that The Wentzvillian ("the blog") was right on target with what was going on in the executive sessions. Gard expressed grave concern that someone told it all in the St. Louis Post Dispatch article (Gard doesn't need to wonder any longer about who spilled the beans.). Why would Guccione say something like that unless he was trying to defer blame? Do you remember when you were a kid in school and the teacher sat on a tack, everybody pointed at someone else, it's the same old story.

Beginning at 2:45, the real fun started. Gard began talking about revising the sign ordinance to tighten up on the election period. He said that he and Alderman Leon Tow had attended a meeting of senior citizens recently and the first question was: "When are you going to do something about all these political signs cluttering the city? They don't want the city littered with political signs for five months out of every year" (because of the abuses of a few candidates). "I'll give you (Guccione) their names and you can tell them that they're full of it." Guccione just had to jump in to defend either himself or his campaign manager, Donna "Bananas" Sherwood, who placed her signs out 30 days prior to that allowed by city ordinance. During his protestations, Alderman Cheryl Kross reminded him that, "the proposed change doesn't include the name; Nick Guccione in it." That didn't deter him from continuing his whining, he went on crying about how his opponents had larger signs, better locations, and that this whole change is all about him. There's a word for that type of behavior but not being a psychiatrist I won't use it. I wonder if he ever had the inkling that maybe he's being supported by the wrong people? I've come to the conclusion that Guccione is the sort of politician, who if given enough time, would outsource all of our jobs to Banglawhore.

I found it quite interesting that at just about 2:55, while talking about changing the city policy to include not letting politicians campaign in city facilities during working hours, Guccione went bat shit crazy. He once again went on the defensive blaming it on "the blog," he said that he wasn't campaigning in the police department. He stated: "On January 3rd I visited the police station to merely welcome the new chief and the next day it was on 'the blog' that I was campaigning." A very cordial thing for him to do, but why did he feel the need to have his campaign manager tag along? Oh and by the way, she just happens to be running for a political office too, what a coincidence! His abysmal attempt at masquerading as an innocent well-meaning non-campaigning alderman is pathetic. Well, thanks to his infernal whining it's back on "the blog" again.

Two minutes later at around 3:57 he went on the defense regarding his political rally, loosely concealed as a Coffee Talk public meeting. He went on to complain that other alderman can meet in public places to talk over city business and he is being criticized for having a public meeting in his private residence. This whole thing was precipitated by Alderman Rick Stokes when he asked for a resolution to not allow advertising (paid for using tax dollars) in the Vision or other city publication; a Coffee Talk or other event which may become a political rally. Guchione's hand shot up like it was attached to a booster rocket "Once again, this is all about me." his explanation was not really comprehensible as he went on blathering about "seven people who are all anonymous, I didn't know there were that many people in town with all the same name." I have to assume he was trying to talk about "the blog" again and some of its anonymous comments, I really don't know. If any of my readers who watch the video can explain what he was foaming at the mouth about, I'd appreciate knowing.

I'm convinced that Guccione doesn't know nits from noodles and his tongue is long enough to cut his own throat, but he is entertaining to watch. I don't believe that he's entertaining enough to run this city for the next four years but he is a fun guy. I hope I'm finished reliving that meeting but somehow I seem to think; just like Bill Murray, I'm doomed to be locked in that three hours until I learn enough to become a changed man.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Show Me The Money

With no meeting this week I feel an overwhelming need to keep recalling the Board of Alderman meeting of February 8th. That meeting has to go down in history as the most entertaining, controversial, and insightful Wentzville meeting of the 21st century. If you were a regular follower of City meetings over the years and watched closely, you'd see things that would frighten a hard-tail mule into relieving himself on the kitchen floor.

City government is clever—taxpayers are exploited by a complete lack of public interest while government merely continues with business as usual. Since the Wentzville Union and Wentzville Journal moved out of town there has been little or no unedited critical reporting of our government. The Suburban Journal, Newstime, Community News and Patch.com are for the most part fluffy and refuse to do any investigative reporting. The St. Louis Post Dispatch, however, has no problem digging into difficult topics of a controvrersial nature and scaring the horse pucky out of those involved.

This "blog;" (The Wentzvillian), as well as a private citizen, was kicked in the cod-piece in a public meeting by Alderman Nick Guccione for telling the truth about what's going on in city hall. Perhaps, the things here are too close to the truth and finally the mayor and aldermen know that their ethics, actions and ability to handle taxpayers money responsibly are being closely monitored by The Wentzvillian.

