Friday, December 30, 2011

Latest Filing News

The latest from city hall; another candidate has filed for an alderman seat. The name of Jeremy Pritchett has been added to the list of candidates filing in Ward 2, Mr. Pritchett joins Donna Sherwood and Ms. Sonya Shryock who is the preeminent candidate unlless a more qualified candidate should materialize. Today there are ten names on the official list of candidates filing for the April 3rd, 2012 election:

Bill "Lurch" Schuette
Nickolas "Nick" Guccione

Jay Weber

Donna J. Sherwood
Sonya Shryock
Jeremy Pritchett

Michael Hays
RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman

I don't have any information about several of the candidates and have struck through those whom I cannot support. FORREST GOSSETT has said he is going to file in Ward 1 and when that happens, he will be my choice. Jay Weber and Rodney Stratman are both the liberal plants of Nick Guccione in an attempt to build a board of aldermen who will agree with him and his agenda. I do not agree with this kind of politics and will not support any candidate who was planted by any elected official. Michael Hays has run before but I firmly believe that the incumbent, RICK STOKES has performed superbly in representing Ward 3 and the city, therefore he is my choice. I believe Donna Sherwood to be incompetent, will find out more about Jeremy Prtchett, and I am ccurrently leaning toward Sonya Shryock to represent the citizens of Ward 2.

Due to the political inconsistency, questionable behavior, and poor choices made by candidate Nick Guccione, I can no longer accept him as a viable choice for mayor of Wentzville. This job is too important to have someone in the top spot who comes in with a philosophy that does not parallel that of the taxpaying citizens of Wentzville. I can not sit back and avoid reporting on enethical behavior in city hall, even by a friend.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sonya Shryock, Alderman Candidate

Sonya Shryock
Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2

Considering the registered candidates for Ward 2, Sonya Shryock is The Wentzvillian's candidate of choice. Sonya has lived in Wentzville for two years, a mother of two, and worked in the real estate business for over 20 years. She comes from a family with a combined experience in real estate of over 75 years. Today, she is a full-time wife, mother, and advocate/fundraiser for displaced children and families, among other causes that hit her in the heart. Sonya was interviewed last week and offered the following information about herself and her candidacy:

"I am a  concerned citizen
and confident that I can help."

"I am a people person and stand up for what's right. Some members of my family call me 'Captain Justice.' I am not a politician nor want to be, but I am passionate about Wentzville issues and eager to do what is necessary to create a better future for our citizens and city."

With the economy as it is today, she takes issue with the 3000 unbuilt home lots and the problem of housing for retired and first time buyers. She is against building smaller homes in subdivisions that were approved for larger homes.

"I disagree with allowing builders to place homes with a smaller footprint next to larger homes and I think citizens currently residing in these larger homes would agree with me. There are other ways to build-out these 3000 lots and still provide medium or limited income housing without bringing down the property value of those residents already living in Wentzville. When the Real Estate industry is in trouble, the Economy is in trouble. When building is going it employs everyone from the lawyers, builders, realtors, painters, title companies, carpenters, etc.—so while I don' t agree with building smaller footprints, I think there are better ways to keep these people working and it is one of my most important goals."

When asked how she would accomplish this:

"I would work with Wentzville's Economic Development department to restart our economic-engine. Businesses are what brings residents to our city, and residents who are working, will buy homes here. I support small as well as large businesses and have experience and ideas about how to get them here. The plan is long-term and there's no quick-fix, I don't have all the answers but will listen to my fellow citizens who may have them."

"I am upset about the current trend of our city using outside contractors who take money out of Wentzville. We need to use the businesses that are located here and when the city spends money with them, it multiplies three times. If there are businesses here who can provide goods and services needed by the city, they should be our first choice in bids. We need to stop sending our jobs to someone in another city, county, or state unless absolutely necessary."

"I am pleased that some of our current aldermen are standing tall for cutting spending and trimming the excess out of Wentzville's budget. I believe in fiscal responsibility and will work toward creating a more economically efficient city government. From what I've seen, our aldermen have made great strides in the right direction and will need someone to support them in their efforts to get Wentzville back on track, I want to make a difference and I'm eager to get started."

Sonya Shryock is a candidate with vision and compassion, strong family values, and great civic pride. I believe she will make a difference in Wentzville when she is elected. The Wentzvillian urges readers to remember the name of Sonya Shryock when going into the voting booth on April 3rd, 2012.

