Monday, January 30, 2012

Darrel Lackey "Meet and Greet"

The Wentzvillian just received an email from mayor candidate Darrel Lackey announcing an inaugural "Meet and Greet." Since it is a known fact that Darrel Lackey and Leon Tow are the only two qualified men to be mayor of Wentzville, anytime either of them send me a notice like this one, it will be placed here.

You are invited to the inaugural

"Meet and Greet"
Darrel Lackey

Candidate for Mayor, City of Wentzville

Maggie Malones
990 Wentzville Parkway
Wentzville, Missouri 63385
(636) 332-1176

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

4:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Stop in and share your ideas with Darrel
Hors d' oeuvres and beverages available

Donations gratefully accepted, and checks made payable to:
"Citizens to Elect Darrel Lackey, Mayor"

Please RSVP to: (314) 941-5531 or

Paid for by Citizens to Elect Darrel Lackey, Mayor, Dave Reynolds, Treasurer

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Anonymous Commet

The Wentzvillian  received an anonymous comment from someone who is obviously dissatisfied with the reporting here. It wasn't going to put it up but after thinking about it, this is an interactive site and everyone needs to be able to make their point here, if they have one, and sometimes even when they don't (as in this case). On occasion it gives me some demented pleasure to let them criticize themselves with their literacy, knowledge of our city, or lack thereof. I have edited out the name of a private citizen (whom I do not recognize) because I don't report on anyone who is not elected, or running for election unless they've done something newsworthy or committed a crime. It saddens me to see a second anonymous person tell me that "no one cares" about The Wentzvillian. I guess I can scratch one of my 6,131 page views this month. Here is the comment as submitted, minus the private name:

Can anyone tell me why Leon Tow is running for mayor. He is HBA's puppet we know that but other than that I have seen no reason for him to run. He is my alderman and I have called him and that stupid Sheryl Cross many times for issues that I have had with the city and of course I recieved no return calls. I think you are just trying to SLANDER Mr. Guccione because you know that the residents of Wentzville like and respect him. No one cares about your blog actually we as residents that know Mr. Guccione is a good man are laughing at you and Mr. Tow because all it looks like you are doing is campaigning in your descrete way for Mr. Tow. Its sad really

Now it's my turn: Leon Tow is no more the HBA's (Home Builders Association) puppet than is any candidate who garners financial support for their campaigns through an organization or Corporation. For instance, your candidate Alderman Nick Guccione not only has funding from the Unions and Animal Rescue organizations, he may even have support from the NAACP, does that mean he is their puppet? Using your faulty syllogism the answer is yes! And in Gucciones case, I'd say that it may be closer to being the truth simply because he's lobbied in city hall for some of them. I know people who have made campaign contributions to candidates in past years were those candidates the puppets of their benefactors? I know you and people like you can and never will understand what's going on here but you need to try to understand the political system and how people get elected in small cities where none declare a party.

Your aldermen are in city hall at meetings almost every Wednesday night. If you have no luck calling them for a response (which I seriously doubt), and your subject is so paramount that it's causing you physical pain or you're having trouble tearing your ass from the TV, send someone down there to confront them for you. Oh and BTW, there are plenty of seats at every meeting, unless of course your candidate is pandering to yet another special interest group.

Regarding your allegation that I support Leon Tow; I don't know how many times I have to remind you radical Guccione enthusiasts, there are four candidates for mayor. Just because I put your buddy in the bucket of excrement with his pal Bill Schuette, that's no reason to think I'm supporting Leon Tow. You forgot (or don't want to admit) that there is another great candidate running for mayor; Darrel Lackey. Guccione and Schuette are dwarfed (both in credibility and intellectually) by either of these men. I predict; Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey will be our next Mayor of Wentzville. If Schuette campaigns he will come in third (you know where that leaves your candidate). If the rumors are true that Schuette is not going to campaign, Guccione might move into the third spot. Speaking of Darrel Lackey, his new website is up and running:

Finally: I tried to look up your word "descrete" and it's not in my dictionary between "descramble" and "describe" where it belongs. I love words and enjoy learning new ones. I'd like to learn the meaning of it so I can make it my "word for the day," any ideas where I might find it? If you and your small circle of "residents" are laughing at me and it gives you any comfort, I laugh at myself too, but who "really cares" what you think Mr. or Ms. Anonymous. I hope to see you at the meetings and don't forget to register to vote, Nick Guccione is going to need your vote if he is going to beat Bill Schuette for the third spot. This is fun, just like pulling the wings off of flies.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I don't know how many Wentzville voters watch the city meeting videos but I do know that it should be a prerequisite for any voter (before entering the voting booth)  to make an intelligent selection for a candidate who will represent them and our city. We have two mayor candidates "strutting their stuff" almost every week, voters can get more information about these candidates there than during any campaign speech or piece of literature they could ever see. It is in Board of Aldermen meetings where candidates shine or fizzle while they are carrying out the business of the city. A voter can pick up everything he or she needs to make an educated decision about who is the better candidate for the huge job of being mayor of Wentzville. In the meeting videos there is no biased or false interpretation of the facts and the only thing better than the video is actually being there. Last nights meeting was a perfect example of things I've been reporting on mayor candidate, Nick Guccione for the past few months.

There were tense moments last night, I say "last night" because it didn't finish until 11:00 pm, a full three hours after my jammy time. The place was packed for—you guessed it—the pit bull ordinance, not the budget or other important legislation but dogs, and Nick Guccione was in his element; pandering to a special interest group. I watched Guccione closely during the four and a half hour meeting and I suspect he's been reading The Wentzvillian. He had his hand up (like the smart little girl in the front row in grade school, waiving her hand frantically—"call on me, call on me!") to make a motion to approve or second any motion made. I think he really believes he was actually contributing and being useful with his "hand-up" participation. Of course he never once entered into any of the many major important discussions that all of the other Aldermen aggressively debated. The answer to that is simple: It's easy to make a motion to approve or second a motion but it takes knowledge of the ordinance or subject matter through study, to actively discuss it with intelligence. Guccione simply does not read the material, he is unprepared.

It's not fair to say Guccione didn't speak at the meeting, he did—twice. The first time was to take a stand on the "Automotive Coalition" where he said "I want to make it clear that I supported this when it was first brought up and I'm in support of it now." What I don't understand about his statement is; if he is still in support it, why did he flip and vote against it? I am three for three calling his flips but seriously, I think he has a screw loose. The second time was when the "Pit Bull" ordinance was being discussed, he perked up like a kid at a carnival. He was difficult to understand the two or three sentences he uttered because he talks so fast and his voice tone is so breathy, it made it difficult to catch what he was saying, even with a microphone. Someone who commented here on another blog hit it right when he said; "he sounds like a cheap version of the godfather with marbles in his mouth..." I think his blathering was something about fines and punishment, I'm not sure, maybe the city clerk caught some of it but we'll have to wait for the minutes to be released next Friday. That was Guccione's entire input, four and a half hours of meeting where every alderman participated on almost every discussion except Mayor candidate Guccione who contributed four or five sentences the entire time.