The Wentzvillian has reported on several occasions the subject of: "Implied Contracts," defined: "...checks being cashed without supporting documentation." When Alderman Chris Gard turned one of these cashed checks over to the city attorney; Paul Rost, my interest was piqued. Gard asked: Why didn't the contract follow the check? This is troubling for a number of reasons; the check was cashed, there is no paperwork, and no legitimate address for the company." I know that the company in question is; Westplex Sports and Entertainment L.O.C. (Local Organizing Committee). In researching this company, I found that it was created by Ed Watkins of Winning Endeavors and from the 2006 election flyer of Mayor Paul Lambi I found the following bullet point:

  • "Board Member and founder to LOC (Local Organizing Committee); first in this area; this committee focuses on bringing large sports and entertainment events to this area. This Committee is located in Wentzville and represents St. Charles County, Franklin, Warren, and Washington."

I remember these meetings when Lambi led the Lurchettes (Bill Schuette, John Luby, Peggy Meyer, and Nick Guccione) down la-la lane, gleefully skipping hand-in-hand singing Kumbaya,  to pass a resolution to give his organization $15,000. Lambi promised a new world-class velodrome and balloon races to equal those in St. Louis. None of these things materialized and now the organization may not even exist. This may have been a neat and noble pipe-dream but why didn't the Lurchettes investigate its probability or its corporation? The answer is simple, this group of so-called aldermen were in Disneyland and passed anything they didn't have to read or think about. What was the money used for and where is it?

The only possible reason this check was turned over to Rost is; to find the money and who and how Wentzville was relieved of $15,000 without a trace. In my humble opinion: there is only one of two men who has the money, either Mayor Lambi or Ed Watkins. Other questions are: Who endorsed the check? What did Wentzville receive for fifteen large? And, have more chickens come home to roost? It's very troubling that the same two individuals have connection with yet another complication which has been given to our city attorney for investigation. I am pleased to see Alderman Gard has the snarglees to make more noise than a jackass in a tin barn and bring this matter to light seeking to make the perpetrator skin his own skunk.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Butter is Back in the Ice-Box

The Board of Aldermen meeting of Wednesday, February 8, 2012 may have been a pivotal moment for Alderman Nick Guccione in his election bid, even his political career may be at stake. His campaign for Mayor took a terrible downward spiral that evening, a course from which many believe he will never recover. Guccione is predictable, so predictable in fact that he can be manipulated by publicity into revealing his political motives, or almost anything else one might want to know—as was proven on that terrible night when he "came clean."

The Wentzvillian first got wind of the allegations currently under investigation by State and/or Federal agencies regarding Mayor Paul Lambi back in August of 2011. A friend/businessman complained to me about being approached by Lambi to donate money to his Winning Endeavors project. Being stone-walled by the Aldermen, I started my investigation around Wentzville to see if there was any substance to what I'd been told. I located several individuals who expressed similar concerns regarding being pressured by the Mayor to participate in his program. Lambi, being the kind-hearted benefactor to any worth-while cause was blindsided by what he was really doing.

Getting the real facts from the City or it's elected officials on this subject was like trying to shove butter in a wildcats ass with a hot poker, it wasn't going to happen. So, I began watching the players and meetings more closely. Finally after months of observation, I had struck a nerve and the pieces of the puzzle came together. I had heard of a tactic used by some to "throw something against the wall and see if anything sticks," well it stuck. I was on the right track and it was only a game of watching and waiting until it unraveled.

Then the big break came from a totally unexpected source: Mark Schlinkmann of the St. Louis Post Dispatch wrote a bit of the story and interviewed Alderman Nick Guccione. Being the news-whore that he is and wanting his name and face on anything in print—to help him win an election—he caved in to the pressure but little did he know that it would be his undoing. No other Alderman would comment to Schlinkmann regarding the "Executive Session" minutes except Guccione, and in the meeting of February 8th when confronted with the article, he spilled his guts in front of the city: "It's all over the city, the blog did it, I didn't say anything." Even today, I'm not sure Guccione recognizes the fact that he let the wildcat out of the bag and had told the city; it's all true. Since then, the story has been printed in the Community News and on Patch.com., The Suburban Journal reporters are currently investigating. Mr. Guccione will get all the press he desires.