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. This offer is open for any legitimate, registered candidate to post their political platform. (If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

To Most a Good Night

'Twas the night before domsday and all through city hall,
the trench rats were squealing, anticipating the fall.

Wanted posters were hung in the minds of a few
and they'll make the New Year one hell of a do.

The calm of the season deceiving to most
would give way to havoc for the terrible host.

The knuckleheads and shifters were snug in their beds
while delusions of adequacy danced through their heads.

The moonlight glistened on Lurch's sconce bright
but the butcher he was troubled this dark and gloomy night.

The lawyers were lined up all ready to collect
while the lawmakers whistled on this night to reflect.

When out on the street arose such a fuss
the butcher prepared to be thrown under the buss.

When all the trouble started is difficult to tell
and the judge simply stated "get into that cell."

As corks popped and the grunts sang Auld Lang Syne
the butcher of Wentzville walked that green mile line.

You may wonder if there's an end to this morbid-incorrect verse
the finale will come as the butcher flees in his political hearse.

As the wagon drove into the dark well of the night
you could hear him yelling with fist clenched bars tight,


But to most a good night.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Leon Tow Candidate for Mayor

An invitation was given to all candidates running for office in the 2012 election to place their bio/platform here. It must be understood that this is not an endorsement of any prospective mayor or alderman and is open for any legitimate, registered candidate to post their political platform.

For Immediate Release:

Wentzville has a strong future, built on a strong foundation of our past. Whether you are new to the community or a long-standing resident, I hope you share my pride in calling Wentzville home. Wentzville has been home to my family and me for 40 years. In that time, I have served three years on the Planning and Zoning Commission and 14 years as Alderman. While in the service to the City, I have been elected by the board to serve as President of the Board of Aldermen seven times.
  1. My administration will be proactive and diversified in matters of economic development, working toward creating jobs while maintaining those we currently have. 
  2. I will work with the Board of Aldermen and direct staff to improve services and lower costs and taxes. 
  3. As Mayor I will work with the Board of Aldermen and staff to improve traffic flow throughout our city.
  4. I will fight to protect open spaces and develop parks that enhance the quality of life for all citizens. 
  5. Proud of our city's rich heritage and a long-time member of the Wentzville Historical Society, I will actively continue revitalization of our historic downtown. 
  6. As Mayor I will improve communication with citizens, businesses, staff, and the Board of Aldermen.
  7. I will work toward optimizing our resources to create a more economically efficient city staff and government. 
  8. Being an active member of the Green Lantern Support Committee, I have first hand knowledge of some of the needs of our senior citizens. I will work diligently to help meet those needs.
As a long-time resident I am aware of the rich history of Wentzville and have a strong desire to maintain the hometown atmosphere of our city as we work to build a better future. In addition to my work ethic, strong family values, and sense of community, as Mayor I can provide knowledgeable caring leadership.

If you need more information, do not hesitate to call or email me. Come out Election Day, April 3rd and vote for Leon Tow for Mayor.


Phone: 636-780-0789

(If you are a candidate and want your platform presented here, email it to: Submissions will be posted in the order of receipt and unedited.)

Friday, December 16, 2011

"The Illegal Practice of Using One's Influence..."

The Wentzvillian has been gathering information on our mayor's activities regarding the pressure put on Wentzville citizens to participate in the GAP1 project. Little did I realize the magnitude of this problem. The  latest report came from a contact at the state level who informed me of something that frankly surprised the hell out of me. Here is the news that should enrage every citizen of Wentzville:

It is a known fact that our Economic Development Manager, Larry Tucker, in conjunction with several aldermen have been working very hard with Ranken Technical College to locate a satellite school in Wentzville. This would be a great boost to the economic development of our city, bringing jobs and revenues to our local businesses. Reviewing the information received, it appears that Ranken coming to Wentzville is not a first priority with Mayor Lambi.

Tucker, Lambi and a few Aldermen hopped into Wentzville's VAN1 (a city owned vehicle) to meet with Ranken representatives in St. Louis. While on the way, Lambi instructed the driver to swing by his office to pick up his business associate, Mr. Ed Watkins. He told everyone in the van that he and Watkins wanted to have a meeting with Ranken before the City business meeting. This is wrong on so many levels it's difficult to comprehend.