Guccione took a major shagging when the Board moved to change the ethics policy to disallow campaigning in city facilities during working hours. This proposed change was to keep candidates like Guccione and Donna Bannas Sherwood from visiting employees to drum up support while they are working like they did at the police station a few weeks ago. Bananas Sherwood took a shot from the Board when they suggested revising the city code so she and others would not abuse or ignore the law. Ya know, now that I think about it, I'm not sure Guccione or Sherwood even realized that the aldermen were talking about them. I'm telling you, these two candidates; Nick Guccione and Donna Bananas Sherwood are a serious problem if you think they should be representing anyone, in any capacity, at any time, in this city.

I know that watching four and a half hours of a city meeting could be considered cruel and unusual punishment but if you are concerned that The Wentzvillian is exaggerating about Nick Guccione's lack of leadership qualities, I urge you to watch the January 25, 2012 Wentzville "Board of Aldermen Regular Meeting:" The video will stand the test of truth and try as you may, it cannot be disputed or denied that Nick Guccione is not mayor caliber and for my money he doesn't even represent the voters of Ward 3 as an Alderman. It's time for Guccione and Sherwood to take a hike! It is truly a tragedy for Ward 3 and Wentzville that he was unopposed in last year's election.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Automotive Coalitions

"You've Got To Stand For Something...

While going through the agenda and supporting documents for the upcoming regular board meeting of January 25th, I came across an item on the "Consent Agenda" entitled; "Automotive Coalitions." The consent agenda items are those that are voted on all at one time, I assume it is to save time going over information that was previously passed by the Board of Aldermen.

I seem to remember this item when it was originally brought to the board by Mayor Lambi in late 2008. After looking at the supporting documentation and minutes of those meetings I soon knew that this was one of those strange items brought in by Lambi and had The Lurchettes rubber stamp. The resolution was to join the "Mayors and Municipalities Automotive Coalition" (MMAC). The membership fee was $7,500 per year with the promise that the County would pick up half of the the fee. The thrust of the membership was to support a lobbyist; The Ferguson Group in Washington, DC, for the automotive industry.

I thought it strange that our city was going to pay for a lobbyist and had never heard of a community supporting a particular business with financial support using taxpayer's money. I remember thinking that if our city could participate in this, why couldn't they do the same by lobbying for any other business in town. It didn't seem right to enter into the agreement and pay annual dues of $7,500 to the MMAC year after year. It is a budgeted item for 2012 and I'd like to know what taxpayers are getting for their money? Bill Schuette (moved to accept) commanded John Luby, Peggy Meyer, and Nick Guccione (seconded the motion) to vote for it, the two senior aldermen; Meyer and Leon Tow were the only two who voted against the resolution. They saw the problems with throwing tax dollars into The Ferguson Group to lobby in Washington, DC for the benefit of a private company. The junior alderman; Schuette, Luby, Moody, and Guccione passed this crazy resolution and burdened taxpayers with it forever, or at least until a more rational board found it and threw it out.

It's not too late, I would hope today's aldermen will take this off of the "Consent Agenda," discuss its merits and find it to be something in which the city should not be involved (about $15,000 too late). Of course today I can see Guccione flipping on it to put it down if the other alderman have a mind to do it. He voted in favor of it four years ago, if he's consistent he should vote for it today, but I'm sure he'll have either nothing to say; or try to defend his position then and flip on it now. It needs to be known that Guccione voted on things he was told to vote on and never looked beyond the surface to see whether or not it was good for the city. During the discussion to reject this matter, he and the others would not listen to the years of experience in government and knowledge of Peggy Meyer and Leon Tow. In those days Lurch's motto was: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," besides, the Mayor wanted it, Bill Schuette pushed it, and Nick Guccione was (and still is) an excellent follower.

...or You'll Fall for Anything."

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'd like to address a question that was asked by a reader who commented on my last blog. I believe it is an important issue that could negativly effect Wentzville should Nick Guccione be elected Mayor: Guccione seems to be a slider, he very seldom says anything in the city meetings. I watch them on the Internet and started noticing it several months ago. He hardly contributes anything, why do you suppose that is?. After observing Alderman Nick Guccione at almost every meeting during his four years on the Board of Aldermen, I have noted his actions and will offer my opinion in an effort to answer the reader's question but it will take a short history lesson first.

The sequence of events may be a little out of order but that's not important, the results are what count in this history. Aldermen; Nick Guccione, Bill Schuette, and John Luby were recruited by Vickie Boedeker during her last bid for a fifth term as Mayor of Wentzville. They were told then that all the matchbook covers are true; "You too can become an Alderman, no experience, knowledge of government, or concern for Wentzville is necessary" unfortunately they bought it. Peggy Meyer (good friends with Boedeker) was currently on the Board and in the group conspiracy. All of them were advised to take Boedeker's lead and vote with her choices. En masse, they had many secret meetings before and after the election forging their agenda driven direction for the City, allegedly in violation of "Sunshine Laws." Then the unthinkable happened; Boedeker lost her election vs. Lambi but her group of Flying Monkeys all won and took their seat on the Board. Having no leader telling them how to vote, loudmouth Lurch Schuette took the lead and his fledgling aldermen became the Lurchettes (translation: sock puppets). Guccione and the others took orders and all created a voting block which frustrated Mayor Paul Lambi as well as strangling the economic welfare of Wentzville. Their grip on Wentzville cost our city millions of dollars in unnecessary spending and pointless ordinances which set the stage for our current bloated bureaucracy and budget problems.

Over the next three years, John Luby lost to Rick Stokes; Lurch Schuette lost to Chris Gard: Leon Tow retired and Cheryl Kross came in; Peggy Meyer retired and in walked Vann Sample. Guccione unopposed, was re-elected and has been whining like a puppy in the rain for the past year because "no one on the Board of Aldermen will listen to me." He has had no one to tell him how to vote and it's made him miserable trying to keep up with this new energetic, fast-paced  hard-working board. In his Mayor campaign he is desperately trying to recreate a board using the Boedeker Model but he has a campaign manager (Bananas Sherwood) who doesn't have near the charm, expertise, or insights of her idol; Vickie Boedecker. The only thing she has in common with Boedeker is an over active penchant toward treachery and she will do nothing but bring shame to Guccione along the way.