Guccione is a regular reader of The Wentzvillian and followed my investigation, not because he really cared about the subject, but because I believe he cannot stay away from anything in print that might put a negative spin on him and his campaign. He read The Wentzvillian's speculation of the events and it must have been so close to the truth that he felt like the story had broken and he would cash in on it by being the first Alderman to get his name on the story. When the Board and City Attorney discussed the subject, Guccione realized that he had pulled a boner and tried to back-peddle by blaming "the blog" for letting out the story, "I didn't say anything," yet there his name was in the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

Unfortunately I do not know much about the penalties for revealing sensitive City information but I'm sure we'll find out in coming months. I do know however that the Board of Aldermen in whole, are not pleased with what he's done and if there will be penalties, we may be in store for another round of "Executive Sessions." Regardless of the outcome, I'd bet that Guccione will blame The Wentzvillian.

Guccione was told by the City Attorney not to respond to articles in the newspapers or blogs but he just can't keep from it. He is a control-freak and wants to control the city and Board of Aldermen—that ain't gonna happen. As long as he pursues his good-old-boy brand of politics, The Wentzvillian will be here  but for now, I can put the butter back in the ice-box and the hot-poker back in the fireplace.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alderman Admits "the Blog" is Correct!

One of my readers commented on the report I put up here on February 8th and he or she gave me pause. The statement was made: "You may be exaggerating,..." and it made me think. I've been trying very hard to be a lot more objective about the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the upcoming election including those candidates competing, then I read on;  "...but not much!" Thank God, I must be making progress, or not. I'll admit my lack of objectivity is in direct proportion to the anti-good-government actions of those elected officials and candidates who are trying to screw-up Wentzville, but I'm trying to stick to the facts. There are some who can bring out the worst of me with the simplest things, and as much as I hate to affirm it (as if you didn't already know), Nick Guccione, Donna Sherwood, and Bill Schuette are such easy targets with the things they say and do, I just can't help myself—I'm weak, please bear with me.

I had intended to say more about the meeting of February 8th and I was afraid that the person commenting was going to steal my thunder but there was so much more said that night I could probably continue writing on it until well after the election. One point brought up in the comment was: "Nick appeared to complain about the unfairness of securing sign locations. Was Nick claiming he needs to flaunt the sign regulations to level the playing field?" He is right on the bead. Guccione is the whiner and has the advantage of being able to do it in front of literally thousands of citizen witnesses in an effort to get "underdog" support, but Donna Sherwood is the biggest violator so far this election. She placed her signs up almost a full month prior to the date allowed by ordinance, probably on the advice of Guccione. She knew that the city would give her notice to remove her signs "within 30 days" which would coincide with the beginning of "political sign season." At least Guccione waited to put his signs out until 60 days prior to the election which adhered to the ordinance. I don't think it was as noble as it looks, he knew the ration of crap Sherwood took and just didn't want it for himself, then again, she may have been his test case, hmmm.

Regarding Nick Guccione and his campaign strategy...he has no strategy (especially with Sherwood managing his campaign), unless of course you want to call underhanded-backroom tactics a strategy. Recruiting candidates to stack the board with his stooges will always be called enethical here. He really wants to win but what he doesn't realize is that everyone can see right through him, he can't win a fair election. At the meeting, he whined (it's not an exaggeration, anyone watching the video will see that he was actually whining) about his opponents ability to secure prime locations for their signs, "it's just not fair," they're all after me he cried. I was thinking that Mayor Lambi, who sits next to him, should have loaned him his handkerchief. Guccione has no debating skills, he relies on blaming others for his short-comings.

I do have to report about the most important section of the meeting; when they discussed the press release prepared by the City Attorney, Paul Rost. The press release was designed to tell the public why the information from the "Executive Session" is not available because the investigation is ongoing by "other agencies." The St. Louis Post Dispatch article really brought some serious doubt that Guccione didn't reveal privileged information. He protested so much about not "saying anything" to the reporter that he actually admitted: "It's all out there on the blog, I didn't say anything, (that wasn't already known). I'll take a lie detector test." The Wentzvillian couldn't have had a better endorsement than an alderman admitting that it's all true, about Lambi and influence peddling. Until Guccione's admission, it was simply a concerned citizen's observations and pure speculation. I can see trouble on the horizon for Alderman Guccione but I do want to say: Thank you again! Because of his blabbing to the press, seeing the minutes of those secret meetings is probably not necessary except to dot a few "I"s and cross a couple "T"s.