Why the Aldermen didn't balk at Lambi's suggestion is beyond me. A city van being used to transport a non-city person to a meeting dedicated for city business to do private business with the mayor leading the charge could be construed litigious at best. I am led to understand that Lambi and Watkins met first with Ranken to drum up support for GAP1. The Wentzvillian is not a lawyer but I've seen and heard of elected officials being indited for less than the stunt Lambi pulled. It amazes me that he is so stupid as to put his personal gain ahead of (and instead of) city business and invite an outsider to join the city in his venture. If this isn't influence peddling or abuse of authority, I'd like to know what it's called. Something needs to be done.

Wikipedia defines: "Influence peddling; the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favors or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence."

To add something else that I find extremely interesting, my state level source said that the matter has gone Federal. I'm not sure what that means yet but my mind is racing with negative possibilities for Mayor Paul Lambi.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lights, Action, Camera!

At the December 14th regular Board of Alderman meeting things happened that I can't figure, some things that were just ridiculous, and others that are difficult to explain. It was a long agenda and the room was full of spectators. Some of the things said last night were downright aggravating but I'm going to try hard not to let my disgust show through and that's going to be difficult at best.

I guess the thing that irritated me the most was Ward Two aldermanic candidate Donna Sherwood's bi-weekly photo-op. If I were her handler (there's a disgusting visual, now I just pissed myself off, sorry) and she demanded to get up before the camera at every meeting I'd advise her to just smile and keep her mouth closed, because sometimes voters actually listen to what candidates say and not just look at a pretty face and a great body. She seems to think that the "Open Forum" portion of the City meeting is for campaining—her attempts to dazzle the public with her knowledge of the city is pathetic. It amazes me that every time she runs for office (six months prior to the election), she gets up at every meeting and asks some totally useless question. Last night in her cameo performance she asked; "Will the increase in sewer rates negate the $500,000 real estate tax reduction?" Since no one in the room knew how to add or subtract oranges from apples the question was never really answered. I would advise her to study up on how things work before embarrassing herself with absurd questions. But I guess she thinks face-time is more important than what she says. I urge my readers to watch the city website videos "Open Forum" to catch her regular comedy show and keep those images in mind when you vote. (Oooops! I guess I didn't do so well in my attempt at not showing my aggravation, oh well, I'll try harder.)

The city towing contract was brought before the board for approval. This contract should have been approved almost six months ago but due to process problems it was held up. The motion and second to approve was made and opened for discussion. Alderman Nick Guccione asked; "Shouldn't we postpone the vote until we let the new Chief of Police review the contract? President of the Board, Leon Tow noted that the next regular meeting isn't until mid-January and the new chief doesn't start until just prior to the meeting. Tow stated, "The Acting Chief, Kevin Pyatt and his staff reviewed the contract and made their recommendation. They know more about the towing needs in Wentzville than the new chief would." The vote to approve was unanimous.

Most of the meeting focused on the budget and contracts. Alderman Rick Stokes was agitated about not being apprised of the sewer rate increase and made it known, "This will not happen again, someone will be fired." Stokes also made a point to the many city employees that when the city receives increases on insurance premiums, it's not fair that taxpayers carry the full burden. He told the employees that it is no reflection on them and they were all doing a very good job in the city, but he has to represent the people of Wentzville who put him in office to be a watchdog of their tax dollars.

Footnote: Over the past six  months or so, a few individuals have complained to me about being pressured into participating in Mayor Lambi's GAP 1 program. I had advised them to complain to Alderman Leon Tow about their situation because I can't do anything about it. Yesterday, I received a phone call from one of them who contacted his attorney regarding the mayor and the possibility of influence peddling. Due to recent developments in city hall regarding this matter, he may very well lodge an official complaint. He went on to say that he had heard the mayor may resign—he's going to wait until sometime in January to see if that happens. The dominoes may start falling.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

This week is a busy one for our city government, three meetings in the first three days. It started Monday with a joint meeting of the parks board and the board of aldermen for a "Parks Projects Presentation." Last evening the board of aldermen addressed issues effecting the city regarding county, state and federal laws. Tonight, they will host the regular board of aldermen meeting and several very important pieces of legislation will be voted on I'll report on this meeting tomorrow.

Monday's meeting addressed the $20 million dollar parks project. The parks board presented the scope, schedules, and progress of the planned parks to the board of aldermen. Mayor Lambi obviously didn't believe it necessary for him to attend so Acting Mayor Leon Tow directed the meeting. With the size of the expenditures regarding the parks project I was surprised to see the mayor not present.