In my opinion, Nick Guccione like most people, is hard-working (two jobs) with a nice home and swimming pool and two or three vehicles. He has a nice family; wife, children, and grandchildren. Between working two jobs, taking care of his family and home, going to meetings for the city, reading ordinances and city business (sometimes 1,500 pages) every week, answering phone calls from constituency, and drumming up support for his election hopes, it doesn't leave much time for living. Frankly, I don't think he ever read any city business for the last few years except those things that pertained to his special interests. He followed the lead of others who supported each other and relied on their knowledge of subjects, but those days are gone now and he doesn't do homework. I think it's reflected in his Board behavior and lack of participation unless it's something he wants.

It is also my opinion that Alderman Nick Guccione has no business being in office and it disturbs me that he represents my ward 3. Nick should drop out of the Mayor race that he cannot win, serve out his last year with integrity, start surrounding himself with people who care about him, and distance himself from people like Bill Lurch Schuette and Donna Bananas Sherwood who will drag his legacy through the mud just like they did with theirs, and then flip on him. I believe he would be a lot happier with his life if he were to get out of a political arena for which he has no time or passion. I'm sorry that I've lost a friend over politics but I love Wentzville too much to let it go down hill. There comes a time in every man's life when he finally admits to himself that no matter how much he tries, he'll never be Elvis.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Deja Vu and Ex Parte

Deja Vu Fee and Ex Parte Contacts
(French or Latin, Both Can Bite)

(This is a cryptic message for one of our aldermen, normal folk [such as my readers] needn't pay any attention to it just skip this paragraph: At the meeting last night you should have learned about; "ex parte contacts," better watch it before you get the City sued—good luck with that, Bozo.)

Now for the meeting: The only real interesting thing that happened was Alderman Cheryl Kross bringing up the subject of business licenses, the city basically told her that they are mainly used as a revenue source. Kross identified that businesses pay Federal tax, State sales tax, County license fees, and City license fees. Kross said; "Wentzville's fee is just another layer upon layer of taxes and fees that our businesses have to pay." She wants to throw out the Business license from being a requirement and asked that it be a subject of a future work session.

Business license fees were increased on January 1, 2005 from $10 to $50, a 400% increase. It was a long story that I fought in another life when the city brought this forward. Andy McCown, City Administrator was instructed to "find more money" by an over-spending city. He said ; "a committee was formed to compare Wentzville's current business license fee to that of surrounding communities." I don't know what cities they searched but I checked seven cities around here at the same time and the highest fee I could find was $35 in St. Charles. No matter how I argued, they would not change their minds. Nothing was going to stop this money-grubbing City from banking an additional $30,000, so here we are seven years later finally figuring out what it was all about. Thank you Alderman Kross!

I was going to leave this subject alone but the truth just won't let me. I have to (once again) rat on Mayor candidate, Alderman Nick Guccione who just keeps excavating his pit of excrement which he desperately needs to stop digging. After I broke the news that his Moe Stooge and campaign manager, Donna Sherwood filed a verified false ethics violation against Mayor candidate Leon Tow, Guccione began fish-tailing as fast as he could. He went snivelling to Tow apologized that; "I didn't know she was doing that," sob, sob. Of course, he had to look sincere with tears in his eyes so Tow wouldn't file an ethics violation against him for doing the exact same thing that he accused Tow of doing, and Tow's claim would stick. It's hard to find good help eh Nick? Leon Tow is too classy and too busy dealing with his own election plan to run a revenge campaign and be distracted by Mickey Mouse pranks so he accepted Guccione's apology. (Damn it Leon, kick his ass, give him a taste of his own medicine, I'll give you five bucks.)

But that's not the end of the story. I received two phone calls this morning and both people had talked to Guccione. It's interesting that when they asked him about it, Guccione replied: "I told her not to do it but she did it anyway." This Guccione is a piece of work! He definitely needs to brush up on his lying skills, he does it a lot and if he's going to do it as often as he does, he needs to keep them straight. What really happened was probably this: Without researching the details, Sherwood told Guccione: "We can really get him on this one" and Guccione replied: "Go get him!" It doesn't take a lot of brains to be a complete idiot!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Ticket Is Set For April 3rd

This is going to be a hard-fought election. I can see difficult times for legitimate candidates fighting off the "anonymous" personal attacks, unfounded ethics violations, disguised campaign media photo-ops, slander, and smack coming from Boedeker's Flying Monkeys, Schuette's Lurchettes, Sherwood's Bananas, and Guccione's Stooges. Of these, none have a platform and they will strive to downgrade and discredit anyone who opposes one of "their own" rather than work toward the betterment of Wentzville. Donna Sherwood and Nick Guccione are doing their best to cloud the election by recruiting candidates that they hope will confuse the voters giving them an advantage should they be elected. It is my duty, as a believer in honesty and good government in Wentzville, to do what I can to expose their conspiracy. If one does not campaign fairly and ethically on their own merit, how could you ever expect them to govern fairly or ethically? I have identified six legitimate candidates who will work for Wentzville, the balance has been lined through. Here is the ticket as it's stands today, Wednesday January 18, 2012 following the last day of filing.

Bill "Lurch" Schuette
Nickolas  Guccione

Jay Webber

Donna  "Bananas" Sherwood
Jeremy Pritchett

RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman
Curtis Davis

Beginning with Mayor, in the order of filing:

Bill "Lurch" Schuette: One of the original Flying Monkeys, he was alderman of ward 2 for four years planted by Mayor hopeful Vickie Boedeker in her plot to control the Board of Aldermen. In his time he helped create a board of extreme left-wing wackos; the Lurchettes. He is confrontational, loud, arrogant, an intimidator, and a regular Darth Blowhard. With no platform other than chaos and special interests he brought forth nothing of importance and supported higher-taxes along the way. His absurd actions in chambers included bringing forth an ordinance to have city snowplows clean the driveways of certain people in Wentzville. His posse was supportive until it was noted that it was statutorily illegal. Lurch tried to win his Ward 2 seat back in April 2011 but the voters wanted nothing to do with him and had enough of his embarrassing antics. I crossed his name out because he is truly bad news. I can't understand why he thinks after losing in his own ward, he believes he can smoke-screen the rest of the city into giving him the top-spot.