After last weeks meeting I am wondering if Guccione will still continue contributing to the meetings or clam up again. If he were to take some good advice (which he never has), he'd just try and be an alderman for another year and be quiet about it, let Sherwood (his campaign manager) start her photo-ops again. That should be more than enough bad press for the both of them.

BTW, I wish the person who said I was exaggerating would please tell me where? I am really trying to get better. I know that as Forrest Gossett, candidate for Alderman of Ward 1 told me: "You can be a bit bombastic at times," but I'm really, really trying. Maybe there's some 12-step program for "Citizen Journalists?"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grab Your Popcon, Gather the Family, and Enjoy!

If you missed the meeting last night, you really missed it, Gillette couldn't have put on a better card! This was the most entertaining city get-together I've had the pleasure to see in a long time, and it was totally unexpected, what a treat. So much happened that I really don't know where to start. I guess the best way is to say: If you don't have your head screwed on, everybody will mistake it for a football.

Alderman Nick Guccione, who is campaigning for Mayor must be reading The Wentzvillian because, as I've claimed many times, "Guccione doesn't contribute," well last night he decided to start orating. Everything went fine for him through the "Public Hearings," "Open Forum," and the "Consent Agenda," but when it came to the "Aldermen Reports" and; "XVII DISCUSSIONS;" topic: "Political Canvasing, Solicitatrion, and Temporary Signs," the projected excrement met the oscillating agitator and resulted in Guccione's melon between the goal posts.

Alderman Chris Gard had copies of the St. Louis Post Dispatch article of yesterday which he handed to Paul Rost, City Attorney, and expressed his concern that elected officials are talking to reporters about the secret meetings. With that, Guccione's hand shot up to be recognized by the Mayor almost as fast as his blood pressure. Guilt ridden he went on a tirade about "the blog, the blog" he blamed "the blog" half-a-dozen times in an attempt to cover for his talking to the reporter, Mark Schlinkmann. Guccione complained in months past and reaffirmed last night that "everything is out in the open" because some Alderman has been blabbing to "the blog." I need to thank Mr. Guccione for confirming (blabbing to "the blog" and City) that all my speculations are true, but I sure didn't think he'd do it in a public meeting. He clearly needs to quit reading "the blog." I hate to say that because he and Donna Sherwood are two of my most devoted readers. Rost told the Mayor and Alderman that they should not comment to reporters regarding the "Executive Session" matter that is currently under investigation.

Gard moved onto political signs and the complaints of his constituents. He stated that "prospective elected officials should be held to the same temporary signage code that are expected of citizens and the businesses in Wentzville." Once again Guccione reached for the sky, "Other candidates have the support of the HBA and have signs up everywhere, it's not fair!" Wa wa wa, he's starting to sound like Mayor Lambi and before this heated, fist pounding debate was finished his face was blazing red.

Next came the report of Alderman Rick Stokes: His concern was that the city should not be paying to advertise in the Vision Newsletter a Coffee Talk that is in reality a political rally. A little background is needed here: Guccione has held a monthly meeting for the public to discuss subjects of city business and historically it has been hosted in city hall. Last week his Coffee Talk took place in his home and from witness accounts, it quickly turned into a political bashfest of his and Sherwood's opponents. He tried defending himself again by mentioning a private citizen by name as the covert spy who told everyone. This Coffee Talk was an advertised public meeting, talking about what went on to someone after such a meeting is allowed, duh. In discussing this matter with the individual after the meeting, she is very unhappy that "Guccione slurred my good name in a public meeting." Something tells me that he hasn't heard the last of that incident.

Penultimately, Guccione confronted Attorney Rost after the meeting to explain what he said to the press. Rost told him that he shouldn't talk to the media about this situation. Guccione reiterated his explaination and Rost told him again, not to talk to the media. A third time he tried to explain to an obviously disgusted Rost who was stuffing his papers in his brief case as quickly as he could, "Just don't comment to the media," and politely left. It's possible that Guccione with what he said to Schlinkmann and in tonight's meeting, may have removed himself from the protection of the city's counsel.