Yesterday's meeting was very interesting and informative. Representatives from the county, state and federal level were invited by the city to attend and field questions from the aldermen. Very important people were there; County Councilman Joe Cronin, State Representative Chuck Gatschenberger; and Senator Scott Rupp's Chief of Staff Bruce Holt helped the board by answering questions of law that effect our city. Claire McCaskill was invited but unable to attend. Once again, Mayor Lambi didn't make an appearance and Acting Mayor Leon Tow directed the meeting.

I found it disturbing that Lambi didn't come to this meeting so I asked Acting Mayor Tow where he was. Tow said he expected him but didn't know his whereabouts. I understand no one in the city knew where he was including the Acting City Administrator Dennis Walsh or City Clerk Vi Skillman. He didn't notify anyone regarding his absence and I'm sure he's going to need a note from his mother when he does come back.


Breaking news yesterday in STLtoday illuminated the fact that Mayor Paul Lambi will not seek re-election (like we didn't know). He cited his job was taking him across the county and another term would be impossible. This was not a press release to any of the news services so I have to conclude that he gave them the exclusive. There is more to the story and it will be coming soon.

Regarding the candidates filing on the first day, I received the list last night from our City Clerk. I am posting the names here but scratched through the names of those candidates that The Wentzvillian believes would create a disturbance in the force. If you take our city seriously, you won't support their bid for office.

Bill "Lurch" Schuette
Nickolas "Nick" Guccione
Leon Tow

Jay Weber

Donna J. Sherwood

Michael Hays
RICK STOKES (incumbent)
Rodney E. "Rod" Stratman

In Ward 1, FORREST GOSSETT is expected to file. In Ward 2, SONYA SHRYOCK is my candidate of choice. In Ward 3,  RICK STOKES has been a bulldog when it comes to cutting the budget and pushing the half-million dollar real estate tax reduction, he is the kind of representative Wentzville needs to re-elect.

"Lurch" Schuette is serious about being Mayor but I'm sure he hasn't got the welfare of the city in mind, his record is filled with controversy. He is loud, confrontational, a bully, and has no idea of how government works. I have been hearing that he has been calling around trying to drum up some support, I wish he'd call me, (metaphorically speaking) I'd loan him a ladder, the use of a tree in my back yard, and a rope with a noose in it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

New Chief of Police Selected and a NEWS FLASH

Although the official press release has not been sent out, employees of the city got an email from Mayor Lambi notifying them that the selection process has been completed and naming the new chief. This notice comes out after three months of interviewing. The information I received is not complete but I do know a few specifics: The new chief joins an elite group of firsts, Wentzville's first woman police chief. Her name is Lisa Harrison, 40 years old, and comes to Wentzville from Boynton Beach, Florida. Ms. Harrison has roots in Missouri which answers some of the question why she would leave a beachfront city to come here. I think she will be a good addition to the Wentzville police department. There are always going to be some officers who will be unhappy about the selection, but given her scores, it is believed that most of them will learn to agree with it.

Moving on: There are some strong rumblings in city hall that our Mayor Lambi will not seek re-election. There is information finding its way to the streets that say; "Lambi is in some kind of serious trouble with the city." It is also said, "he could be involved in some sort of unethical activities which may be the reason for his lack of desire to run again." I hope it's not true because like I've said numerous times in the past, I truly believe he is a good man. But sometimes even good men can be led astray. At any rate, I'll be watching for signs that will give the answer.

Lambi has had a rough eight months or so in city hall, he has shown uncharacteristic signs of anger and intolerance of the aldermen, he would bark at the staff, and even employees. In the past two weeks that has all changed; he has even shown respect for Alderman Cheryl Kross, not only her position, but her gender. He showed indifference to bringing back the "Storm Water Utility Tax" for its third and final reading (which frankly, surprised the shit out of me) as it was one of his most sought after bits of legislation. It has gotten to where it seems like he has given up on the city and being mayor. Something is bothering him!

Something happened at the Special Meeting" of November 30th—the only thing on the agenda that evening was "Executive Session." As the mayor and alderman came out of closed session and began filing back into chambers, I noticed Lambi's face was red as a beet. They took their seats and moved to adjourn. Lambi got up immediately and went to the restroom, speaking to no one—none of the aldermen or attendees I spoke with saw him again that evening. I think something happened that evening and I think it had something to do with the subject I spoke of earlier. When the straight poop comes out, you will know what's going on as soon as I get it. Another curious fact about that meeting is that it was attended not only by our city attorney, Paul Rost, but another "special attorney" too. Something big is brewing in Wentzville!