Nickolas Guccione: Guccione is a follower and the last of the Lurchettes. Being lost and all alone on the Board for the past year has elevated his frustration level and caused him to overload into doing desperate things. His claim to fame, other than opposing the Board on almost every important issue, is pandering to special interest groups. He brought into public meetings; dog enthusiasts to support his trivial ordinance introductions, city employees to support his flip on budget issues, and he supported the unionization of Wentzville's police department which eventually failed. In addition, at every available opportunity he voted against Sam's Club coming to Wentzville, and he opposed the real estate tax-cut introduced by Alderman Rick Stokes, that passed by a majority of the Board.  Nick believes this; the more special interest groups he greases, the better his chances are of getting elected. He is following the Boedeker Model of politics which is to control elections and dominate city hall. His "good old boy" plan is no longer wanted in Wentzville, his name has been scratched. He was unopposed in 2011 and I firmly believe that when he loses this election, he will lose his re-election attempt in April of 2013, Citizen voters in Wentzville's ward 3 are not as stupid as he seems to think. I am reminded of a comment from one of my readers which is so true: "Nick will vote the way the last person calling him wants him to vote." I want to remind voters, if he is elected he will have the authority to nominate one of his Stooges to fill his vacated Ward 3 seat and it will be the one failed Ward 3 candidate listed above. Guccione made promises to both of these men; "If one of you beat Rick Stokes and get me elected, I'll appoint the other one to my vacated seat."

Leon Tow and Darrel Lackey: I know both of these men and have seen them in action, they both have great integrity and outstanding records in City Hall. This race between Tow and Lackey should be billed as "The Clash of the Titans." I believe that either of these two would make an excellent Mayor and are the only legitimate candidates in the Mayor race. I only hope that voters realize that the other two candidates are completely incompetent and elect Leon Tow or Darrel Lackey to be the next Mayor of Wentzville. Both Candidates are 40 year residents of Wentzville and both have served in elected office for over 14 years, they know well the needs and problems of our city.

WARD 1 Candidates

Jay Webber: The only thing I know for sure about Mr. Webber is that he is one of Gucciones Stooges which is no reflection on his character because I believe (along with all the other Guccione recruits) he was duped. Guccione told me of his plants in the election for the board to gain power, whether he wins or loses his bid for Mayor he wants one, two or even three stooges to vote with him. Unfortunately for Mr. Webber, he is one of them and I cannot support the unethical conspiracy of his dark side master; Nick Guccione. Mr. Webber, if you think Guccione is an intelligent and effective alderman who represents the citizens of Ward 3, you are sorely mistaken.

Forrest Gossett: I have had several conversations with Mr. Gossett and even though he openly said that he thinks "the writings of The Wentzvillian are bombastic" (which I had to look up), in the first five minutes of the conversation, I knew I was talking with an educated and highly-intelligent candidate. His agenda is honorable and will appear here at a later date. He is my choice to fill Leon Tow's vacant Ward 1 seat on the board of Aldermen.

WARD 2 Candidates

Donna "Bananas" Sherwood: This is Sherwood's third attempt at being Alderman of Ward 2. I have no clue what she is running on, and neither does she, but I do know that she is one of Guccione's Stooges (Moe). She was originally a loudmouth vocal supporter of "Boedeker for Mayor" and when that failed (twice) she supported Lurch in his alderman races.  Due to the fact that she hated Mayor Lambi so much, for beating her beloved Vickie, she flipped to campaign for Leon Tow against him. It is a fact that every single Mayor candidate she has supported has lost the election, including her own two shots at being alderman. Flipping once again, now she is hawking for Guccione against Leon Tow and serving on his election committee as campaign manager, she is determined to ride someones coat-tails right into a seat in ward 2. She wants to be "inside" so bad, she'll use any deceitful-underhanded trick she can think of including filing documented false ethics violations against opponents. Just this past weekend she violated City Ordinance 405.580 by placing her campaign signs out more than 60 days before the election, Guccione should be proud. She has illustrated her disregard for laws and regulation numerous times and it won't stop if she should be elected. I don't think she has figured out that Wentzville really doesn't want her or her dinosaur tactics in city hall. When she loses she'll be back next year and the year after that, ad infinitum. Around town she's been called many, many unflattering things that I won't put here but one thing is for sure; if the good citizens of ward 2 elect her to represent them, they deserve her. She is a definite thumbs down loser.

Sonya Shryock and Jeremy Pritchett have placed their platform here and both seem qualified to be Alderman of Ward 2. I'm sure they should prepare themselves for attacks of all sorts from Bananas Sherwood simply because she's Gucciones Moe Stooge and Guccione hates them for running from his offer "to come over" to his dark side of the force. I like both candidates and will listen with the voters to their campaigns as they go along. At least, they have talked about issues intelligently and both seem eager and enthusiastic for the job, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about their opponent.

Ward 3 Candidates

Michael Hays, recruited by Guccione, filed early in the race but withdrew his candidacy late yesterday afternoon. Rodney Stratman and Curtis Davis: These two candidates are Nick Guccione's attempt to stack the Ward 3 deck. Split the vote so thin that one of his Stooges can sneak in to beat incumbent Rick Stokes. If indeed this is what happens and Bananas Sherwood can win in Ward 2, he'll have a banana-split board and be able to break ties. A classic "good old boy" tactic that is used by candidates for mayor who cannot win on their own merit or gain support for their own special interests. Ward 3 voters need to know that these candidates running in Ward 3 never had the inclination to become an alderman until Nick Guccione recruited them. Ask yourself the question: What will any of these men do for Wentzville if they are elected? The answer is; blindly vote with Guccione every time on every issue just as he did when he was blindly following his master; Lurch Schuette. Being a resident of Ward 3, I deplore Guccione's politics and his admitted conspiracy. The Wentzvillian will do everything it can, on this blog and others, to see to it that he is put where he belongs; with Lurch—out of city hall.

There is only one legitimate candidate for Ward 3, Incumbent Rick Stokes. His record in his first term (in only the first 18 months of office) is nothing short of incredible. He gathered support from other Alderman and demanded staff  to cut Wentzville real estate taxes by $500,000. Stokes supported Alderman Cheryl Kross to bring back the "Storm Water Utility Tax," which would have cost homeowners and businesses over $300,000 a year, to throw it in the trash. He is responsible for having city staff investigate all city contracts to find and stop waste spending. In only 18 months, of his first term with his initiatives, he accomplished more than any alderman I've seen on the board over the last ten years. He is truly a representative of citizens and taxpayers, I am proud to call him my Alderman in Ward 3. Anyone in Wentzville who owns a home, business or pays taxes should realize his potential and vote him in for another two year term. He has served with honor, integrity, and always on the side of Wentzville, I am excited for the future of Wentzville with his energy and leadership in city hall.

Bill Schuette, Nick Guccione, and Bananas Sherwood's brand of political contrivances are why Americans don't trust politicians. It is hoped that my readers will agree that we are fed up with it. If you want fairness and ethics back in Wentzville, spread the word about Guccione's conspiracy and his Stooges, together we can really make Wentzville great.