There were enough things happen in last nights alderman meeting to fill several blogs and I think I'll save some for another day. I'm sure someone will think I'm making this crap up and just bashing Nick Guccione, but frankly, I think he's doing enough of that all by himself. It was stated by a person in the audience: "Nick is the best campaign manager Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey could ever ask for." I have to agree, he really stepped in it last night. For three hours of entertainment; grab your popcorn, gather your family, and tune in to the February 8, 2012 Wentzville Board of Alderman meeting at: http://www.wentzvillemo.org/.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Beginning of the End?

Early last fall The Wentzvillian first got wind of a situation involving the possibility of influence peddling in the city and now it looks like Mayor Paul Lambi's chickens may come to roost very soon. The St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Mark Schlinkmann has been poking around Wentzville looking for information about the possibility that Lambi has been using his office to promote his company; Winning Endeavors.

Schlinkmann reports, "...Lambi also has retained an attorney, Chet Pleban, to respond to the board's inquiry. Among the issues Pleban said he's looking into is the board's decision last month to spend tax money "on what essentially is a no-bid type of deal" to attract Ranken to the city." I find this quite interesting because public record clearly shows, Lambi has been doing that very thing since he gained office in April 2004. It's been one "Contract For Services" after another, no competitive bidding, just give them the money, until the new board came along two years ago. Today there's a contract being investigated involving a company named; Carollo Engineers, issued some seven years ago in the amount of $75,000. This contract has been amended several times over the years without competitive bidding and today it is over $4 million dollars. How in the hell did this happen and under Mayor Lambi's watch? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

There have been a great number of disturbing things happen during Lambi's term, especially in the last six years. Many of these things have been brought to light by the majority of the current board when Lambi was not doing his job because he was off acting mayorally to the outside world. Partying and not overseeing the business of the city is not the way to be a mayor. I'm pleased to say that Aldermen Leon Tow, Rick Stokes, Cheryl Kross, and Chris Gard have gone the extra mile and taken up the burden to do the job that Lambi wouldn't do or couldn't do. Through their initiative, they are in the process of saving the city millions of dollars.

I've heard complaints from citizens and business owners who felt pressure to donate money to Lambi's Winning Endeavors program but were afraid to report it for fear of retribution. Now is the time to come forward, the cat is out of the bag and nothing will happen to you now. Call the President of the Board of Aldermen, Leon Tow and issue your complaint, make an example for future Mayors and Aldermen that "good old boy" tactics won't work here in Wentzville ever again. The time to pig-pile is now!

The lid is about to blow and Lambi's alleged  influence peddling will be in every newspaper, on every TV network, and blog in the state. The "Executive Session" minutes are about to be released and I'm disappointed in the way Lambi has treated our city and really not looking forward to the black eye he's about to give us. Lambi will be remembered in the history of Wentzville and I only wish I could say; thanks for the memories. If you'd like to read the article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch click on the following link:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Business License Discussion

Once again The Wentzvillian is forced to address the business license fee. It was a vulgar display of money-grubbing when it was increased from $10 to $50 in 2005 and remains that way today! At that time, no government entity in St. Charles County assessed  a base fee that high, and since that time other cities have seen that Wentzville got away with  it and followed suit.  Until Leon Tow, saw Cheryl Kross, Rick Stokes, and Chris Gard get elected, it was Lambi and the Lurchettes and this bueracracy's goal to fatten the coffers any way it could.  At the February 8th Board of Alderman meeting (at the request of Cheryl Kross) there will be a discussion to either eliminate or amend it, As long as they address the small- and micro-businesses when making a decision, I'm fine with it.

After examining the agenda packet and looking at the twenty-page justification (I mean) presentation given to the aldermen, I'm disappointed. Under; "Benefits" and "Reasons For (pro) to continue current processes" I found 19 reasons; under "Reasons against (con) to remove or amend the current process" I find two. C'mon guys, I know that the bureaucracy doesn't want to let any money go that they are banking every year, but don't you think you can find more than two reasons against it? As a business owner, I can think of half-a-dozen right off the top of my head but I guess being in civil service one doesn't understand the trials of business owners.

I have more than a few problems with this report, it is misleading at best, and I don't believe it represents the real truth. Among the boiler-plate justifications, copies of the forms, and ordinance, I found the "Municipality Comparison" chart interesting. Where are the many cities that have smaller, or no fees for business licenses? Not a single city on this list is less than ours and many of those excluded have a comparable population. I noticed on the list that St. Charles County has no business license required, is this an over-sight or does it mean that I don't have to pay my County business license fee any more?