Here's a NEWS FLASH for ya, something I just heard this afternoon from a highly reputable yet unsuspected source: Mayor Paul Lambi may resign from his office before the end of the year! Another first for Wentzville and if true, it's unfortunate that it will become his legacy in the history of our city.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Sword of Damocles

Once again, the Board of Alderman's work session was dominated by the pit bull ordinance. There were 30 or 40 dog-lovers in attendance in support of changing the breed-specific law. It was over an hour before the mayor closed that portion of the meeting to move onto "Staff Updates" and the "Worksession Topic List." I was disappointed to wait until 10:00 pm (after the "Executive Session") to find that my prediction of a press-release was dashed. I now believe that a press-release will probably be issued by the city on Friday to announce the new police chief. I missed it by three days, oh well—some times the magic works—sometimes it doesn't.

I do have good news! The "Storm Water Run-off Fee" ordinance that has been hanging over taxpayers heads like the Sword of Damocles since Lurch (Bill Schuette) hung it there will be brought back for the third, and final reading. Alderman of Ward 1, Cheryl Kross has been working on getting this ordinance put to bed, brought it up again last night. The previous time she wanted to bring it back for a vote (October 2011), Mayor Lambi stalled it for more discussion.

This bill was driven by Lambi and the Lurchettes beginning in 2006 in an effort to make homeowners "pay for the rain." Introduced by then, city administrator Andy McCown, it was picked up by Lurch who decided to put a feather in his cap by saving the city and sticking it to homeowners. If MSD (Metropolitan Sewer District) in St. Louis hadn't been cited in a class action law suit for passing a similar ordinance, he would have thrust a tax sword into Wentzville residents that could not be withdrawn. Voters need to remember that Bill Schuette (Lurch) was the one who fought so hard to impose this unusual tax on our citizens. If he actually files, and his name appears on the April ballot for mayor (or any other office), scratch through his name—it will save you a lot of heartaches later should he be elected.

Without further protest from the Mayor and supported by Aldermen Rick Stokes and Nick Guccione, Kross managed to get it put on the agenda for the first meeting in December (14th). I have been waiting for the third reading for five years and now it looks like it may really happen. It is believed this terrible legislation will be voted down and I'll be watching very closely how the aldermen vote on this issue. This could be a campaign-buster if anyone sides for it. During the discussion, city attorney Paul Rost interjected; "If you are bringing this back to vote it down, ok—if you are entertaining the idea of voting yes, we need to talk." It sounds to me like there are still problems with this absurd tax.

Our elected city officials are very important to the future of resident's finances, electing the wrong people to our government can cost you dearly. Please check the records of candidates to assess for yourselves whether or not they have your best interests at heart. There are several candidates today who say they are going to file who have a record of costing taxpayers more and offering less. Be careful who you pick!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thank A Veteran Today

There's a lot going on in Wentzville and before the end of the year I suspect there will be some very interesting twists. The rumor mill is once again drumming out messages that another member of staff may be saying farewell and the city will be announcing Wentzville's new police chief possibly as early as next week. The list of possible mayor candidates has tripled and doesn't even include the incumbent Paul Lambi.

Although the first day of filing isn't for another week, Monday was the day prospectives could pick up candidate packets. According to my source, six "could be" candidates picked up the needed forms and information for filing in the mayor's race. The following list (in alphabetic order) is of those who are known to have requested the paperwork:

Nick Guccione
Darrel Lackey
Bill "Lurch" Schuette
Leon Tow
The Wentzvillian

This list is by no means an accurate accounting of candidates, that number will be known by the last day of filing January 17, 2012. The one grave disappointment is to see Lurch crawl out from under his rock after a year long absence. It was commented to me that he hasn't served on committees or volunteered any time to organizations to better the city since he first appeared on the scene as an aldermanic plant by Vickie Boedeker six years ago. To see his name pop up as a possible mayor candidate again, is a testament to unthinking people who would support such a disgrace as having him on the ballot, it's a total waste of ink.

The Pit Bull ordinance will be discussed at this evening's "Work Session," and after a couple of house cleaning items, the board will go into "Executive Session." It's the third executive session meeting in a row,  there 's something big cooking in city hall and there could be a press release after this one. The Wentzvillian will keep you informed.

Today we remember those brave men and women who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on that December morning in 1941, 70 years ago. Our armed services have defended our way of life against tyranny of any sort—that we may carry on our right to live free. The graveyards in Wentzville contains soldiers and sailors from every war since, and including, the American Revolution, please take some time to thank a veteran today.