For those on the dark side of the force who are concerned with The Wentzvillian's influence upon potential voters have no fear, we only received a mere 5,500 page views in the last 30 days, we're still a small-town blog. Read that statistic as you will but I'm sure that one or two of my readers vote. Our goal is to have between 7,500 to 10,000 readers by April 3, 2012.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Have a Banana!

Alderman Nick Guccione, candidate for mayor, is really pissed at me for reporting on his wrong-doings, I'm going to make an attempt at enlightening him: Nick, If you want to get out of a hole, It would help if you'd stop digging. It was expected to see his campaign filled with controversy because he likes engaging in sneaky stunts but his campaign manager Donna "Stooge" Sherwood has started doing what she does best; making attempts at discrediting opponents and bringing shame to Guccione. I find it difficult to fathom how a (so-called) campaign manager would intentionally want to bring negative attention to her boss, but thinking is not one of her strong suits. When the only tool you have in your toolbox is a hammer, every job starts looking like a nail. Act and react, that has always been the Boedeker, Schuette, Sherwood, Guccione campaign battle cry. At Wednesday's meeting Sherwood was there but elected not to take her biweekly photo-op, I guess she tried to listen instead of mouthing off, that had to be difficult for her, maybe she's coming around—NOT!.

Sherwood is a total narcissist, has no shame, and is drilling yet another hole in the bottom of Guccione's boat to let the water out. Because they are a camp of followers, or maybe camp followers, they never have original thoughts. What happened was this: On behalf of Guccione's campaign committee, Sherwood filed an ethics complaint with the Missouri Ethics Commission whining that Leon Tow was campaigning as early as August 2011 without registering a campaign committee. Well the Ethics Commission has to investigate every application and in doing so they discovered that Tow had been registered since July 2011, duh! They dismissed the crank complaint but it's nice to know that Sherwood can write—even if it is with Crayolas.

Had she taken five minutes to check her information before filing the complaint, Guccione wouldn't be taking abuse here today. I'm sure they are proud of themselves simply because they accomplished something; they made absolute fools of themselves—again. Oh BTW: "Stooge" is running for ward 2 alderman, I hope she puts more thought in her own campaign than she's doing in Gucciones, but that's not likely. Sometime you have to start talking about your achievements if you want to be elected mayor of a growing community of intelligent voters—lodging bullshit complaints isn't an achievement by any stretch of the imagination. Mr, Guccione, you still have two months before the election, it's not too late to replace Sherwood with a banana.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Someone's Gonna Get a Spanking

The Regular Board of Alderman meeting Wednesday evening was revealing, lots and lots of smoke and I assure you in the very near future there will be front-page fireworks. It began at 6:00pm and immediately after roll call and approval of the Agenda, they retired to executive session. This portion of the meeting lasted until about 8:00pm when they resumed the regular public meeting that lasted until about 10:00pm after which they promptly returned to executive session again. Determined to hang around just in case they came out with some news, I lasted until just after 11:00 when I decided that I'd had enough fun and it was way past my jammy time—I don't know what time they finished and for all I know they could still be there.

The important ordinance that I had been waiting to see put down for the last four years was the final reading of the "Storm Water Utility" tax, as expected it was defeated unanimously. The citizens of Wentzville need to thank Aldermen CHERYL KROSS and RICK STOKES for bringing this back to be put to bed. Their initiative served to protect Wentzville homeowners and businesses from the installation of this obscene tax. As I predicted, here's the double back-flip: Alderman Nick Guccione flipped on his two previous supporting votes to say "Nay" on the final vote. He is running for mayor and it wouldn't have served his candidacy well if he laid another squeeze on the taxpayers. He did give a little speech trying to correct what he called "some misconceptions of his record" regarding his past support of this ordinance but of course he admitted to the flip. I have learned over the years that Guccione is a follower, it's possible that he had never investigated the ordinance, relied on the other "Lurchettes" (who didn't investigate it either) and went with the flow, then and now.

And here's the Guccione belly flop: I suppose he thinks we don't remember but Guccione avidly opposed Sam's Club in Wentzville. He supported the citizens from Bear Creek who came before the board on several ocassions regarding Sam's Club coming here. He voted against it every chance he got. Well, last night, he voted for the CID (Community Improvement Development District) which will create another layer of taxes to fund the building of Sam's Club. Imagine that, it really was a double back-flip.

Going back to the executive session, as with any meeting of this sort, there are "tells" that can give away what might have happened. The first was that Ivan Schroeder, Wentzville Special Attorney and an associate attended, Mr. Schroeder handles personnel matters. Also in the meeting was; Paul Rost, City Attorney; Jerry Hilin, Purchasing Manager; and  Dennis Walsh, Acting City Administrator. Quite an array of high caliber City folk which says there may have been a barbecue (I wonder who was on the spit). Just from this list I can tell that there is the possibility that there could have been some sort of funds misappropriations or mishandling and someone was in for a major spanking. I know that the city has been investigating what is termed: "Implied Contracts." These contracts are when a check was cut and there is no documentation supporting the receipt of the goods or services  Seeing Hilin in that meeting leads me to believe that this subject may have been discussed.

A second "tell" is the deportment of the combatants. Mayor Lambi was particularly distant after the meeting, he was quiet and reserved, not his usual arrogant self. I remember several occasions over the years that Lambi got the "Lurchettes" to pass several of his corn-ball "Contract for Services" projects. One in particular that comes to mind is a $15,000 payment to a group to lobby Washington, DC for the automotive industry. I thought it strange that this was entertained, but with that past board, anything was possible. At any rate, I've since learned that this group was disbanded, it is alleged that Lambi was a part of that group. I don't know what the city got out of that "donation" other than the privilege of flushing 15 large down the crapper. I have been researching state statutes regarding this matter and have found one that may put a noose around someones neck if indeed this was the discussion and if indeed an elected official is implicated. I won't post it here now but if you'd like to have a gander try RSMO 105-458.

Now more about the election, another candidate has filed for the alderman seat of Ward 3, Mr. Curtis Davis. I do not know Mr. Davis but unfortunately he's running against Alderman  RICK STOKES. Stokes has been the strongest and most persistent alderman I've ever seen representing my ward. He spearheaded the $500,000 real property tax reduction and just helped save homeowners and businesses in Wentzville from the Storm Water Utility Tax. He is possibly the most studied, focused, and effective alderman Wentzville has ever had. I cannot support anyone other than him for that office.