Now I'm looking at the page titled: "Estimated Cost to process Business Licenses.) Item 8, states; "Administrating cost for purchasing supplies..." does that include purchasing the supplies or just sending an employee out to Office Max to pick them up? I thought they delivered but what do I know about business? My point is; cost of supplies (envelopes, paper, letterhead, and special paper) is listed in three of the other items, but that's not the thing that really upsets me, it's the cost of the listed items. Using the numbers they provided in instances where they list the item, give an hourly rate, and the estimated hours (such as police officers to call and/or visit businesses that don't get their new license on time), they base the cost on 600 businesses rather than the 54 that didn't comply. Compliance with the law is covered in two of the listed items. Why are businesses that do comply with the ordinance made to pay for tracking down those who violate the ordinance? It seems that it's only justice to make them pay for the time it takes to do what is required by the city.

If the City is going to have a business license, it should be fairly administered and based on revenues not a flat fee. I don't understand how Wal*Mart pays the same as a small business that doesn't even gross one percent of their receipts. Every small business owner in Wentzville should be at this meeting Wednesday evening, besides you might get to watch the filming of Donna Sherwoods biweekly photo-op!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Let the Truth Be Known

There was no meeting last week so it gives me an opportunity to address a subject that was brought to light  months ago—what's going on in all of the city's secret meetings?  A request for information was made in December for the minutes of the November "Executive Sessions" and I was told by our City Clerk; "they are closed until approved by the Board of Alderman." At the end of January the closed session minutes for November, December, and January were requested and only a portion of the November 16, 2011 minutes was received. There was only one item on it and was in reference to land acquisition for the Spring Meadow subdivision "overbanking project." I went back into the minutes to check how long the executive session was and found that the City does not give the time, but according to the video, it lasted one hour and thirty minutes. A long time to decide to offer the residents of Spring Meadows half what they were asking for their property; where's the rest of the November 16th secret meeting minutes and all of the other secret sessions over the last three months?

It was reported on several occasions that something stinks in City Hall and I suspect it's over something Mayor Lambi has done. There have been more "Executive Session" meetings than "regular sessions" over the past three months. The preponderant portion of the "Executive Session" record minutes are closed. Whatever is going on is probably the reason Lambi decided not to run for a fifth term as Mayor.

I've seen special personnel attorneys go into these secret meetings and that's a good indication that there's the possibility of someone being in deep doo-doo. In addition, the major St. Louis newspaper and several smaller St. Charles County publications are snooping around asking questions about what's going on in these secret sessions. It has to come to a head soon; they can't keep this a secret forever. If Lambi has done something to merit all of the recent special meetings and legal attention, the citizens have a right to be told; if he has done something illegal, he must be made accountable.

I will continue requesting these records until our Aldermen decide to release them. This is crazy! The citizens of Wentzville need to hold our elected officials' feet to the fire on this matter. The Wentzvillian has a hunch; I believe they are stalling on the release of these documents until after the election when Mayor Lambi is out of office. The issue would be defused and any wrongdoing hazed over while the perpetrator sails off unscathed into the sunset. The Wentzvillian first reported on this issue early in October 2011; it's time to get'er done and let the truth be known.

On the campaign trail: While going through the minutes and video for the November 16, 2011 meeting I was reminded of Wentzville's Medicine Drop Box located in our police station. This Box was proposed by Alderman Leon Tow and due to his initiative, Wentzville won two major awards from the State and County for its implementation. This program keeps expired or no-longer-needed medicines from being flushed down toilets to contaminate our waste water. These drugs would then be destroyed properly by Wentzville's Police Department; thank you Alderman Tow! It was during the "Open Forum," where Donna Sherwood (candidate for Ward 2 Alderman and Campaign Manager for Nick Guccione, candidate for Mayor) was doing one of her regular campaign photo-ops at the City's expense that she made the following on-the-record statement: "Donna Sherwood, 1614 Polar Drive...Ms.Sherwood expressed her concern about medicines being expelled into the water system through urine. The Medicine Drop Box won't help with that."

I'm not sure of her concern. Is she trying to minimize the accomplishment of mayor candidate Alderman Leon Tow, or is she suggesting that anyone taking prescription medicine or other medication in Wentzville need to go to the police station and pee in their Medicine Drop Box? This woman wants to be an Alderman?