I just got the news that FORREST GOSSETT has filed for the position of Alderman of Ward 1. I'll post more about his candidacy as soon as it becomes available.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Think National, Act Locally

I don't think I'm alone in saying; this country is in some serious trouble. With the economy, world peace problems, and distrust of our elected officials, this nation is in a precarious predicament and it's not going to be fixed with apathy. In my experience, there's very little I can do about national politics, after my one vote is filtered through the electoral college I'm not sure it was even counted. My vote in the state has but slightly more impact and the county a little more. The only place where my vote and opinion really matters and may make any  difference at all is in Wentzville. I try to think nationally and act locally in hopes that we, the citizens, can have a more responsible and responsive government.

I have been called "negative" and "a mean-spirited bitter old man" (along with uncounted expletives) but what the people who are saying these things are actually saying is; "I am a concerned citizen and fed up with governments who don't listen to their constituents." I have been called "a nobody who thinks he's important," what I don't understand is; if these critics believe what they are saying, why do they waste so much time distressing over me? They say: "Nobody reads The Wentzvillian," but according to analytics, this blog received over 4,700 page views in the last 30 days and increasing every week. There aren't a lot of pictures here so maybe some of them are reading it, huh?

Alderman Nick Guccione declared that I am "out of control" and met with his opponent asking him to tell me to lighten up (tell me how that works out for you). He firmly believes that I'm on Leon Tow's election committee, so he's going to Tow whining about my reporting on his record. He was spotted and overheard saying these things in the local McDonalds. It is a known fact that Alderman Guccione is not running on any specific platform, instead his strategy is based on conspiracy. If Guccione is elected mayor, it is his desire to have total control of the Board of Aldermen and the city, why doesn't that sound like representation to me?

I admit that I take the governing of our city seriously and I'm passionate about what I feel is wrong, in my opinion. I don't know how many times I have to say that when an elected official crosses the line and is not, or is no longer contributing positively to our community, it's time for him/her to go. I have seen aldermen who were too busy living their lives to do what is necessary for the office.  I've also seen them who are elected and pay more attention to their special interests than the interests of the ward they represent. As far as I'm concerned, the voters need to know the record and actions of their aldermen. If any of them think that their public life should be secret, good luck, I'll be here looking, listening, and reporting.

The only thing I can say to you who are bent on getting rid of me, it's very easy; just do your job without back room deals, conspiracies, or underneath the table activities. Don't use our city and tax dollars for your own personal or political gain, and represent the interests of the majority of your constituents and poof, I'll be off your ass. Until that time, negative actions on your part will be noted here for my readers to make up their own minds. I trust the citizens of Wentzville, they will do the right thing.

I am a patriot and proud to live in Wentzville, USA, I'll continue to fight for good government and won't back down from threats or tyranny either foreign, domestic, or local. By thinking nationally and acting locally, I believe our country will always be a sovereign nation. May God Bless America!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Follow the Yellow-Card, Green-Box Road

Being the congenial, easy-going fellow I am, it's difficult to upset me; however, when it comes to government bureaucracy, I can get up on all fours in a heartbeat. It never fails, this time of year brings out the worst in me, it's forms, licenses, and no-tax due time.

Having been a small business owner for years has made me realize one thing—sometimes it just ain't worth it! Surely, I can't be the only person in town that spends hours and hours filling out forms, navigating through page after page of city, state, and federal websites only to find out, "I can't find this crap that everyone in government says is so easy." I finally figured out why they keep telling me that: It's because they have either never owned a small business or they had become so frustrated trying to comply they just threw up their hands and said, "I can't find this crap that everyone in government says is so easy," so they fold it in and got a civil service job where they can tell me how easy it is.

As painful as it may be, I've found that filing and paying my state and federal taxes are easier than renewing a business license. I am sure that Wentzville tries its hardest to make their processes and website absolutely idiot proof and realize now that I must not be the average idiot. I am a very special idiot; normal idiots can figure this stuff out with no problems. I have many friends who are fellow business owners but I never hear them complain about not being able to figure out this shhhhtuff.

Yesterday I received a bright yellow card that served as notice that my annual business license renewal is due—fine, I dug right into it first thing this morning. Following the instructions on the bright yellow card I went onto the city website and as instructed I looked for a tab that read; "forms & permits." There is no tab marked "forms & permits," so I went to "Business Services" and looked for it there, no luck but I did find "Doing Business in Wentzville." Under that menu item I found "Commercial Occupancy & Business License Application," I clicked on that tab and out popped a pfd with the form. Feeling home free I printed the form and spent the next half-hour locating all the appropriate tax I.D. numbers and assorted plunder to copy to the form. About half way through this four page form, I started feeling that "I've been here 10 years the city knows all this crap about my company," so I stopped and began searching the website again, knowing I had made a mistake.

After another 20 minutes or so checking every page for the elusive tab that I knew everyone else could find except me, I sat back in my chair and looked again at the half completed form. It still wasn't the right form and it was time to take drastic action; call the city. I dialed the number and after a ring or two came: "Good morning, City of Wentzville, this is Lisa." I was disarmed; all the frustration I felt was replaced with shame because I had to ask someone to help me with my problem. She replied, "The form is right on our homepage." I was still on the City homepage and I frantically scanned the tabs as she explained, "it is a bright green box." I was horrified when I saw it, I apologized to her for taking her away from her busy morning to explain to me (the idiot) how to locate the form.

I had always thought myself a fairly intelligent and somewhat literate man. I thought I knew my way around the City website but Lisa taught me a very important lesson: You can tell an idiot, but you can't tell them much. After printing out the correct form and filling it out, an hour and a half had passed, then came the dreaded State "No Tax Form." There's another hour wasted going through the state website looking for that thing. Now all I have to do is find $50 laying around so I can pay the fee. Maybe it's the city's fault, maybe they should have made the box bright yellow to match the card, maybe their yellow card should have given accurate instructions instead of saying to look under "forms & permits," maybe they shouldn't have hidden the bright green box in plain sight...yeah, that's it, it's the City's fault, I can live with that..

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Campaign Trail

The City issued an amended agenda for this Wednesdays regular meeting of the board of aldermen. It appears to be longer but it doesn't look any more interesting than the original was last Friday. Anyway, other than being longer, I think the good stuff will still be there.

I heard something this weekend that is disturbing. It's seems that Alderman Gucione paid a visit to our new police chief last week. That in itself isn't a big deal, I'm sure most of the aldermen visited her during her first week. The surprising aspect of his visit was that he took his campaign manager, Donna Sherwood with him. Now I'm sitting here wondering why he would do that, and all sorts of conversations come to mind. First of all and probably the easiest to believe was that he needed to let the new chief know that he was going to be the next mayor and Sherwood the next alderman of Ward 2. After thinking about the many possibilities, it boils down to campaigning. I can't believe that he would just show up for a visit, he actually was looking for support from the police department.

One possible scenario is that; since Sherwood showed up in sweatpants, they could have been jogging down the Wentzville Parkway and stopped by to get a cool drink of water, oh, and by the way, pay their respects to the new chief. I know that after they left there, they went to Pitman's Funeral Home to ask for support for their campaigns. It couldn't have been just another campaign stop on their journey around town looking for votes and donations, could it?

I have to say, he needs to think about the things he's doing. Taking your campaign manager, who happens to be running for office (when she has nothing to do with the city) to visit with Wentzville's new Chief of Police in a city facility, during working hours was a bad idea—a very bad idea. I could understand Sherwood wanting to do it because she likes to feel important but Guccione should know better. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a spanking from the city. Campaigning to employees in a city facility especially during working hours is an ethical no-no, he needs to read the book. Well, the campaign trail is a long hard road filled with potholes, maybe he stepped in one—a big one, up to his neck.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

"A Splendid Time is Guaranteed For All"

I am eagerly awaiting the January 11th, 2012, Regular Board of Aldermen meeting, I believe it will be a very revealing assembly. A fairly short agenda with an Executive Session scheduled just after roll call, this is unusual as they are generally held at the end just prior to adjourning. What this tells me is there could be some interesting twists to the evening's entertainment. I'm so excited I could just pee my pants in anticipation.

The major topic on my list is first on the agenda; the dreaded "Storm Water Utility" Tax is up for its final reading. I have railed for six years to have this ordinance failed but thanks to Bill Schuette, John Luby, Nick Guccione, and Peggy Meyer, they took it through the first two readings. It would have passed if not for a class-action lawsuit filed against MSD and the City of St. Louis for a very similar "utility." As I've written many times in the past, this is a terrible tax that would be placed on homeowners and businesses alike. Schuette's passion to get this inflicted on Wentzville residents was enormous. His "Lurchettes" did all they could do until the city attorney recommended postponing it until the lawsuit was settled. The taxpayers won, their lawsuit was successful and St. Louis has been appealing it ever since.

Almost three years has passed and those who led the charge for it to become law in Wentzville are gone from the scene except one; Alderman Nickolas Guccione. Guccione supported this ordinance through every stage of legislation and now it's back on the table for the final vote. He now faces an interesting dilemma, if he votes "YEA," as he did twice previously, he is staying true to his record and slapping Wentzville taxpayers across the face with more and higher taxes. If he votes "NAY," he's flipping on yet another issue and this one is going to be difficult to hide. It's interesting to me that both Guccione and Schuette who were most instrumental in bringing this tax forward are currently running for mayor. It is my opinion that Alderman Guccione, without the backbone of his past compadres will perform a two and a half, full twisting back flip off the high-dive and belly-flop. This vote ought to be fun.

This will also be the first public appearance of our new police Chief Ms. Lisa Harrison who came on duty January 3rd. I'm looking forward to meeting her to discuss her plans for our police department. Hearing very good things about her, I see nothing but positive signs for Wentzville's future law enforcement community.

The rest of the agenda is the usual political blatherings but I do so look forward to what I believe will be a surprise-filled evening of fun and frolic. Come on out Wednesday the 11th of January, in the words of the immortal John Lennon: "A splendid time is guaranteed for all."

Friday, January 6, 2012

No Apology Necessary

Since my post of January 4th, 2012, I have received emails and calls from friends to the effect that I might have been a little "less than kind" to Alderman Guccione. I admit that I should have waited a day after becoming angry about his latest "plot" but that's where it ends. Other than a few snide (and to some, "overly harsh") remarks about him, I stand by my statement. None of those who contacted me contradicted the facts I pointed out regarding his record or campaign strategy, they just desired to let me know that they think I need to be a little less passionate and overly bombastic when expressing myself about his escapades.

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
—Winston Churchill

If there is anything that upsets me more than not having cow-paste to spread on my corn-pone, it's hypocrisy, and Alderman Guccione is a great hypocrite of the first order. Since he became an Alderman I have yet to hear any reason or platform for his wanting to be mayor other than it is a stepping stone to higher office. I have yet to see any ordinance or legislation he has introduced that was of benefit to the community (someone please show me just one). And, I have yet to hear him defend any of his many mistakes, blunders, or questions of ethics that I have pointed out on this blog.

I have sat in meetings knowing he represents me and other citizens of Ward 3 and felt shame for his lack of knowledge regarding topics of discussion and waffling on issues. It embarrasses me to watch him campaign during public meetings by letting everyone know that he supported the half-cent sales tax increase for parks and tell of how some on the board did not (I heard that one on three separate occasions). I was completely disconcerted when he openly lied in a public meeting about not compromising on employee benefits after inviting the employees to the meeting with the sole purpose of trying to make the other aldermen look bad when he flipped on the issue.

In my defense, the last straw was when Alderman Guccione adopted his "stack the board" policy in his campaign for mayor. He personally told me: "None of the other aldermen support my issues so I'm trying to get people on the board who will agree with me. If I'm elected mayor, they'll be there for me and if I lose I'll have someone on the board who will vote with me." I guess what I least understand is; if Alderman Guccione never gets support from the board on his ideas, maybe he should step back and rethink the things he's bringing forward, maybe they aren't as puissant as he concludes. The majority of our Board of Aldermen are reasonable and analytical in deciding matters concerning the city, if he can't get support, maybe it's not that they are insensitive to him, it could be something wrong with the things he wants to make law.

As far as my opinions regarding Alderman Guccione: Unless I see him cease whining and do something for his ward; he stops trying to control the Board of Aldermen by placing hand-picked candidates for the next board election; quits campaigning in public meetings: stops pandering to special interest groups, and quits flipping on issues and lying about it, I will continue to critique him and his position as my alderman. I admit I'm an idealist and that this is not utopia but I'd like to see Wentzville be all I know it can be. I respect his office and the majority of those holding office but I cannot stand by to watch it further disgraced.

"He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Gooch Conspiracy

My mole inside Nick Guccione's political scam-camp has revealed how unhappy he is that Sonya Shryock and Jeremy Pritchett have turned tail and run away from his offer to come under his conspiratorial wing. Currently he has three candidates he's trying to get elected in an effort to control the board: Jay Weber, Ward 1;  Donna Sherwood, Ward 2; and Rodney Stratman in Ward 3. He has stated that he is upset that I have "stricken all three of his candidates" and is now in the process of gathering more candidates to run in the various ward contests. Unfortunately, I don't have the new names YET but as soon as any late filers show up, they will be exposed. I apologize to any legitimate candidates who file after today but since he's going to continue planting, I'm going to continue striking.

I urge you, the voters, to recognize mayor candidate Nick Guccione as an enemy of Wentzville, his tactics are sneaky, underhanded, possibly illegal and most definately unethical. I will be listing the legitimate candidates who have no connection with Gooch's Gooches. The known and suspected candidates who are in this conspiracy (to take representation from our citizens) will be stricken through.

I cannot believe that he and Sherwood are so power hungry they would spend this much time building a clone board of aldermen. Rather than do the right thing by representing their constituents, they are resorting to confusion and control of all the wards. He and Sherwood were spotted in the Bread Company today meeting with two possible new candidates, it is pathetic. Nick, represent ward 3 and stay the hell out of the politics of the other two wards before you get into legal problems!

If you are not a Gooch and you are wanting to run a legitimate campaign for Alderman, contact me at:, I will be happy to interview and post your bio/platform, otherwise I will strike through your name and add your name to the list of the Gooch troops.

I'm sick of these morons who think they need to control our government to promote and continue their unethical (at best) behavior. If Gooch is sucessful, you the citizens of Wentzville will lose! I will be watching Guccione very closely for the next few months and report on his actions (or lack of) in City meetings.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Please Don't Apply

Having never been (and no ambition to be) an alderman, this perspective is from an observer and student of Wentzville politics. Watching candidates run for elected offices over the years has given me a great respect for those who are successful and effective in the seat. Unfortunately, the actual ratio of those elected who are duly constituted to those who are not, is sometimes frightening. Today, on Wentzville's Board of Aldermen, the number of capable office-holders is greater than those who are ineffective. That has not always been the case and may have never been since the 1960s when our national government became polarized. The middle of the road candidate gave way to the radical right and the radical left that has dominated politics ever since.

Local government is not party sensitive and no candidate declares a party to run for office however it does not stop the right/left divide at this level of government. It's always been said: "You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy" hence the political divide finds its way into Wentzville.

The salary for alderman in Wentzville (if based on a 40 hour week) is about $2.16 per hour—clearly money is not an incentive. I question every legitimate candidate for alderman to assess their reason for wanting to be elected, unfortunately there is usually either a personal or political agenda, and I've heard some doozys. "Lurch" Schuette" for example lived in a subdivision and when developers destroyed his view of  woodland to build an adjacent subdivision he got upset and joined Vickie Boedecker's flying monkeys to put an end to it. Somehow he concluded that he had paid for the view. Lurch in turn recruited several others including Nick Guccione to become a member of the "Lurchettes."

I interviewed Guccione when he ran for aldermen for the first time and he revealed some interesting things. First and foremost, he had no good reason other than great political aspirations; he wanted to be mayor and then move on into state government. He had no knowledge of the concerns of the citizens or businesses of Wentzville and has kept his special interests blinders on since being elected. An admitted Obama supporter, Guccione has brought his liberal issues before the board and made them stick until he lost his pack of Lurchettes—had he been opposed in the election of 2011 he would more than likely be out of the picture today.

The job of alderman carrys a great responsibility, if you don't like spending long hours reading, don't apply. If you don't like sitting through several long and late drab meetings filled with drollery every week, don't apply, If you don't have time to answer phone calls or messages at all times of the day and night (a great flaw of "Lurch" Schuette's), don't apply. If you want to feel powerful, important, and grandiose, don't apply. If you have no love of Wentzville, it's heritage, or citizens, please don't apply. If you really don't know whats going on and no good reason to apply...DON"T.

This message has been brought to you courtesy of: The Wentzvillian for good government, a concerned, no-profit, no-pay, no tolerance, and no nonsense, entity that believes Wentzville can be greater than it is.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


The new year holds great promise for Wentzville, not only economically but politically. With General Motors adding a new assembly line and the possibility of Ranken Technical College bringing a satellite school to town, things are looking up. With the growth of Wentzville, our citizens have brought a new sense and logic to our city hall and slowly uprooting the "good ole boy" political party. I have held vigil, watching and reporting on city hall for the better part of 15 years and can say that the ball is over the crest of the hill and beginning to roll.

It all began about eight years ago with the election of Mayor Paul Lambi. I had hopes for a better life for Wentzville after Vickie Boedecker was dethroned, but the political rubble of our city was firmly implanted. Lambi worked with the support of several good aldermen to clean up city hall but the cancer was deep and it would take two more years for Boedecker to get over the fact that her second defeat was not just "voter apathy," her style of "good ole boy" politics was no longer wanted by our growing population. A huge blow to Wentzville was the retirement of three outstanding aldermen: David Hoekel, Dave Billing, and Darrel Lackey who all left the same year leaving an opening for Boedeker's flying monkeys to take over.

During attempts over the next two years to regain the throne she brought in three successful candidates to run for aldermen, John Luby, Ward 1; Nick Guccione, Ward 3; the ultimate Vickie-clone, Bill "Lurch" Schuette in Ward 2. Even though Boedeker lost the election, her flying monkeys continued the reign of terror in Wentzville. Lambi became frustrated in his second term toward restoring sanity as it entered its blackest days. "Lurch" became the "man behind the screen" who led the fledgling "Lurchettes." They met frequently in private (the Boedeker system) to determine their strategy of taking over Wentville's political system, a clear violation of election law.

In 2009, a glimmer of sunshine appeared on the political scene; Mrs. Cheryl Kross, new alderman in Ward 1 was elected, but even she, Lambi, and Alderman Tow couldn't break Boedeker's grip on the city. Then "Lurch" made the ultimate mistake and opened the door for sanity to come to the city, he decided to run for Mayor. Unfortunately for him and the Lurchettes, Guccione decided it was also his time to make a move. What happened was Lambi beat them both by a small margin sending "Lurch" back into the spectator's seat and left Guccione all alone on the board as Luby lost to Cheryl Kross. In 2011, things started to change and when Guccione's attempt to plant a candidate in Ward 1 to replace Kross failed, and Lurch's unsuccessful bid to regain his Ward 2 alderman seat, he watched as a new order came to Wentzville; Kross, Stokes, Sample, and Gard. These four aldermen have the opportunity to close the book on the 155 year "good ole boy" brand of politics in Wentzville.

It is my belief that in the election of 2012 voters can take back the city with two clear choices LEON TOW for mayor, and the re-election of RICK "Bulldog" STOKES in ward 3. There is more to the equation and I will give that on a later blog but I think I can predict a date of the overthrow of the old order (Boedeker system), April 2nd, 2013 when Nick Guccione is not re-elected alderman in Ward 3. Guccione should have paid more attention to what was going on in Ward 3 and a little less on his upward political aspirations.

Things look very good for Wentzville but we must always keep guard, people like; Lurch, Nick Guccione, Donna Sherwood, and a host of flying monkeys will always be looking for the chink in our Wentzville good-government armor.